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Lets us peek at your Screens!

Figured for my first post I would share the screen you guys helped me create. Enjoy!


Where did you get the awesome looking android for your app launcher? I need that icon! :)
slidescreen pro

new rom so starting out fresh

yes sometimes i do actually out stuff on my screens lol


(thanks to yourgod for the dock)
Here's what i'm currently running. Thanks to some of you for sharing your wallpaper/icons. Finally put together that I'll use for quite some time. :)


What power control is that? also, love the wallpaper, where'd ya get it?

The power widget is SwitcherPro. Customizable size, background, key options and highlight color. A must have, and the only one I know of with working 4g toggle if you're not on sense.

The background is from "Backgrounds" app in market. They have lots of good stuff.
I made those in photoshop, but you can use pretty much any image editor. I don't think I have a template for those, but it should be pretty straight forward, just use Comfortaa in all Caps.

hey, i dl'ed your text icons for launcher pro, but only 1 of them sticks. Once i move away from the home screen or change to landscape view, they all reset back to the original icons.

Any ideas?
It's been awhile since I posted a layout and thought I'd share my new one. Had to go the long way through SDK.

What I'm using:
LauncherPro Plus
Beautiful Widgets
Folder Organizer
Lockbot Pro
Background: Squared by Gidspor
Dock Background: Dock w/shadow
Icon Set: Set 2 by bharathp666
Postal Service Image: Image by Nitin Garg
Posted As: Lock Screen, Main Screen, Far Left, Left, Right, Far Right



How did you go about setting up the postal service image? I can't seem to get it to look exactly like yours


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