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Lets us peek at your Screens!

This is the scene I made today.
All 7 screens:

Screens layed out.

I also have a "Show off" scene (aka battery killer), for people who come up and want to check out the Evo features/widgets, etc. Ill post it tomorrow.
after flashing to fresh v.5.3


micro numeric clock from the market
htc weather #3
advanced task manager widget from the market
actually its a sms widget called, "messaging widget".

and for those who cant get bettercut to work, theres another option. Download the free folder organizer and follow these steps
PPCGeeks - View Single Post - iPhone Icons

only downside is that they are actually widgets so you cant use them in a dock. But it might be a little easier than the bettercut workaround anyway
I think this option is better than the bettercut option. Allows you to reuse the shortcut without having to recreate it every time.
anwyay i use dirty paper but my weather icons arent drawn like yours? i also use smaller homes though wonder if that is it.

Hmm..honestly I dunno. I didn't do anything special to get it like that, I mean I didn't change anything in the settings or anything like that. I'm going through my settings changing stuff and I can't figure out to have the weather icons look any other way.

There are clock skins and weather skins. You have both Dirty Paper skins loaded. To DL and apply more weather skins tap the weather icon pack button.

How is this done? How is it you only have icons at the bottom like this? I've tried better cut and understand how to change the icon's but I don't understand how you can remove the HTC bar at the bottom of you screen. Please help me re-create your desktop... please!
Thanks again for everyone's help, one last thing.... how do I install the icon's I download to my pc?
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