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Root Maybe a dumb question...


Mar 6, 2011
Yeah, I don't think there's really an issue with this, but I thought I'd ask to make sure. I rooted my phone using ROMTools which installed the Xionia recovery. I recently installed ROM Manager which made me flash Clockwork recovery for it to function properly. My question is, is Xionia still on my phone anywhere? Do I have to delete anything leftover after flashing Clockwork?

Also, I saw AndyOpie mention that Clockwork is the preferred recovery using the CM7 ROMs. Can anyone explain to me why this is?
Do not use ROM Manager with the 'V'!!! It is only compatible with the 'V' in rooting and flashing the recovery. No, Xionia is not on your phone now. You can use romtools to reflash it onto your phone. ;)
Clockwork is suggested to use because with Xionia, when you delete the cache and format, it doesn't do a complete job all the time. So you have to do it 2 or 3 times to get it completely wiped. No biggie. I use it because I like the color blue better. It's your choice. :)
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If it makes it easier for you sure. Just don't do anything else with it. I'm presuming that's ok. I manage my backups.... ok I don't manage them. I have my original stock backup, then another one that was stable. That's it. You can see which ones you have in recovery and by windows explorer, look in the folder "clockwordmod". I use RomTools to flash different recoveries, (still sticking with Xionia). And to flash a different ROM, just put it on your sd card, make a backup and flash it from recovery. See, no need for ROM Manager!! Better safe than sorry in my book.

Ps, There's no dumb questions!!! And if AndyOpie is using it for that, then it's ok. He's one heck of a knowledgeable person. Some say he's even nice!!
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What I'm wondering then I guess is is there is an alternate way to delete backups. Is there a way to do so through Xionia recovery? I don't think I could do it through File Manager. Since they take up a lot of space, I just want to have my most current backup available.

And could you take me through the steps on how to flash Xionia back to my phone without losing all my apps and settings? And is there anything else to removing ROM Manager and Clockwork aside from just uninstalling the app? By the way, I'm running the latest 8/25 BACKside version of CM7. Haven't noticed anything different since I installed Clockwork aside from maybe some slower 3G speeds. Won't do anything until tomorrow probably. Hopefully Andy can chime in on this.
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Sorry for not being around. New job working night's and being sick all weekend.

ROM Manager v4.3.3.0 and up will allow you to:

1. Flash ClockWorkMod Recovery v3.2.0.1

2. Install an Update,patch,kernel,or theme using the "Install ROM from SD Card" option. Never use this to install a new ROM as it will only allow you to wipe the cache partition and Dalvik cache(this is all that you need to wipe to install an update,patch,kernel,or theme). I personally think it's quicker just to go straight to my recovery to do all these things.

3.Delete,rename,and restore backups using the "Manage and Restore Backups" section(I have used all these options and can verify that the work, and think that it saves time to use these options). You can restore a backup of a ROM currently installed(in case you mess up and delete something that causes your ROM to act funky,etc.). I have not restored a different ROM than the one installed using this option and thus will not indorse it's use for that purpose. You can delete with ease any and all your backups,and rename them as well(it will get the MD5 sums right). When you select the backup, a window will appear with 3 options. If you want to rename a backup to something easier to remember select the rename option.A new window "Backup Name" will appear,touch the yellow box,and then select Word in the new window,then rename making sure not to leave any spaces. Example BACKside_Build#08202011. This works great for trying to remember multiple backups,instead of just having a date stamp.

4. Backup Current ROM. Works great and saves time.

5. Fix permissions option when selected might help when you are experiencing force close issues with certain apps. Only use it if you are having force close issues. It might cause you system to reboot randomly so only use as a last resort.

6. Partition SD Card. I have not used this option so I can not verify if it works on the "V" or not. If someone would like to try it and then let me know that would be great.

I would not suggest rebooting into your recovery using the option in ROM manager as it might cause a recovery loop on the "V".
All other options are not compatible with the "V"
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