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Root Issues after Droid Overclock update?


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2010
Orlando, Fl
It seems that after the latest update for Droid Overclock, my DX is not holding the Apply at Boot setting for my overclock. Is anyone having this issue?

It also seems to be broken on my Xoom as well. Always force closes.

Haven't seen anything on JRummy's Twitter account either. Starting to wonder if he is using a new twitter account.
the only issue is it won't stay when you reboot?....how often do you need to reboot?...doesn't seem like much of an issue...have you tried uninstalling the app and then reinstalling??...clear data from the app maybe??

It is more of an annoyence than anything else right now but I wanted to see if anyone else was having this issue.

My Nook Color is OC'd from 800 to 1100. :D

I saw a new kernel that allows 1200. Can't wait for that. :D

Yeah I have a new kernel on my Xoom that provides SD Card support and OC'ed to 1.5 ghz.
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