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.::LG Esteem Lounge::.

Got this text from Metro this morning "Black Friday Blowout! Visit a MetroPCS store 11/24 through 11/30 for savings of $30-$100 w/INSTANT discounts on the Samsung Indulge, Admire and Freeform III" Funny thing is all these phones have had $30-$100 discounts for more then a month and a half.... Ahahaha
Got this text from Metro this morning "Black Friday Blowout! Visit a MetroPCS store 11/24 through 11/30 for savings of $30-$100 w/INSTANT discounts on the Samsung Indulge, Admire and Freeform III" Funny thing is all these phones have had $30-$100 discounts for more then a month and a half.... Ahahaha

got that the other day as well, man there are going to be alot of mad people's, lots was posting that LG Esteem will be on sale which i knew was a lie, lmao. All samsung phones are the ones that are on sale.
got that the other day as well, man there are going to be alot of mad people's, lots was posting that LG Esteem will be on sale which i knew was a lie, lmao. All samsung phones are the ones that are on sale.

They are making too much money on the esteem. Technically it is already on sale. 250$ is a good price for it. I thought it was going to be 400
I saw a video on the galaxy Nexus and transformer prime and I almost had an orgasm. Those devices are amazing!! I won't get the nexus since I like my cheap bill but I have to figure out a way to talk the fiancée into letting me get the transformer prime! I know her response already though. She will be like but you already have a tablet! Ill respond but I don't have that tablet! In the end I won't be able to buy it and ill have to cry myself to sleep.

Transformer Prime video
Yeah its a Sense rom Im guessing it a mother board from a phone some how rigged to a all in one touch screen comp monitor with a battery pack. Unless the dude went all out and completely built it from scratch.
imagining the guy using his palm to play Angry Birds. LOL. or traveling out of town, & in the airport having that sucker go through the xray machine, to funny to think about it.
Ok..Imagine this.
Your in an important business meeting and you need to sneak a text to your wife under the table.

Might just be a little obvious. lol
This may or may not pertain to our particular device in one form or another but, it has been brought to light that certain carrier/manufacturers are doing a lot more data collecting than anyone would care to believe. Here is an article from XDA about a dev who found some things that they didn't want him to find and are now trying to shut him up.
This link is to the most recent article and you can find the original article linked therein.

Carrier-IQ Tries to Sue TrevE

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Carrier- IQ dropped the law suit and wrote an apology letter. I would turn around and sue them ahaha

imagining the guy using his palm to play Angry Birds. LOL. or traveling out of town, & in the airport having that sucker go through the xray machine, to funny to think about it.

Ok..Imagine this.
Your in an important business meeting and you need to sneak a text to your wife under the table.

Might just be a little obvious. lol

I keep seeing the Verizon guy in my head walking around with it going "Can you hear me now? How about now? Can you hear me now?" Ahahaha
Carrier- IQ dropped the law suit and wrote an apology letter. I would turn around and sue them ahaha


Good reading.

That might be one of the reasons some peoples batteries are not lasting as long as others. Tapping into our phones as servers to see our location and browser habits can be a battery drain.

Look like XDA has a logging checker posted from the developer TrevE.
Has someone tried this yet for the Esteem to check for this nasty little spider Carrier-IQ?

xda-developers - View Single Post - [DEV|APPv7] CIQ / HTC & Google Checkin / HTC loggers / Tell HTC Info & Removal
You know any specs on the 67 dollar one? Make or model or any of that? Can't really tell anything from that ad... That Dell Streak looks nice btw.. I'm jealous.. :D

Actually after searching the site a little more I'm 99% sure its this one:

or the coby one, http://www.frys.com/product/6660114?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG , which sucks but for a budget tablet for anyone it's a good deal, but the one from best buy is a steal...:D

found a video for the maylong,


also on the dell you can insert your sim card from the LG to make calls from what i had research.
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