Looks like you don't have all of the stuff needed in the frameworks. Also you need to do the dmesg right after you try to open the camera, that is how I figured out that our front cameras permissions weren't setup correctly. Also the parser errors may have something to do with it,
[HIGH]04-22 20:12:39.243: E/ExtendedExtractor(18639): Failed to open MM_PARSER_LIB, dlerror = Cannot load library: reloc_library[1314]: 18639 cannot locate '_ZN7android11MediaSource13getBufferInfoERNS_2spINS_7IMemoryEEEPj'...
04-22 20:12:39.243: E/ExtendedExtractor(18639):
04-22 20:12:39.263: E/ExtendedExtractor(18639): Failed to open MM_PARSER_LITE_LIB, dlerror = Cannot load library: reloc_library[1314]: 18639 cannot locate '_ZN7android11MediaSource23getNumberOfVideoBuffersEv'...
04-22 20:12:39.263: E/ExtendedExtractor(18639):
[/HIGH]These could be two things,
1 you don't have the MM parser .so files
2 the cameraHal is calling for getNumberOfVideoBuffers but your proprietary files use a different naming. For instance we had to change these to match our kernel.
[HIGH]static camera_info_t HAL_cameraInfo[MSM_MAX_CAMERA_SENSORS]; [/HIGH]to
[HIGH]static camera_info_t HAL_cameraInfo[MAX_SENSOR_NUM]; [/HIGH]You should be able to reference your msm_camera.h and run the strings command on your libcamera.so to find any missing entries that you may need in both the cameraHal and the frameworks.
This is the Frameworks camera commit from the Triumph to give you an idea.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.