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.::LG Esteem Lounge::.

I just found out this phone is better then Evo 4g except for the camera

Oh NO my god sir...

Even though I love the Esteem, and the specs are almost the same, it can not come even close to the elegance of the EVO...

It wasn't just about being thinner at all... the shape and curves of the EVO made her SO MUCH SEXIER and stronger... as well as the visual quality of the screen that made her look SO MUCH smoother and prettier even with her stock Sense launcher and sexy widgets/animations...

You could almost lick that thing...
Doesnt the Evo 4g screen only display 65,000 colors (16 bit) and the Esteems over 260,000 colors (18bit)?
i dont feel i can participate in this particular thread because to be "off" one would have to be "on" and i have never actually been "on" so it would stand to reason that i cant be off

and further more to i still....look squirrel

Tomatoes are not vegetables they are fruit! How stupid is Congress!

Pizza is not a vegetable and neither are french fries.

Tomato= fruit
Potato = starch

If this stupid bill passes it better get vetoed
Seem's things are mellowing out on the LG Esteem forums.

I think everyone is waiting for a CM& ROM and the ICS ROM

Anybody have any word or status update on the progression of either ROM?

Curious to know if this is still being considered or given up on lol
There is now way to post a new thread through the phandroid app so can someone do me a favor and make one on how gbs of data they use a month mine is 24 gbs so far bills almost due
This thread was created for all off topic stuff, feel free to post as you like but please don't spam the thread please. But feel freely to talk about anything you like, Happy Posting!!! :) I'm hooked on this game btw...

Left 4 Dead 2

Set in the zombie apocalypse, Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) is the highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning Left 4 Dead, the #1 co-operative game of 2008.This co-operative action horror FPS takes you and your friends through the cities, swamps and cemeteries of the Deep South, from Savannah to New Orleans across five expansive campaigns.You'll play as one of four survivors armed with a wide and devastating array of classic and upgraded weapons. In addition to firearms, you'll also get a chance to take out some aggression on infected with a variety of carnage-creating melee weapons, from chainsaws to axes and even the deadly frying pan.You'll be putting these weapons to the test against (or playing as in Versus) three horrific and formidable Special Infected. You'll also encounter five "uncommon" common infected, including the terrifying Mudmen.Helping to take L4D's frantic, action-packed gameplay to the next level is AI Director 2.0. This improved Director has the ability to procedurally change the weather you'll fight through and the pathways you'll take, in addition to tailoring the enemy population, effects, and sounds to match your performance. L4D2 promises a satisfying and uniquely challenging experience every time the game is played, custom-fitted to your style of play.

Left 4 Dead 2 (HD) Review and Gameplay!!! L4D2 - YouTube
playing as infected is the best! paid $20.00 extra to get 2 additional maps which are by far COOL! but the one game i'm hooked on now is MW3, i know i will here ShinySide with B3. LOL. but L4D2 is the best Zombie Game ever... my question is which is your favorite character in the game?
playing as infected is the best! paid $20.00 extra to get 2 additional maps which are by far COOL! but the one game i'm hooked on now is MW3, i know i will here ShinySide with B3. LOL. but L4D2 is the best Zombie Game ever... my question is which is your favorite character in the game?

all of them, i switch alot but coach and ellis is my best pick, Every lady crazy when her daddy's not around...Got to reach for the top, stay on a mountain...na na naaa naaa na na na naaa, lmao
This may or may not pertain to our particular device in one form or another but, it has been brought to light that certain carrier/manufacturers are doing a lot more data collecting than anyone would care to believe. Here is an article from XDA about a dev who found some things that they didn't want him to find and are now trying to shut him up.
This link is to the most recent article and you can find the original article linked therein.

Carrier-IQ Tries to Sue TrevE

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"
This may or may not pertain to our particular device in one form or another but, it has been brought to light that certain carrier/manufacturers are doing a lot more data collecting than anyone would care to believe. Here is an article from XDA about a dev who found some things that they didn't want him to find and are now trying to shut him up.
This link is to the most recent article and you can find the original article linked therein.

Carrier-IQ Tries to Sue TrevE

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

true to much data at that at any given time, and thos that are limited with 1gb are out of luck after the first 2 weeks depending on if they are also streaming and using the market.
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