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iPhones on The Big Bang Theory


Well-Known Member
So this is only going to pertain to anyone like myself who watching the tv show The Big Bang Theory, but has anyone here noticed that the four main characters...4 physicists who are all computer nerds and extremely tech savvy...use iPhones?
If so, does anyone think that is ridiculous?
Just thought I'd post.
I like apple products, but yes they use a lot fo apple references. They also refer to steve jobs as a genius in a few instances and show they worship him in a sense. It kinda bothered me because I like my shows without a touch of fanboy.
You'd just think for engineer tech types who are geniuses of that magnitude that they would frown upon iphones as being for "lesser" people. I could see all the guys using android and penny using an iphone.
Sadly. Its up to the writers, maybe even the marketing team.

LOL, it's paid product placement. Apple shells out a boatload of cash to get products in the hands of celebrities. The writers must work it in. Every brand name consumer product in every television show or movie is paying to be there, not like the old days where they'd fake a generic product for a prop.

Sheldon has made many references to Windows and Bill Gates, all designed to promote product and totally unnecessary to the plot.
Exactly. And this is far from the only show that does anything like this. On 30 Rock, I think everyone there uses an iPhone, and on the vast majority of shows, when you see an computer, it's an Apple. Apple pays for that, I'm sure, but it really is smart, makes it looks like eveyone uses their products.
Apple have the best marketing in the world.
Please notice that I did not say best Product!!!!!

I believe that Sheldon's laptop is the dell xps laptop line... Penny's looked like an older Inspiron (08-ish?)

If fact, I don't know if I've seen a mac on the show yet (just started watching it the last month or so).

But I agree, I find it distracting from the show, I'm always thinking, why would these really smart people use such 'trendy' phones.
Though, I also thought it was odd that Sheldon once claimed that Ubuntu was his favorite linux distro (I'd have pegged him more towards arch, centos or debian... maybe even fedora... something more 'hardcore' ;) )
I think Sheldon was using an iPad 2 in the most recent episode, but it was hidden well. I think if they're trying to do product placement, it's a really good way of doing it; nice and subtle. They are not as subtle however when it comes to branding.
In nearly every movie or every tv show they're using iPhones or an unbranded phone. Never an Android. Its a bit stupid when Android is on 53% of the worlds smartphones.
Does anyone know a TV show or movie where their using android?
In nearly every movie or every tv show they're using iPhones or an unbranded phone. Never an Android. Its a bit stupid when Android is on 53% of the worlds smartphones.
Does anyone know a TV show or movie where their using android?

leverage has android .hardison uses a win 7 tablet on briefing andd predominantly uses android on his wifi "hacking" sessions . he can jailbreak an iphone too . ;)
LOL, it's paid product placement. Apple shells out a boatload of cash to get products in the hands of celebrities. The writers must work it in. Every brand name consumer product in every television show or movie is paying to be there, not like the old days where they'd fake a generic product for a prop.

Sheldon has made many references to Windows and Bill Gates, all designed to promote product and totally unnecessary to the plot.
As well did Leonard, in a way, when he told Penny the time Sheldon went up to Gates and told him something about if he wasnt worrying about things in Africa that he could have made Vista better and Gates punched him. Leonard said something along the lines of that was the first time he was Bill Gates' side for something Gates did(?).

Ill look it up later to post the actual saying.
i also noticed that many disney channel show show all characters using iPhone.
I think it is a great marketing strategy, and fiction is fiction, business is business so I will let it slide :)
In nearly every movie or every tv show they're using iPhones or an unbranded phone. Never an Android. Its a bit stupid when Android is on 53% of the worlds smartphones.
Does anyone know a TV show or movie where their using android?

They alll use androids on X Factor, but that is because they are promoting Verizon and the X Factor app. But I noticed that about Big Band Theory too! Kinda ruins an awesome show for me, shoving it in my face over and over again that the writers sold themselves to The Apple.
Sheldon does have the Android robot on his desk and uses an Alienware laptop. Penny did have an Inspiron laptop and Leonard made a point of asking Sheldon one time if he "wanted to go down to the Apple store and make fun of the people working the genius bar"!

The show is iPhone centric, but definitely not Apple centric. And another point to notice is that when an Apple logo MAY be prevalent, they have one of those bullet hole stickers covering half the logo which tells me that they are not even allowed to show the "brand".

Anyone looking for phone diversity should check out Hawaii Five-O, all the main characters have different manufacturers and OS's...there is definitely one iPhone, but there are also Windows phones and Android phones. Even the tablets seem to change from week to week as I have seen Moto's, Apple's and Samsungs.
shoving it in my face over and over again that the writers sold themselves to The Apple.

More like the marketing department and producers sold themselves out to Apple and forced the writers into it. Which might be why they wanted to go make fun of the people at the Genius bar. Anyways, the reasone for these shows is to make money, and if they can make money by having a certain phone in it, then I can't blame them. Anyone who thinks that TV sitcoms have anything to do with reality need to think again!
Kind of like how Smallville (and other WB programs) used gratuitous windows logo's on all their computers, and show gratuitous panshots at WP7 phones (Used to be windows mobile 6.1)
Want more evidence Sheldon isn't a genius or a nerd? He has been seen in many episodes using Internet Explorer. No genius or nerd would ever use IE.

Exactly my point to this thread...for someone as tech savvy and off-the-charts genius as Sheldon (and the rest of the male cast basically), there's no way they'd be using an iPhone and IE. They'd be using an android phone and either firefox or chrome.

But yes, I'm quite sure Apple paid a good deal to make sure their products were placed, as is the case with every single Hollywood movie...it's RARE that you see someone in a movie using something other than Apple.
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