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/mnt/sdcard vs. /mnt/extsd

I'm totally confused here...

I owned an HTC Dream for a while and then moved up to a Dell Streak. Both operated pretty much the same and all was good. These were running Android 2.1 or so.

Now, my wife has a Novo7 Advanced tablet, running ICS and I'm trying to set up her ebooks, music, etc. and I'm really confused.

If I put her MicroSD card into the PC I can copy files to it without issue. I then put it into her phone and use a file explorer to see /mnt/sdcard... but my files aren't there. There are completely different files.

I've since learned that the sdcard is showing up as /mnt/extsd.

Is this normal? I know it will cause issues. I usually use Astro File Manager, but it won't show me any of /mnt/extsd... It just shows the /mnt/sdcard directory.

Also, the ebook reader software keeps looking to /mnt/sdcard for my book directories and not the directories on the MicroSD card.

Why is this happening? How can I make things work as expected?
I'm totally confused here...

I owned an HTC Dream for a while and then moved up to a Dell Streak. Both operated pretty much the same and all was good. These were running Android 2.1 or so.

Now, my wife has a Novo7 Advanced tablet, running ICS and I'm trying to set up her ebooks, music, etc. and I'm really confused.

If I put her MicroSD card into the PC I can copy files to it without issue. I then put it into her phone and use a file explorer to see /mnt/sdcard... but my files aren't there. There are completely different files.

I've since learned that the sdcard is showing up as /mnt/extsd.

Is this normal? I know it will cause issues. I usually use Astro File Manager, but it won't show me any of /mnt/extsd... It just shows the /mnt/sdcard directory.

Also, the ebook reader software keeps looking to /mnt/sdcard for my book directories and not the directories on the MicroSD card.

Why is this happening? How can I make things work as expected?

Not sure whats going on however maybe this info will help

/mnt/sdcard - this is the main partition on the card. This is where you want to store user data such as ebooks, pictures, music, and so on. This is a typical "Fat" file system. This file system is universal. Most other systems can access this system with little issues.

/mnt/extsd - this is generally a smaller partition and its in one of three formats: ext2, ext3, or ext4. These are Linux partitions. Windows cannot see these partions so generally speaking Windows will not write to them.

I'm not sure why you are getting this issue but my advice would be put the card back in the tablet format the card and then copy the files back to it. If it does it again then try to hook up to a usb cable between them and try it that way.
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Some devices have extended internal memory that they use as an SD card, as well as the actual, external SD card.

Samsung for example refers to these as internal and external SD cards, but in reality only one is really a card.

For those situations, it's normal to see the internal memory mounted as sdcard and the actual card to be mounted under a similar but different name.

I suspect that is what you're seeing and that perhaps extsd may be referring to the external sd card.

Between this and the post above, it's one or the other.

Also, we have a good sticky thread at the top of this forum to help with file transfer tricks that may be interesting.
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Acer does that, too. I finally figured out how to get to the external SD card for books. It also looks like the Acer internal SD card picks up the file names from the external card, but not what's in them. If you want your books, you will need the extsd card.

Since it's so easy to get the SD card out of the Acer, I usually download on the PC. Then I know the books are where I want them and not where readers do internally. I still have a Coby tablet and can switch the card if I want to use the Coby to read instead of the Acer.

BTW - Aldiko will read from the external SD card, but won't save your page unless you import the book. FB Reader will save the page from the external SD card without importing.
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Most android devices have got free memories one for apps one for downloads and fotos and other files and at last one for sd remuvable cards.....
mnt/sdcard is the internal memory
Mnt/extsd is the remuvable one and any file we want to open up with an app such asebook readers mustent be saved on mnt/extsd but must be saved on mnt/sdard
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