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Help Moved user app to system app, now cannot launch / find app



I've searched everywhere and cannot find a solution. I have android 5.1.1 rooted, have moved an app from user app to system app. Have tried moving numerous apps from regular to system, they always dissapear...

Tried two ways via es file explorer: moving just base.apk from downloaded app to /system/app and also moving entire com.xxxxx folder to /system/apps
Set permissions to rwx r-x r-x for entire com.xxx folder
Set permissions to r-w r-- r-- for apks

Now application manager shows the app installed
Play store does not, just shows install button
Have reset multiple times
After initially moving app and reboot got the "optimizing app" message

Seems everything is correct but cannot find way to launch the app!

Any help is appreciated!! Thanks!!
Also open to any other methods to moving app to system app!
Yep, it looks like the paid version has that particular feature:

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