again with the comparison of believers to ignorant children? I GET IT, YOU'RE SMARTER THAN ME. I HAVE THE INTELLIGENCE OF AN 8 YEAR OLD, AND YOU ARE FAR ABOVE THAT TYPE OF THINKING.
I never said all believers were 8 year olds. I said that someone who uses Pascal's Wager as the sole reason for having faith has the cognition of an eight year old. I'm not sure why you're getting defensive here.
Here, I'll help:
Like, Pascal's wager made sense to me when I was 8 or so, but eventually I realized that if that's your reason for "believing", you're insulting the concept of Christianity way more than any atheist ever could.
See the bold word? It's kind of important. I recommend reading it again but this time actually let the notion sink in instead of skimming the words and immediately going "RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE STOP CALLING ME TEH STUPID".
However, if you're assuming that Pascal's wager is the sole reason for my being a believer, you are very much incorrect. I was simply bringing it up as one of my personal reasons that the existence of God makes more sense than being an Athiest.
Good for you, now please point to where I made any assertion that Pascal's wager was the sole reason for you believing in god. Regardless, a "wager" on an afterlife is no reason for having faith, even if it's not the only reason. Like, if you were a true Christian, gambling on the chances of God vs. "no afterlife" is weak at best, and an insult to Christ at worst. Think about that.
Christ: Do you believe and accept me as your savior?
You: Wellllll yeah....but maybe also I want to hedge my bets a little. It's one of my personal reasons to argue for the existence of God.
Christ: Seriously dude? Me dying for your sins wasn't enough? Bringing you the good news wasn't enough? You need to hedge your bets on TOP of that? What a jerk.
As childish as that sounds to such a developed mind as yours, it makes sense to me.
Persecution complex, look it up...seriously.
I became a believer because I realized that, no matter how 'good' of a person I try to be, I am ultimately a flawed, imperfect person, and I realized that what God did through Jesus' sacrifice, just so I could spend eternity with him, is more proof than any that He loves me, and that I should love Him as well. Call me childish, stupid, insane, whatever.
That's wonderful, I'm not sure why you're telling me this since you've already claimed that your faith has more to do with God than with Pascal (and therefore my post had nothing to do with you! lol)
I'd still bet I've lived a much happier, fulfilling live than any Athiest.
And I still love science, no matter how many Athiests label me as 'unscientific.'
OK? When have I said that religion and science are incompatible?
Seriously dude, relax.
Here's a quote that illustrates the kind of thinking I'm specifically addressing in my post:
Here's one of my favorite quotes " Although the odds are on your side, if I am right and there is a god out there afterall, I still get to say 'Ha, I was right all along bitches!', but If you are right, you still get no final say, because you'd be dead, and forgotten. I prefer to be the one getting the last word than no word at all." - WAdude
Like, did you miss that on your first read-through? That's the
definition of Pascal's wager. And if that's even
part of the reason for one's faith, I'd argue that that particular individual either A) isn't really all that faithful after all, or B) has a lot to learn when it comes to their faith.