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Link - "I'm boycotting Apple"

Please, those comments are nothing compared to the crap on Engadget. Those people will literally spend 2 pages worth of comments determining whether to use "they're" or "their".

Article was good though.
Please, those comments are nothing compared to the crap on Engadget. Those people will literally spend 2 pages worth of comments determining whether to use "they're" or "their".

Article was good though.

Engadget comments can be fun, well, once in a while. :p

I've never read Betanews before, but it sounds like they've pissed off a couple of their readers.
I boycotted Engadget ever since they screwed up the camera comparison to make the N8 pictures look utterly horrible. I never trusted them after that.
Quite a different view.
I'm boycotting Apple

Compete and utter horse crap. Not because of the content, but because someone felt the need to justify their life choice about something on the internet. You want to boycott Apple? Good for you. Do you really need comments from internet ninja's to make you feel better about that choice?

And by the way, articles like this are hypocritical, and it doesn't help when it is written by a Google propogandist like Joe Wilcox (there is no objectivity. This guy would have sold his Apple stuff regardless.) Apple isn't the first cmpany to do this sort of thing. I wonder if this guy bothers to boycott other companies that go against his ideals? Or just Apple, well, because its Apple. I think it is the later.
What's wrong with justifying a life choice on the internet? Its the new fangled medium of communication. Surely people can feel free to justify whatever they want on the internet? You're justifying your belief as to why he is a hypocrite on the internet. Why do you feel the need?!

We are all hypocrites and we all justify our beliefs on the internet, including you.
I'm boycotting apple too. :D

My favorite comment was the one that said the government should outlaw all electronics except apple ones, so they have a monopoly. That way they can charge whatever they want, but have premium components. :ROFL: guess what dude, they already do that. You give them a monopoly, and watch the quality drop like a rock.
I'm boycotting apple too. :D

My favorite comment was the one that said the government should outlaw all electronics except apple ones, so they have a monopoly. That way they can charge whatever they want, but have premium components. :ROFL: guess what dude, they already do that. You give them a monopoly, and watch the quality drop like a rock.

Half way through that comment I was like "Oh thats definitely sarcasm" untul they said something like "It will be more expensive but so much better"... Then I was like "Ok you're serious".

I realise I just became an honourary (or should I say honorary) female American teen with my above dialogue ;)
Maybe I'm just being cynical ... but with essays like that it's not really so much about justifying one's beliefs on the Internet. It's about thinking of a provocative headline that will generate lots and lots of page (and ad) views. And this guy succeeded!
I'm not boycotting Apple per se - but the usual comments are about sheeple. So this was a different type of opinion. The bits about Apple copying stuff and trademarking it are probably true. Apple started with the Open Source stuff, then deviated by not sharing and copyrighting. If the code originated in Open Source and someone else used it before Apple, then those patent suits should be trashed. Different OS, but Palm used some of the stuff that Apple is copyrighting. So Apple's claim of any originality in design idea is crazy. Apple's code is their own, but the idea wasn't.
Android - particularly Samsung are probably just as guilty.

What bothers me about Apple is the one system fits all. I had it with MS for the same reason. I simply don't like that marketing concept.

I use an Android phone and tablet, an XP laptop, and a Ubuntu desktop. It can get confusing, but things do work and work well. It's what I want, not what someone says I have to have.
What's wrong with justifying a life choice on the internet? Its the new fangled medium of communication. Surely people can feel free to justify whatever they want on the internet? You're justifying your belief as to why he is a hypocrite on the internet. Why do you feel the need?!

We are all hypocrites and we all justify our beliefs on the internet, including you.

Not possible. I believe and care for nothing. Which is why I believe I don't care to post personal things that I do all over the internet.
Everyone has and is entitled to their own opinion. Whether you like or disagree is your opinion and you have the right to it.

I prefer both sides of an opinion so I will read most everything. The answers to the opinion can be------ You fill in the blanks. I think fanboy types bother most of us.

If the rumor, article or whatever could have an effect on my wallet - I'm interested and want to see what the general consensus is.
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