with this patch:
you will enable the gsm settings in the roms that do not include GSM settings and APNs settings
you will enable the gsm in AOSP rom that natively only support the CDMAyou will solve the problem "Unfortunately, the process com.android.phone has stopped." in AOSP roms that do not natively provide GSMyou will solve the missing request PIN problem, the no signal problem and the no sending sms problem in AOSP roms that do not natively provide GSM
To fully enable the GSM you must edit the build.prop with correct settings, here the lines that should be edited:
# General GSM Settings
telephony.lteOnGsmDevice = 1
telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice = 0
telephony.rilV7NeedCDMALTEPhone = false
persist.ril.mux.noofchannels = 10
persist.ril.modem.mode = 2
persist.ril.features = 0x102
persist.radio.vzw.cdma.mdn = deleted
persist.radio.ap.phonetype = 1
persist.radio.lte.mm.disable = 1
ro.telephony.default_network = 3
ro.telephony.gsm-routes-us-smsc = 0
ro.telephony.ril.v3 = writeaidonly, signalstrength
ro.cdma.data_retry_config = default_randomization=2000, 0, 0, 120000, 180000, 540000, 960000
ro.gsm.data_retry_config = max_retries=infinite, default_randomization=2000, 0, 0, 80000, 125000, 485000, 905000
ro.cdma.subscribe_on_ruim_ready = false
ro.com.android.dataroaming = false
# Motorola GSM Settings
ro.mot.eri = 0
ro.mot.phonemode.vzwglobalphone = 0
ro.mot.phonemode.vzw4gphone = 0
ro.mot.lte_on_cdma = 0
ro.mot.ds.fastdormancy.disable = true
If you want manually edit the build.prop you have to edit only the lines that are present in it.
If you want you can install the patch here attached.
This patch will automatically edit your build.prop with correct lines for your phone, it will add a correct list of GSM APNs and for Motorola phones it will replace the lib moto-ril-multimode.so with its GSM version.
The patch will also make a backup of your original files and in in case of problems you can restore them simply reinstalling the patch.
You can install the patch on every AOSP ROM, on every Stock Rom and on every Android version.
Try this tooo