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metro discontinued the ascend

optimus is $100 @ metro now...wonder what they are up to? :rolleyes:

Probably going to roll out a new midrange phone. Typically from what i have seen of Metro is that they will bring out a cheap smart phone (M835), a mid range, and then a high end...Well for Metro high end..lol

Like how they did the Ascend, Optimus, then Indulge..So maybe in Aug we will see a Moto, or Ascend 2 or Ascend X, then maybe a Moto, or HTC in Sept or Oct for the high end...Maybe...Probably will be another Samsung..which are not bad devices.
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you really think that metro can come out with an HTC anytime soon? especiallyy since they almost barely came out with their android phones.
Metro updates their phones every 1 or 2 years :p
I think what we can expect is MAYBE phoens with better cameras and MAYBE running on 2.3 but sitll...not anything to extravagent
If they come out with an HTC phone, it will probably be something like the Wildfire S, which is basically like an HTC version of the Optimus.
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Metro's CEO stated in a press release in January that they would be introducing 6 new android phones to their market in 2011. So far we have had 2. The Ascend Tap Out (Which failed miserably) and now the M835, which for the cost will probably do decent as it is a good intro phone, and now that the LG is cheap, it will do well for them. I would look for another one or two mid range phones like the LG to hit next month, or possibly sept. The high end phones will probably hit in late Nov/ early Dec to get the end of year sales up. Although from what i have seen thus far from Metro phones do not go expecting anything truly great like an iPhone, or an EVO from them.
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Well after hunting around our own forums here i found this nice little article...

Seeing as its already labled for Metro, now its just when Metro will start to carry it..I would gladly pay 300 for this phone...Also rumor has it that the newest top of the line phone for Metro is going to be the HTC Envy, slated for release in early 2012..Super Processor and 16gb of on board ram...again the HTC is just rumors...but the LG is clearly marked for Metro
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I had a nice little chuckle at the "HTC Envy". 2.3ghz processor, 12mp front AND rear cameras, 83gb memory card, and, oh yeah, the phone is FRIGGIN' INVISIBLE! LOL! All that and its coming to Metro late this year/early next for $350 without a contact? Awesome. Trolling at its finest.

i know they will double the price for a phone like that.:D
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i know they will double the price for a phone like that.:D

Double yeah right..lol..if it were a real phone, with those spec's if Metro did get it, i would expect to see about a 600 price tag on it easily..lol..

My hopes are still on the LG Bryce..its got some really great features and spec's. Hopefully Metro will put them at the 300 range with discounts included in that range.
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