Let me start this off by saying, and I'm sure Liquid has been waiting for this, YES!!
Initial Setup:
Still the quickest boot, and I really like the new boot ani. And my fav boot ani now comes in multiple colors. Apps restored rather quickly, but as I flashed before the 1.71 patch came out, many apps didn't restore. Not a major issue as most of us have TiBu.
Pretty much a stock theme until you flash one of the many theme options, and there's pretty much a look for everyone. Also get a few added wallpapers and LauncherPro docks to complete the look.
I know now why this is called Liquid Frozen Yogurt. Because this ROM is so fluid, you can swim through it. The very first ROM Liquid put out was super fast, just really buggy. This baby copies that fluidity and has ironed out any of the previous bugs. My Droid has never been smoother.
For whatever reason, I'm not getting great benchmarks with this. But yanno what, who cares? The real world application is what matters and there's nary a hiccup. What really amazes me is that I'm only running at 800MHz and there's no need whatsoever to OC any higher. The only lag I experieced were backing out of an app while something else was going on, and there's not much that any Dev can do about that as that's the limit of having 256mb of RAM.
Yanno what goes great on frozen yogurt? Lots of goodies sprinkled on top. And ladies and gents, we have goodies! Look for an app called Liquid Tweaks that give you the ability to customize the notification colors, lockscreen, music controls, and the ability to use CPU scaling. It's not quite the level of CyanogenMod or Ultimate Droid, but these are all steps in the right direction and enough to satiate most users hunger.
App and System Function:
I had some FC's on certain apps, but after fixing permissions there is nothing wrong with this ROM. Nothing. That never happens.
Battery has been running nice and cool for me (well, after the initial setup, anyway). While mostly stagnant with very lil work, the battery went a full 24 hours before I got the 15% "connect your charger" message. That in and of itself is the best I've experienced since going to 2.2. I really worked her today and after 6 hours I'm down to 40%. Yesterday, with normal use, I was able to go all day without worrying about needing to charge.
If you wanted to nitpick, you could point out everything that CM or UD has and the ease of which you can customize. Sure, I'd like some more customizations like easy font changing, but everything this ROM already has is done right and without issue. Simply put, there's just nothing wrong with this ROM. This is the fastest my Droid has EVER run, some of the best battery life I've had since coming to 2.2, and the added Liquid Tweaks make this the best blend of performance, customization, and function. As much as I tried to talk myself out of it, I'm going to do something I have yet to do since RRS's inception:
5 out of 5 stars