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"Missing Droid X Real-World Give-Away" Contest (1st Post:Updated)

So who wants to be the first person to go to their local Verizon store and ask if they have an escaped Droid X, and possibly be laughed at?

I was at my local store asking about the X today, they had no clue what I was talking about. But the sales girl was hot so that part was ok. :p
Are they going to be on the side of road or are they going to be in stores? I wanna find one!

Probably neither....I'm guessing they will have clues to a location and the first to decipher the location and tweet back wins it.

Actually hiding boxes around the country would be a logistical nightmare...and can you imagine the number of false bomb scares that might create. :eek:
I interpret the tweet "Droid X has everything it needs" to mean that they might indeed be in Verizon Wireless stores. Like I posted on the sticky, if that's true, I hope they aren't exploited by employees at each store (like letting their friends know it is there.)

Of course this is speculation, but we'll soon find out what's going on..
Oh yeah forgot about that.....that would cause alot of problems... Hmmm then I wonder how we will get them or find them or win it
Oh yeah forgot about that.....that would cause alot of problems... Hmmm then I wonder how we will get them or find them or win it
I'd guess a vehicle with a big DROID X plastered across it. People not following would just mistake it for a mobile advertisement.
Probably neither....I'm guessing they will have clues to a location and the first to decipher the location and tweet back wins it.

That is a great thought. That would be the easiest way to do it.

Why? That is a completely illogical deduction.

How is it completely illogical? If they are treating the Droid X's like "escaped units", where would a cell phone go to have everything it needs? It "needs" chargers, cases, etc. A Verizon store would be logical if that was indeed a hint. Of course it may not be a hint at all, or I could be completely wrong. Just having fun trying to figure stuff out with the little info that we have. :cool:
I'd guess a vehicle with a big DROID X plastered across it. People not following would just mistake it for a mobile advertisement.

How about one of the Google Maps vehicles? "...it can keep a pretty big eye on you." was in the tweet...
I'd guess a vehicle with a big DROID X plastered across it. People not following would just mistake it for a mobile advertisement.

How about one of the Google Maps vehicles? "...it can keep a pretty big eye on you." was in the tweet...

True, but it did say that in reference to its screen size.
My guess is its just a (successful) ploy to keep all of us interested with the iphone 4 official launch coming soon. But I know I'm still paying attention in case they start tweeting useful hints.
Latest tweet..

@DroidLanding Reports coming in from all check points. How many Droid X units have escaped? Some say more than a dozen...

It better be more than a dozen..
Awesome!! I am just hoping like crazy that there is going to be one in my state!!!!
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