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Android Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2011
Miami Gardens, Florida
1.Well some people may want to know how to get that sexy Sense dock. Well do i have the answer for you (; just download launcher pro. then go to this website that i provided for you( which i always use to change my dock) Docks - Modelstudent and choose one out of the 700 docks provided. then save them into your phone. go to launcher pro settings. then appearance. then dock. then custom. then go find that amazing dock that you chose. after that, restart launcher pro.

2. IF you want to use these custom docks and some of the icons are in the way.. you would need some transparent icons. which i provided for you in the icons on #3! all you have to do is hold down the dock on the icon you want to change and click the change icon. look for the icon thats PURE black. Dont worry it isnt black its transparent :p so then after you clicked the icon. go back to the home screen and you would see that the icon has disappeared :) but dont worry its there but just hidden (;

3. I love to use this app that is called Desktop Visualizer. which gives a sexy touch to your phone. i love using it because it makes the phone much more customization. anyways after you download Desktop Visualizer, you would need some icons. ( Dev-Host - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service )

4.after you chose the dock you need to choose the wallpaper. Wallpapers - Modelstudent this website has so many wallpapers that it would probably take you hours to find the right one lol. anyways find the wallpaper that fits the dock best. or you can download this amazing app that is used for wallpapers. its called Wallbase.

the Reason i did this was to share my ideas, and hopefully you would use some of my ideas to make android customizing FUN!!! i have so much fun on this phone only because of the people that provide the materials and the amazing ROMS and themes. If it wasnt for the amazing people in the Lg esteem community i wouldnt be having this much fun with my phone. thanks for all of you guys. Lg Esteem FAMILY!!​
Lol PAH, I have a way different set up in tumblr lol. Anyways I just wanted to describe to people how I get some of these docks because I remember some people asking for that HTC dock. Just click the website and search around and save it to your phone and WAHHHLA! Lol I take my time customizing this phone :0

You use LauncherPro? If so, how long have you had it? I loved it but mines froze and eventually lagged my phone :/
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yea.... ive had it for about a year now. it sometimes lags when starting up but it later runs smooth like a baby's butt :3 i prefer it for people that want a custom dock. I dont think theirs a way to change and put a custom dock for ADW. If ADW had the ability to put whatever dock, i would go with ADW because it never lets me down.
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I think I'm the only one that's not a fan of that dock. Lol

I'm on this whole ics thing right now, can't get enough. :D

But this is good info here, i do appreciate the link for the wallpapers though. Can never have too many of those. ;)

lol i know!!!! i love changing my wallpaper lol. use wallbase though. beautiful app and has amazing HD wallpapers for android. its considered the best. i also go to the website thats amazing for both Iphone and Android UltraLinx this site has all the info you need to put your android to the extreme!! lol
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I think I'm the only one that's not a fan of that dock. Lol

I'm on this whole ics thing right now, can't get enough. :D

But this is good info here, i do appreciate the link for the wallpapers though. Can never have too many of those. ;)

Nope!! I'm not a fan of that dock either. Thanks for the wallpaper link though optic.

Sent from my LG-MS910 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
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yea.... ive had it for about a year now. it sometimes lags when starting up but it later runs smooth like a baby's butt :3 i prefer it for people that want a custom dock. I dont think theirs a way to change and put a custom dock for ADW. If ADW had the ability to put whatever dock, i would go with ADW because it never lets me down.

I think you can change the dock. I remember playing around with it a while back, when I first got the Esteem before I found the Ericsson Home.
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yea.... ive had it for about a year now. it sometimes lags when starting up but it later runs smooth like a baby's butt :3 i prefer it for people that want a custom dock. I dont think theirs a way to change and put a custom dock for ADW. If ADW had the ability to put whatever dock, i would go with ADW because it never lets me down.
Nice. I actually went back to LauncherPro yesterday because I didn't like 360 launcher's new update. So far, LP is running good like before. I heard the developer went MIA so there wasn't any updates or like that but it seems like there is so we'll see if I love it again :)
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