But being a part of your kid's live, even if only monetarily, should be up to the man, just like it is ultimately up to the woman, no questions asked.
I am going to ignore the huge psychological issue is you are statement, I doubt any person that has NOT had another life growing inside of them for 9 months could begin to talk about the emotional and psychological attachment they would have to the child. I simply don't think it is possible for anyone to set themselves in the mind frame of that person, until they are in that position.
Only focusing on the monetary problems of what you said.
By default it is in the mans best interest NEVER to commit to the to anything. The man can romance the woman in anyway possible, making it possible for him to say or do anything to achieve his goal of sex. If the woman goes along and gets pregnant, the man can just jump out, claim no responsibility what so every for the child, and go on to the next woman that catches his eye.
From that point, the woman that honestly thought that guy she was with really was going to be around for the long term HAS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for another life. If she gets an abortion, it is MASSIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL TRAUMA. In most cases, she could get disowned by her family, get shunned by her community, and take on the responsibility of carry out the horrible task. The guy on the other hand has moved on and never looked back.
If the woman carries the child to term, there is massive psychological and social trauma. The male could be on his 3rd "abortion" by now. But the first woman still has to go through massive pain and emotional distress of carrying and child birth, the male does nothing but just simply walk away.
If the if she keeps the child, she own has a huge finical problem with not being able to get a equal paying job, being a single mother, and take on the burden of the child by herself. On the other hand the male that was 50% responsible for the child, could be on the 10 victim by now.
From a purely legal point of view, what you are saying is this; if you are male abandon the child and the woman the minute she gets pregnant, even if you plan on hanging around, it is legally better for you to dump them on a legal basis. It encourages not only a father of 5 just giving up and running away, but it also allows scammers to con women, with zero responsibility of their actions.
But ignoring all of that. Here is my problem. If the child lives, the child still needs x amount of money to survive. One parent is extremely unlikely to provide for that money by themselves. If the woman can not force the man to pay for 50% of this responsibility, then the child has to be provided for. It if goes into foster care, the tax payer, pays for that child. If it stays with the mother, welfare has to pay for that child. If the father steps in, the tax payer pay nothing or alot less then if the father can just run away.
Once the woman gets pregnant it is not as simple as saying, Nope dont want it.