amarie82 Android Expert Aug 15, 2014 #49,031 Time to party the real winner is here! Attachments 1408128521129.jpg 18.7 KB · Views: 59
NowVoyager Android Enthusiast Aug 16, 2014 #49,033 Hail, hail the gang's all here! Here to celebrate my win!!!
psionandy Extreme Android User Aug 16, 2014 #49,035 Good morning, good morning We've danced the whole night through Good morning, good morning to you
NowVoyager Android Enthusiast Aug 16, 2014 #49,036 We're all in our places with sunshine-y faces! Win is in the air
no one Android Expert Aug 16, 2014 #49,037 Sorry Voyager, your transmission has been interrupted by my last.
NowVoyager Android Enthusiast Aug 16, 2014 #49,038 Well, since no one has replied, I am the winner absolute!
no one Android Expert Aug 17, 2014 #49,043 Susana Hoffs says Sunday is her fun day, and that I am the lastiest laster she has ever seen lasting.
Susana Hoffs says Sunday is her fun day, and that I am the lastiest laster she has ever seen lasting.
NowVoyager Android Enthusiast Aug 17, 2014 #49,044 Nah, but you're in the fun lane so it doesn't matter!
no one Android Expert Aug 17, 2014 #49,045 Fun lane? No, no, no, this is the fast lane to the last lane. This lane is single occupancy only.
psionandy Extreme Android User Aug 17, 2014 #49,046 Feel free to stay and watch in the lane... whilst I stand on the podium
no one Android Expert Aug 17, 2014 #49,047 Hate to burst your bubble, but that "podium" is really just a step stool so you can get a better view of me lasting.
Hate to burst your bubble, but that "podium" is really just a step stool so you can get a better view of me lasting.
NowVoyager Android Enthusiast Aug 17, 2014 #49,048 Well, the win is over for you now. It's been fun, huh?