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LiQuID FroZeN YoGurT v1.6 (FRG22D BuILT FRoM SoUrCE!!! GeT iT FaST BeFoRE iT MeLTs!!!)

RRS Poll - Please Rate this ROM only if you have flashed it.

  • 5 Star ROM Rating: Elite

    Votes: 49 68.1%
  • 4 Star ROM Rating: Outstanding

    Votes: 16 22.2%
  • 3 Star ROM Rating: Average

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • 2 Star ROM Rating: Not Ready for Primetime

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • 1 Star ROM Rating: Not Usable

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
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Can anyone tell me how to do those mods where you can block adds and turn off the camera sound? I tried using the terminal emulator but they didn't work. did a reboot too and still no go. Also can anyone answer why when you download and install the smoked theme you get the watermark wallpaper and not the smoked wallpaper? Love the rom other wise. Thanks for all the help.

I can help with you taking away ads. Just download "AdFree Android" from the market. Makes your browser snappier since it doesn't load the ads.
EDIT: Best part is...*drum roll*... IT'S FREE!!!
Can anyone tell me how to do those mods where you can block adds and turn off the camera sound? I tried using the terminal emulator but they didn't work. did a reboot too and still no go. Also can anyone answer why when you download and install the smoked theme you get the watermark wallpaper and not the smoked wallpaper? Love the rom other wise. Thanks for all the help.

Download the free app "Android Terminal Emulator" from the market (the one by Jack Palevich).

Open the emulator and type:


This is how you run all of the scripts listed HERE

NOTE: If you are running multiple scripts at a time...you don't need to type "su" before each one...just need to do it once when you open the emulator
So I'm almost a full week in and I'm loving 1.6.

The performance is great, though I don't know how people are pulling Quadrants as high as I'm seeing reported. I'm pulling Nexus One number, and that's fine with me.

The phone is consistently responsive and snappy.

It does tend to run a little hot, which has me consider dragging my overclocking down below 1Ghz.

The only recurring issue I've noticed is with the phone app. While on a call the app seems to fall to the background, so that when I pull the phone from my ear, I can't immediately hit a button or switch to speaker, and occasionally with the phone app in the background the other person can't hear me.

Overall I'm very happy with this ROM. Battery life is better, the system is incredibly responsive - just a little heat and a sporadic quirk so far keeping it from being 100% perfect.

I'm still new to all of this but I've learned soo much so far I feel like I owe you all tuition! I've followed instructions to the letter and have had only minor issues, nothing that reading these post couldn't solve. Just wanted to add my thanks for these forums and all of those who have put in the hard work and are willing to help others! I would be more than willing to donate for any ROM and Kernel that works this good! Battery life is ok but I'm still experimenting with setcpu.

LFY has been perfect for my phone since these last 2 versions! Thanks again! Keep them coming!
(haha, "sea urchin")


There seems to be a glitch with the dialer.
The dial button in the middle doesn't turn black like the others until i hit a number.

Sorry if this has been posted previously...


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(haha, "sea urchin")


There seems to be a glitch with the dialer.
The dial button in the middle doesn't turn black like the others until i hit a number.

Sorry if this has been posted previously...

That has to do with the theme itself (I think). I'm running the Revolution theme and mine isn't like that. I think it's cool though because it shows the call button as inactive if no number has been entered. I'd just say that it would look better if the border were always present (just the button grayed out).
Listen I am truely in love with my Droid1 and i absolutely love LIQUID FROZEN YOGURT. Now i am sure that you are strapped for cash and I am willing to invest ALOT of money if you can make the ultimate ROM and push the droid farther than any phone in existence. THIS IS NO JOKE MAN. I am serious. I use this phone all day everyday and it can already do amazing stuff but i am sick of all these HTC and IPHONE ***s talking shit about well my phone can do this and my phone can do my laundry...... I want my droid to drive my EFFIN car. And frankly i have a lot of confidence in you my friend. Lemme know what we can work out. my email is Dizzlefizzle75@gmail.com. The name is Derek
(haha, "sea urchin")


There seems to be a glitch with the dialer.
The dial button in the middle doesn't turn black like the others until i hit a number.

Sorry if this has been posted previously...

Would you mind telling me how you are able to include the screenshots and then when clicked they open to a much larger image than mine do a few post above urs?? I tried but as you can see mine only open to a small image thanks!
Listen I am truely in love with my Droid1 and i absolutely love LIQUID FROZEN YOGURT. Now i am sure that you are strapped for cash and I am willing to invest ALOT of money if you can make the ultimate ROM and push the droid farther than any phone in existence. THIS IS NO JOKE MAN. I am serious. I use this phone all day everyday and it can already do amazing stuff but i am sick of all these HTC and IPHONE ***s talking shit about well my phone can do this and my phone can do my laundry...... I want my droid to drive my EFFIN car. And frankly i have a lot of confidence in you my friend. Lemme know what we can work out. my email is Dizzlefizzle75@gmail.com. The name is Derek

Hey dizzle...i will join you on this!!! How much would it take LiQuID??? Dizzle send me a PM...lets talk! Anyone other takers???
Here...try this GSFYv1.6_Stock_Gmail_&_Market.zip

This is how I made that file:

- You just take the Galaxy S theme and open it with WinRAR or 7-zip (open it...do NOT unzip it).
- Navigate to system > app
- Delete everything in that directory
- Open LFY 1.6 the same way.
- Navigate to system > app
- Select the apk's that you want to move over to the theme (in this case I moved gmail.apk and vending.apk)
- Copy those over to the Galaxy S theme (just drag and drop in the same screen you were in when you deleted all the apk's).
- Close the application windows (WinRAR or 7-zip)
- Put the "new" theme on your sdcard and flash like you normally would

Enjoy ;)

Great Info!!! Thanks bro! I will have a go at this! I have been stuck in love with this Blueberry Theme but its time to try some other themes...:D
Would you mind telling me how you are able to include the screenshots and then when clicked they open to a much larger image than mine do a few post above urs?? I tried but as you can see mine only open to a small image thanks!

look below the message box when your typing a post, look for :

Additional Options
Attach Files Valid file extensions: apk bmp doc gif jpe jpeg jpg mp3 pdf png psd txt zip
I am having a problem with the Gmail app not sending emails or pics...it says its sending but never delivers!

I wonder if its bcuz I also am using the default email app for another email address I need on my phone???

I am trying to find a way to remove the Gmail app and just use the reg. email app for both but I cannot find a way to remove Gmail app...i even tried making my own script in TermEmu with "rmgmail" but it laughed back at me...
I am trying to find a way to remove the Gmail app and just use the reg. email app for both but I cannot find a way to remove Gmail app...i even tried making my own script in TermEmu with "rmgmail" but it laughed back at me...

GoogleMail is mandatory for a GooglePhone.
I may have this one, although it slows the overall set up process down a bit.

  1. Install ROM, let it install all apps on its own, or else just kill that and restore apps only using TiBu.
  2. Reboot phone
  3. Use TiBu to now restore settings
  4. Reboot phone.

YMMV, but this time around when restoring my backup I used this method an all my widgets were back as of the second reboot....

And, yeah, Swype is so much of a PITA - it worked on the last three ROMs without a problem, so when it b0rked on this one I was miffed a bit - but I realize that it could be any one of my 170+ apps installed, so...

that is interesting - have you tried wiping caches every other day and seeing if that helps? That is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to periodic failure like that, as the caches are the one thing that start going not so well with our phones.

Another thing is the number of SMS stored in memory - I had gotten up to 500, and while I couldn't say it was a bad thing directly, I did notice improved phone responsiveness after using SMS Backup and Restore to back them up and then delete them all...

Migrating to GV also has helped, except that not everyone know to use my GV number instead of my reg cell number lol....

All good bro - we both made mistakes - but at least we kept hour heads about it and explained ourselves.

For swype I find it easier for me to just download the apk with the installer again ai also move it to my system apps so I can theme it with metamorph. I'm hoping it will still work with the updated app.

I've tried cleaning the cache partitions using 1200 kernels and my text auto delete at 200, I think my phone just doesn't like running that speed, no matter what kernel it heats up way too fast or boot loops. I did have slayher's kinda stable earlier this weekend but after surfing the web for a bit pressed the home key, set cpu said my cpu temp was 160

Does anyone have this wallpaper that came with the Watermark'd theme? It was part of ADW launcher. I really like the wallpaper, but am partial to Launcher Pro. I used the script to remove ADW, but now I lost the wallpaper.

Rookie mistake. Can anyone help?
I've kept this on my Droid since doing the review, but I've been noticing Market issues as of late. For the past few days, I would get a few apps that wouldn't update. Had to do quite a bit of canceling and redoing in order to get things to take. But from yesterday to today, no app is updating. Am I the only one?
I've kept this on my Droid since doing the review, but I've been noticing Market issues as of late. For the past few days, I would get a few apps that wouldn't update. Had to do quite a bit of canceling and redoing in order to get things to take. But from yesterday to today, no app is updating. Am I the only one?

I was having the same problem and checked the Google forums and found that if you force close the market it works just fine again. The post that said to do this was from a Google employee. I guess it is a known occasional issue.
I was having the same problem and checked the Google forums and found that if you force close the market it works just fine again. The post that said to do this was from a Google employee. I guess it is a known occasional issue.

Nice find, thanks. Def not the first time it's happened.
I've kept this on my Droid since doing the review, but I've been noticing Market issues as of late. For the past few days, I would get a few apps that wouldn't update. Had to do quite a bit of canceling and redoing in order to get things to take. But from yesterday to today, no app is updating. Am I the only one?

I've been having the same issue on UD8 and read about it happening on basically every version of 2.2 out there.
I've kept this on my Droid since doing the review, but I've been noticing Market issues as of late. For the past few days, I would get a few apps that wouldn't update. Had to do quite a bit of canceling and redoing in order to get things to take. But from yesterday to today, no app is updating. Am I the only one?
I have seen that occasionally as well. For me, it seems to happen more often if let it 'Update All' or if I click multiple programs to update at the same time. This will also usually result in a very slow system for a few minutes. If I click each program individually, things seem to work fine.
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