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Help MMS not working??

I have the same problem and I bought my Intercept about 3 weeks ago. Sometimes when friends send a picture message all I get is a blank text message. And other times I will get the "Download" icon but when I click on it, one of two things will happen....either it will read "Downloading" for a few seconds then I will get a message that it was unsuccessful, or it will read "Downloading" but then go right back to the "Download" icon. My one friend uses Sprint and her pictures just come to me as a blank text message. What's really odd is that some friends that use iphone on AT&T can send pictures, but one friend that uses the iphone on AT&T can't send me pictures, they just come through as a blank message.
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having this same problem on the wife's intercept. when she tries to send a mms, it just sits there trying to upload and never does. when receiving a mms, she gets the text portion with a download button, but it never downloads. on the other hand, i just got a optimus v and i can send mms, but i can't receive them. i don't even get the text portions, it just never shows up.
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Get the APN!!!
What exactly do you mean by that and what do we do with the APN when we have it?

I have an LG Optimus V and received a MMS fine the other day but could not receive one tonight. I finally dialed in ##virgin# click to edit phone number, press OK, press OK, and when my phone was through rebooting I could see that 3G was downloading again (down arrow lighting up) and was able to get the MMS. I don't know how long this will last, though, so I might need the APN solution, whatever that is. Thanks for the help and hope some people can get their MMS, if only briefly, by using the ##virgin# trick.
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I just posted a msg on another thread on the same issue but you have to have the WIFI turned off in order to send or recieve mms. Its such a simple fix but for some reason VM tech support fails to tell you this when you call. Instead you go thru round and round of stupid BS. I did this daily, for two weeks straight.

When you are connected thru WIFI, you are no longer on their data network. You have to be on theirs, not your own. Even if you don't have a data pack with them, they allow enough data to send/receive msgs. I forgot exactly what the tech support guy told me but it interferes somehow. It has something to do with security.
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I just posted a msg on another thread on the same issue but you have to have the WIFI turned off in order to send or recieve mms. Its such a simple fix but for some reason VM tech support fails to tell you this when you call. Instead you go thru round and round of stupid BS. I did this daily, for two weeks straight.

When you are connected thru WIFI, you are no longer on their data network. You have to be on theirs, not your own. Even if you don't have a data pack with them, they allow enough data to send/receive msgs. I forgot exactly what the tech support guy told me but it interferes somehow. It has something to do with security.

People are still having trouble with MMS, even with WiFi turned off.:mad: This has been an ongoing problem with Virgin Mobile for quite a while now. I started having problems receiving MMS messages from friends on my Samsung Slider, now I can't even get or receive data/web over 3G on my Optimus V, let alone MMS messages. I'm just glad one of my neighbors has an open WiFi connection that they haven't secured...
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It's been MONTHS and still no functioning MMS on my Intercept. It seems that I can SEND audio, video, and image, but I cannot receive them.

I've tried to send and receive MMS with Android 2.1 and with Android 2.2. No change.

I've tried to send and receive MMS in my home town, in New Orleans, in Chicago, in Washington, D.C., in Philadelphia, in New York City, in Knoxville, and in Mobile. I've tried to send and receive MMS with wifi on and with wifi off. No change.

So today I took a new tack: I wrote letters to both VM headquarters and Sprint Nextel (the owners of VM). I'll let you know if they respond...
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I hava a Galaxy S2 and facing the same problem, I can download MMS messages but cant send any, it just states (sending..) and stays like that for weeks, then it just gives a failed notification, I tried to forward it many times and resend it again and again but with nothing...
It just happened once that I sent a short MMS message with no pictures and it was sent, but even long texts wont be sent.. o_O
I tried to download go SMS pro, but cant login to market and it really does bothering... :mad:
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i have two phones, one metropcs one VM, i try sending MMS from my metro phone to my intercept, and it gets sent. but i cant download it on my intercept. its pissing me off >_<
I've had my Intercept for almost a year. I used to be able to send and receive pics that I took or off the web. But most of the time I can only send to my FB page. Not to anyone else.And I have never been able to "download" when I click on it. I mean if someone send me even just a pic...I can't see it. I downloaded GO SMS for texting and sending pics. Still can't always do it but it works better. Plus there's personalization features. My phone freezes up a lot too.
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Hello everyone,

new to the forums, and first post...

I was having this issue of not being able to send or receive MMS (data) / pictures...

try this

goto settings -> wireless & network settings -> Mobile Network settings -> Data enabled.

if you can see that option (data enabled), click it so that it has a check-mark.

Then try to send or receive pics / data via MMS

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hay guys i have a xperia x8 on virgin and it am not getting any messages at all first is was sometimes but now i am not getting anythink i use my phone and i have been into the settings and have try to put it all back to base settings but nothing i have tryed to put my mates optus sim in my phone and he still gets all hes messages and YES u can put a virgin sim in a optus phone because they are the same so if u little noob say u can not do that again i will hunt you and kill you kk anyway i have a feeling is virgin but if u have any ideas plzzz let me know thanks for your help
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