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Lets us peek at your Screens!

Just wanted to again say thanks to all the android pros for helping out us noobs. Everytime I think I've got my evo setup perfect, I see a new tip to try and it's back down the rabbit hole.
I second Quizshow. Man I spent many hours last night and today reading this ENTIRE thread! I have learned a ton and have made some great changes. Not completely dialed in yet but getting there.
^^Just use folder organizer lite.

edit your app icons from the main program(you can download icon packs from the market or put any png files of icons you like on your sd card and select them from the program). Then go to homescreen, add>shortcut>folder organizer item>app, select your app and viola

I made them from some template i found online, wasnt tabd tho, i remember those too.

I flashed that theme from xda evo themes forums. I was just so tired of the black status bar

To be honest with you I don't think anyone but Newone757 knows where those icons are.

For the white status bar..He might've flashed over a theme from xda forums...I have a white status bar as well but mine is from a whole custom Rom..if you're rooted you can give the EVOlution X Rom a shot.

(Rom) EVOlutionV9 and EVOlutionX -updated - xda-developers
not trying to be rude, but read through the thread. You will find out how, and im sure you will find some other stuff too :D

so i sat here and read through this entire thread today, im a complete noob tho, one of those noobs from iphone to my amazing evo. and even though i found plenty of awesome stuff and download some great icons and everything, i am still kind of unsure on what to do with everything.

Do you need to have a root phone for this to work?

That's a good question bro, I don't think it'll work if you're on a stock rom but maybe someone can come in and verify it for you. Sorry bro.

hyabusha, if you look up above our posts in this forum you will see someone talking about it not needing root, my bad, I should've looked up too before I posted....Sorry.
Thanks, found that yesterday. Just installed it after looking at it again. I thought it needed root. How do I get album art to display?

To get album art to display you simply get the album cover you want then.

1. save it as a png file. 2. go to your music folder in your evo to the song. 3. copy the png file with the song and rename the .png file to "front.png" and Bam, your album art should show.
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music mod worked great on my stock EVO.

The EVO is my first Android phone, before that I was all up in winmo. How do you install music mod. Is it like installing cab files? I clicked on the link and it gave me two options. I tried the ADB route and extracted the files to my computer then I copied it to my phone but I got nothing.:(

Never mind I figured it out. Thanks anyways.

300th post
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I like to switch up my wallpapers a lot, but right now I'm rocking this Florida Gators theme. I personally created the Lock Screen graphic and the wallpaper. Screen shots are in order from my far left to far right, after lockscreen.

Launchers/Widgets of note:
-Beautiful Widgets
-Smooth Calendar
-LockBot Pro








Are you talking about the one by Konikub? [MOD] White Taskbar/Rosie Launcher Modification - xda-developers

If so, how did you clean it up so nice? This one is all cluttered up and looks a bit sloppy.

no i used this one
AOSP Theme for EVO Flashable Zip *UPDATED* - xda-developers

Why won't anyone say where these icons are from? Other people just keep additional screenshots. Kind of annoying...

well because i made them. When they are ready Ill post. Hopefully later tonight (which will be early in the morning tomorrow for most of you)
After the past two days of tinkering I'm finally done. I'll change the icons more as I go, but finally found my *perfect* home screens.

Apps Used:
Launcher Pro
Apps Organizer
Audio Manager
Mini Info
Music Mod V1.6
Custom Icons

Home Screen

Media Screen

Settings Screen

Lock Screen

Thanks AndroidForums, got the inspiration for this from here. :D
where did you get that lock screen?
THe lockbar you can get from DLing Lockbot pro or lock 2.0 in the market. Just search for lock screen in the market and some should pop up.

@keyhole thank you.

@skatebard thanks but i already went with folder lite.

So I basically spent all day messing with my phone figuring out what I can do and how to mod it. I can post a step by step of how to customize your home screens but i cnt get anything to get a screenshot of my screens.

No its not rooted so screen grabber wont work..... thanks
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