Something tells me that even if the crisis in that part of the world is stabilized relatively quick, we're not going to see gas prices go below $3.00 again. I remember a few years ago the experts claimed it wasn't the actual supply of oil that was driving the prices up, but the fact that we had too few refineries and of the refineries we had, those were outdated. I sure wish there was a viable alternative. I'm sick of big oil in my pocket.
By big oil I assume you mean the folks over there in the sand that dictate our energy futures?
If we would simply drill in this country, the known reserves will supply our needs for a very ling time. Add the potential of tar sands and oil shale; the incredible amount on natural gas and coal, and there is no need to be dependent on oil from across the seas.
Once we become oil rich, we can go over there and finish George Bush's job.
I read where it takes about a decade to build a large refinery as well as a huge pile of money. Until there is a reason to invest, The middle eastern Shieks and oil ministers will tell us how it will be.
So we decide to drill and drill big. Then the price of foreign oil drops and people decide it is not worth the investment in oil infrastructure. Or because drilling for oil damages the rare spotted three toed tree bluebird, it is not worth it.
But, we are America and we certainly have the technical smarts to develop rapid refining techniques and perhaps it is time we grab a clue and put the poor and unemployed to work drilling for crude. If not, they are sent to the Soylent Green factories.
Add the safety of nuclear power, geothermal, and re-drilling closed wells and we are in great shape. Then again, we are totally screwed as long as the root eating, tree hugging, refer smoking, recycle your body fat, crazy about the planet, green from brainless head to dirty bare foot, crazy ass wacko environmentalists, and we will all die.
I predict we will all die on October 23, 2014, at 4:30 PM.
We are caught between overseas suppliers that hate us and asinine wacko environmentalists that are big fat liars and uneducated. They tell us what's what, so get use to it. Suck on it, America.