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Dec 28, 2016
I have sprints unlimited data plan, so i never care about my data usage, nor do i have a cap warning (since its unlimited). However, i added a 1GB mobile hotspot plan to my device so i can share my cellular data to my tablet, up to 1GB per month. My question is, how can i monitor that specific tethering plan, to make sure i dont go over the 1GB/month?

what i have already done:
1) went to settings, click on data usage and saw the "hotspot and tethering" app and shows how much it used.
*i dont like this because its not easy. its a bunch of button clicks and scrolling to get there.
2) i went to sprint.com and I can look at a gauge that shows how much of my 1GB i used in a month.
*but that too is annoying; to constantly have to sign in and look at my account is not intuitive.

what id like, is to know if there is an app/widget that is a gauge of sort, for only what my phone outputs during TETHERING to a device. Again, i could care less about wifi or cellular data in general because i have an unlimited plan, but i need to specifically know about my usage as it pertains to my 1GB tethering plan only.

hope i explained my situation well enough. thank you all in advance for your expertise.


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