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lagging/freezing on T-bolt


Android Enthusiast
Anyone else having this issue? It has been happening a few times a day on my phone. It gets to where I can't even swipe over to different home screens and the only fix is a reboot. What could be causing this?
Anyone else having this issue? It has been happening a few times a day on my phone. It gets to where I can't even swipe over to different home screens and the only fix is a reboot. What could be causing this?

Lots of things could be causing that. I would think back to when it first started and figure out if there is a new app that you started using around the same time. I would start there cause a app not playing nicely is the most likely reason.
The same thing is happening to me. Ever since the OTA my battery life has been absolute crap, and my TB has been really laggy
The same thing is happening to me. Ever since the OTA my battery life has been absolute crap, and my TB has been really laggy

It never really did it until the update... I went back and deleted all my newer apps and widgets, guess we'll see.
Lots of people are complaining about random reboots after the update. I'm rooted and only accept updates from Devs...so I can't confirm this issue.
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