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My Life Working At A Cell Phone Store

This is a classic for the optical industry. If you want to see nut cases, hang around an eye doctor's office for a while:

Mid-40s (usually lady) comes in and you know already what their problem is. They can't see up close. You tell them they need bifocals and they don't want them. They insists they only need glasses to see far away(typical nearsighted person). You tell them over and over and over they won't be able to see up close without bifocals or taking their glasses off. They insist on not getting bifocals. They get their new glasses and come back a week later stating they can't see up close withe their new glasses and BLAME ME for being a bad doctor and insist on new lenses(FOR FREE!!) because I messed up.

That's what I get to deal with on a near-daily basis. We've finally resorted to having them sign a paper explaining we will not replace the lenses without a charge.
This is a classic for the optical industry. If you want to see nut cases, hang around an eye doctor's office for a while:

Mid-40s (usually lady) comes in and you know already what their problem is. They can't see up close. You tell them they need bifocals and they don't want them. They insists they only need glasses to see far away(typical nearsighted person). You tell them over and over and over they won't be able to see up close without bifocals or taking their glasses off. They insist on not getting bifocals. They get their new glasses and come back a week later stating they can't see up close withe their new glasses and BLAME ME for being a bad doctor and insist on new lenses(FOR FREE!!) because I messed up.

That's what I get to deal with on a near-daily basis. We've finally resorted to having them sign a paper explaining we will not replace the lenses without a charge.
You don't deal in the Varilux lenses? Bifocals without the line. I've been wearing them for over 16 years.
^--what are welly boots? lol I'm thinking rain boots as you're British :rolleyes:

Yup, same thing :D:D

Look at the 2nd pic with loads of multi-coloured welly boots, and imagine complete rows of these, and she didn't see them


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I worked at a gas station for 4 years and have had many "interesting" customers.

I had one guy stop in late one night and fill his car up. He came in a paid and then went back to his car. He came back in claiming he got bad gas from my store and now his car won't start. I went out and asked him to try starting the car again. All the car did was click everytime he turned the key. I told him it wasn't the gas, it was his dead battery. He insisted it was bad gas. He called a tow truck to get his car and when the wrecker showed up he told the guy the same thing.

Of course the owner said that the tow truck driver was an idiot too. So the tow truck driver got fed up and just left the guy there. The guy was fuming at this point so he called the cops to turn me and the wrecker driver in for ripping him off. So the cop showed up and told him the same thing and the guy didn't believe him. So the cop got fed up and got into his trunk and got out a portable batter jumper and got the guys car going.

The guy was so embarrassed he didn't even thank the cop, he just jumped in his car and left. Me and the cop got a good laugh.
Got a good one yesterday (Sat) whilst browsing in my local phone shop.

:) Hello, can I help you?
:confused: Yes, got a problem with my phone I bought here
:) Ok, what seems to be the problem?
:confused: It's not working
:) Can you be more specific?
:confused: No
:) OK, where is your phone?
:confused: It's in the house
:) You didn't bring it with you?
:confused: No point in carrying a phone if it doesn't work

It went rapidly downhill from there with this guy totally amazed they couldn't tell him what was wrong without seeing the phone :D:D
Not cell phone story.... But

Once when I was working at convience store (sell milk, bread, chocolate bars, all that stuff). A customer came in and asked for a certain brand of cigarettes, I got it out and scanned it, it said $7.50. The customer hands me a $5 bill and says, ok, I'll take half the pack. I tell him I can't do that. Then the customer starts yelling in my face about how we should do this kinda thing and how he NEEDS those cigs. I still tell him no, then he storms off.
Not cell phone story.... But

Once when I was working at convience store (sell milk, bread, chocolate bars, all that stuff). A customer came in and asked for a certain brand of cigarettes, I got it out and scanned it, it said $7.50. The customer hands me a $5 bill and says, ok, I'll take half the pack. I tell him I can't do that. Then the customer starts yelling in my face about how we should do this kinda thing and how he NEEDS those cigs. I still tell him no, then he storms off.
Oooh, that one sounds unbalanced - you're lucky he didn't go off on you physically. Who on earth thinks anyone can sell them half a pack of cigarettes?? And $7.50.....yikes. I quit when they were 75
good job quitting!

I am a social smoker...
only when out with friends at a bar or playing cards..
maybe 1-3 cigs a month..
There is this guy who, yesterday bought a new iPhone 4 and today he went back. He's very nice but as I noticed doesn't seem too tech savy.

Here's our conversation

:confused:Hello, you sold me this phone yesterday.
:)Yes, I remember. Do you have a problem with it?
:confused:Well, I can't get this to unlock can you help me?
:)Of course, all you have to do is slide it to unlock.

And then he procededd to physically slide the phone across the counter

I did say to slide it -.- I helped him get started, even as my break time comes. He's nice and seem grateful for my help.
uh no, they don't have taxes here on the Philippines. We have a sari-sari store (google it) and you can buy 2 pesos for a stick some only 1 (fortune) or 1.50 (winston)
There is this guy who, yesterday bought a new iPhone 4 and today he went back. He's very nice but as I noticed doesn't seem too tech savy.

Here's our conversation

:confused:Hello, you sold me this phone yesterday.
:)Yes, I remember. Do you have a problem with it?
:confused:Well, I can't get this to unlock can you help me?
:)Of course, all you have to do is slide it to unlock.

And then he procededd to physically slide the phone across the counter

I did say to slide it -.- I helped him get started, even as my break time comes. He's nice and seem grateful for my help.

But I thought iPhones were so easy to use....:p
Not a cell story, but it deals with electronics....

I use to be a delivery driver for Best Buy, job was a good one, got me out of the store and I got to deal with a lot of the customers more face to face, and helped them understand their products a bit more as I installed them. So I was set to deliver a brand washer and dryer, and I'm not talking about those really nice ones that are like $800 a piece I am talking our basic ones that usually fetch $200 for the both of them.

So I am in the process of clearing the way for the new ones (dead rats, cockroaches, maybe a cat in there), taking out the old ones....and I mean these things were jalopies, probably the first washer and dryer ever made...I love the Ghetto of Memphis...you get to see all of the color of the city...

So I am finishing up the installations and I call in the customer to come check them out and give them a small tutorial on how to use them (I am courteous enough to do so even though an idiot can operate these things)...so as I am telling the lovely person who bought these things, about the machines, she asked me if I could do her laundry for her....I went "beg you pardon?". She literally wanted me to do her laundry for her, because turning a nob a few clicks and pulling on the said nob would of been too hard on her back...I told her I couldn't do that I was sorry and I needed to go...I got a call from my manager, he was laughing his ass off as he told me about her calling up...he asked me if she really asked me to do her laundry for her, and I said yes, yes she did...and yeah....I loved working at Best Buy and dealing with the idiots of civilization of a daily basis...
Okay so a Dad and his kid went to my store again for the second time this week.

A week before the Dad bought a HTC Thunderbolt, which I thought was for himself but was in reality, is for his 14 year old son. Now after only two days they went back and this happens.

:confused: I want a replacement on this.

And he showed me a cracked LCD screen, not just a tiny one but a spiderweb in the center of the screen.

:) Uh, sorry sir, personal damage is not covered in the warranty. I can fix it for you for a price.

:confused: Yeah, ok. My son is crying about his broken phone. Fix it quick.

:) No worries, sir. So he dropped it?

:confused: He was tossing it up in his room and he didn't catch it in time.

WTF. Why would anyone do that? Even a kid has common sense to not do that. Anyways, the technician fixed it and a couple of days later he went back with his son this time.

:confused: Yes, I need a repair on this.
:mad: (son) I want my phone!
:) What happened to it? (It had serious case of water damage and some serious scratches that is not there before)
:confused: Well we went to Poracay (a resort in Porac) and he's using the phone in the pool.
:mad: I need to take a picture of the falls! (while you're swimming in the pool?)
:) Did you attempt to dry it off?
:confused: No we just left it at the cabin until we got home and to this place the next day.
:) Well sir, I don't think this type of damage can be repaired. Well try, but it will be cheaper to just get a new phone.
:mad: YES!!! I want an iPhone 4! (He then went to the iPhone section)
:) Sir, may I recommend a cheaper phone. To be honest, he isn't that responsible with phones. It's better to get him a cheaper phone.
:confused: Yeah, I guess that is better.

But the kid got his way and he got the iPhone 4.

Which he then I heard he dropped in a fountain at the mall -.-

Now, I know not all kids are like that. Heck, I got a phone when I was 13. But if you're that irresponsible then better off having a dumb phone rather than expensive ones.

A kid only needs to text and call his parents. No need for the bells and whistles that a smartphone has. Especially a kid that spoiled and irresponsible.
Vaguely cell phone related, not really but close. From when I sold cars.

I see a lady wandering the showroom.
:) Can I help you?
:confused: I would like to add OnStar to my car.
:) Uhhh, this is a Dodge, Chrylser, Jeep, Mitsubishi dealer. You would need to go to any GM/Chevy dealer.
:confused: No the commercial said with OnStar my insurance would go down and I would be safe. It said at Jeep dealers.
:) I am certain we don't have OnStar available, it must have been a mistake.
:mad: No, I know what I saw.
:) Mam, are you sure it wasn't a GM commercial followed by a Jeep commercial?
:mad: How dare you call me stupid! *stomps off*

A minute later she drives around to the front of the store in a Cadillac CTS with flashers (dealer plates) still on it. She starts complaining to the salesman standing there about me. I see this and walk out and lean in the passenger window and push the OnStar button on the rearview mirror. OnStar comes on and greets her by name. I just walked away. She called and complained about my attitude. Luckily when she mentioned OnStar my boss realized it didn't matter.
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