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Lets us peek at your Screens!

Thanks, heres a link to that dock

If you need one without the shadows lemme know, I want to make my own theme, but I don't know where to start

thanks. yeah me too,Ive been invited to port minimal matte over to Evo right now, with the help of the original artist and his resources Im going to learn

Soon ill be pumping out themes of my own
^^i like the side dock conecpt. Want the launcher apps to implement docks on the side. Was switching between landscape and launcher pro bugged out and stuck the dock on the side in portrait mode, looked great, wanted to take a shot but it force closed on me

Really didnt think I would change it tonight but got inspired.

goin to bed

^^i like the side dock conecpt. Want the launcher apps to implement docks on the side. Was switching between landscape and launcher pro bugged out and stuck the dock on the side in portrait mode, looked great, wanted to take a shot but it force closed on me

Really didnt think I would change it tonight but got inspired.

goin to bed

Thanks. Yea I've been waiting/hoping for launcherpro to implement a side dock and a transparent app window. I'm also eager to check out app inventor, I can only stand the same widgets for so long heh.
I'm liking all these themes everyone is doing :) i would like to do add some to my evo but i don't want to root at this time till i'm more use to it, can anyone suggest some free apps to get me started? Basicaly would like to use a custom dock ( if possible ) icons,wallpapers, maybe different widgets..

thanks hope someone can give lil info,

You don't need to root to change the dock and icons. Launcherpro is the app that will let you use a custom dock (but you lose any Sense related widgets). FolderOrganizer Lite will allow you to change icons...instructions for using it are in the first post if I remember correctly. Wallpapers can be changed without rooting. Just find one you like, load it onto your SD card and then switch the wallpaper like normal.
It's been awhile since I posted a layout and thought I'd share my new one. Had to go the long way through SDK.

What I'm using:
LauncherPro Plus
Beautiful Widgets
Folder Organizer
Lockbot Pro
Background: Squared by Gidspor
Dock Background: Dock w/shadow
Icon Set: Set 2 by bharathp666
Postal Service Image: Image by Nitin Garg
Posted As: Lock Screen, Main Screen, Far Left, Left, Right, Far Right

Love your organization on this. And the organized way in which you posted the screenshots with links and what apps you are using!
You don't need to root to change the dock and icons. Launcherpro is the app that will let you use a custom dock (but you lose any Sense related widgets). FolderOrganizer Lite will allow you to change icons...instructions for using it are in the first post if I remember correctly. Wallpapers can be changed without rooting. Just find one you like, load it onto your SD card and then switch the wallpaper like normal.
Thanks for reply, ok once those are downloaded how do i go about downloading new icons,docks and wallpapers? do i open up my browser on cell and download or download to pc plug in cell and unzip ( if there zip files ) and add them to folders?
Thanks for reply, ok once those are downloaded how do i go about downloading new icons,docks and wallpapers? do i open up my browser on cell and download or download to pc plug in cell and unzip ( if there zip files ) and add them to folders?

Thanks for reply, ok once those are downloaded how do i go about downloading new icons,docks and wallpapers? do i open up my browser on cell and download or download to pc plug in cell and unzip ( if there zip files ) and add them to folders?

As stated above, either will work. I usually download to my PC first so that I can edit (crop, color correct, etc) before I put them on the phone. I also create separate folders on my EVO for icons, docks and wallpapers. You don't have to but it helps keeps things organized for me.
it's been quite a while since i posted some screens. i went from liking HTC Sense to despising it and loving LauncherPro, and finally rooting.

from first to last:
-Lockscreen: black bar lock from xda (root required), removed "Sprint" using CDMA workshop 2.7 (root not required)
-Google search and power widget
-Jorte calendar widget
-SilentMode onoff widget, LED Light, direct dials, misc apps, recovery/reboot/root explorer (require root)
-Digital Clock widget, battstatt
-music widget, pandora, sprint tv etc etc
-Touiteur premium twitter widget
-pics of my dogs, misc apps

i'm running LauncherPro over my own modified Damage Control ROM with netarchy toastmod kernel 3.7.3c. i ripped the battery image on taskbar out of the Baked Snacks ROM (though it can be found in others), i have a customized splash screen (instead of white screen with htc EVO 4G in black, colors are reversed), and custom boot animation (droidx boot animation and "DROID" sound :p). i'll mod much more as time goes on because i get bored and just like messing around heh








I have to say your designs and skillz are sick as hell. Props and keep up the good work love to see what you put out in the future!!! hit me back if i could get this wall paper

I have to say your designs and skillz are sick as hell. Props and keep up the good work love to see what you put out in the future!!! hit me back if i could get this wall paper

Thanks :D

Download Wallpaper

The dock is actually on the wallpaper. For my desktop I used the "disable wallpaper scrolling" option in LauncherPro, and set it to use only one homescreen. The wallpaper was designed with this in mind, hence the black ribbons down the sides (if you can't scroll you never see them). I can upload the original if anyone is interested.
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