Dr. Feelgood
You are basing this off of what facts?
Largest install base. VZW.
More new customers. VZW
More customers gained than customers lost. VZW
Unless you know how to cheat the system and jail break phones, you aren't going to get a phone you want on T Mobile prepaid.
Most people use far more than 100 minutes a month.
Nexus 4 is one of the hottest phones out there. People waited months to get their hands on it.... Actually you can slap a T-Mobile sim in just about any unlocked phone. That's the whole point of unlocked phones, take your phone with you to each carrier. Why be chained down to one? Locking you in is bad for the consumer and good for vzw.
Like I mentioned above, there are numerous ways around the 100 minutes. Frankly I could deal with 100 mins very easily without those methods.
50 bucks a month savings over VZW $80/month that was quoted before. And its unlimited data.
The landscape is changing. I'm not sure why you're defending Verizon with such vigor.
Not to mention the company that has the $14/month plan...