I've often thought, "no iPhone, no Android."
Right with you on that. Android is born out of competition. The iPhone was definately the gadget phone that paved the way. And I think everyone assumed one of the other major players (RIM, Nokia, Palm) would fire off something in response to it relatively quickly.
The BB Storm was like a SCUD missile Saddam launched at the allied forces, that shot out of its silo tall & straight... then promptly ran out of fuel and crashed into a sand dune long before reaching its target. But hey, at least they TRIED! Everyone else was shivering in the corner, terrified to even look it in the i. Pathetic.
So since everyone else was sitting on their hands, Google bought the company that was developing Android, and took them on themselves. Any fanboy that wants to make the argument that Android just copied Apple needs to eat a slice of humble pie. Android took a look at what Apple was doing right, as well as some other OS's, and tweaked them to create something (that was in their opinion) better.
Which is no different from what Apple did. They didn't invent anything brand spankin new, they tweaked a bunch of existing technologies to make something (that was in their opinion) better. Android isn't identical to iOS, but it bares a much bigger resemblance to it than RIMs attempt.
Which is why I feel the Storm failed so miserably. They tried to make their challenger TOO Blackberryesque. It was obvious the masses wanted what Apple had to offer. But RIM didn't give them that. They just dressed up a Blackberry in iPhone clothing (and not very well I might add), and it fooled nobody. Give Google credit, they figured out what it was about iOS that people wanted, took out what they didn't think they wanted, and added a few additional things that they thought they might like. And that package has proven itself victorious.
But they never would have known to put that package together had Apple not led the way. So I thank iOS from the bottom of my heart.