Can you really measure feelings? Like spiritual feelings? Just because we cant understand whats outside the Universe, doesnt mean whats outside the Universe can understand us. We use mathematics to measure and calculate things in our Universe, we use numbers to substitue for forces that we cannot see, and make it into equations. Thats how we can predict things, because our Universe follows these mathematical laws. Thats the key to our Universe. Now other Universes (or God), can use another system of laws to follow, laws that we cannot understand. But they might know the laws our Universes follow. So who knows, there might be a God out there that we dont know about. You should read the bible, then you would know not to take the whole Adam and the apple thing to litteral, what if before eating the apple, we had the laws to connect with things outside of our Universe, but somehow, Adam broke Gods rules, and ate the apple. Thus we lost the laws to understand things outside of our Universe. The bible is full of metaphors, you atheists take it literally and interpret it as it is. Thats yalls problem.