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NETFLIX: What Are You Streaming Right Now

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The Thick of it has been on my list for ages, I think I'm going for it next.

Just finished that and Serenity, it's brilliant.

Just started Stargate Atlantis. It's pretty corny tbh, but I've had a few of the boys at work tell me to stick with it.

It's a western, in space which I didn't know since I seen serenity first, I remember being entertained by it, but I was dumb kid who grew up into a slightly less dumb adult. Might give it a,once over after original star trek, just loving kirk.
The Arrested Development guys are still talking about doing a movie. Season 4 was supposed to lead into that. Then, I think they're planning on making a Season 5 after that. The actors are all so busy, it's difficult to make it happen.

Ohhhh, I am a huge fan of Arrested Development! I hope it happens.
I did not get to finnish "24" .. was in the middle of the last season.. wanted to catch up before it restarted on May 5. :(

amazon took it away.
Netflix has signed a deal with , of all entities, VERIZON. Say goodbye to binge streaming, reasonable priced subscriptions and get ready for the politics and rate hikes.

Netflix boosts bandwith for Verizon customers - what about the rest of us? I still get the "BLURRED" screen at startup before it clears after a few seconds (15 or 20). Oh Netflix...oh Netflix... tsk tsk tsk.

I think that rather than boost bandwidth, they're going to throttle it less and sell the idea that they did everyone a favor.

Last I heard, Comcast was still borking it.
Netflix has signed a deal with , of all entities, VERIZON. Say goodbye to binge streaming, reasonable priced subscriptions and get ready for the politics and rate hikes.

Netflix boosts bandwith for Verizon customers - what about the rest of us? I still get the "BLURRED" screen at startup before it clears after a few seconds (15 or 20). Oh Netflix...oh Netflix... tsk tsk tsk.

I think that rather than boost bandwidth, they're going to throttle it less and sell the idea that they did everyone a favor.

Last I heard, Comcast was still borking it.
They already made a deal with Comcast previously. With the FCC destroying any semblance of net neutrality, companies like Netflix will have to pay all the ISP's to avoid being throttled. In turn, the price of Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. will continue to increase.
They already made a deal with Comcast previously. With the FCC destroying any semblance of net neutrality, companies like Netflix will have to pay all the ISP's to avoid being throttled. In turn, the price of Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. will continue to increase.

Phandroid published an interesting table on speeds -


Then came the February deal, and this report has an interesting take on its relationship with net neutrality -


Regardless, Comcast identified Netflix as a competitor the other day -


Followed by the latest salvo from Netflix claiming that the proposed merger with Time Warner is anti-competitive -


None of it is going to pleasant for us, I think.
Yes, looks like Netflix is going to do a "google" on us........gittn so big they forgey about the cust . I got an email from Netflix mgmt back in the day when they first began offering stream and doubled the bills. I canceled my disc and account one day and they "must" have gotten so many cancellations that they had to respond and make it right. Now i bet that will never happen again. When the phone co rools the nest, netflix will become the "water-boy" and dobwhat the provider of bandwidth says.

Watching 'Surviving the Cut' season 1, each 45min show has a different special forces and how they train. I'm sure they only show a very small fraction of what they have to go through. I'm enjoying it. 😀
Watching 'Surviving the Cut' season 1, each 45min show has a different special forces and how they train. I'm sure they only show a very small fraction of what they have to go through. I'm enjoying it. 😀

Oooh i havent heard of that series! Will check it out!
Oooh i havent heard of that series! Will check it out!

If you or anyone else likes that series also check out Two Weeks in Hell. a couple more that I have yet to look at are, Toughest Military Jobs and Live Fire.

On a totally different subject, Stephen Hawking: Into the Universe and Grand Design are great as is Neil deGrasse Tyson's, The Inexplicable Universe. :cool:
If you or anyone else likes that series also check out Two Weeks in Hell. a couple more that I have yet to look at are, Toughest Military Jobs and Live Fire.

On a totally different subject, Stephen Hawking: Into the Universe and Grand Design are great as is Neil deGrasse Tyson's, The Inexplicable Universe. :cool:

I've been enjoying Tyson's series.

Cool! I will add these to my lineup!!! My interest has been peaked!

Has anyone heard of Show Box?
Cool! I will add these to my lineup!!! My interest has been peaked!

Has anyone heard of Show Box?

If it's what I think, they've already put a no-discussion policy in place for it at XDA on account of being a piracy deal.

If it's that, we'll have to impose the same policy for the same reason.

Nothing personal, not accusing, but we gotta do what we gotta do to not get a DCMA takedown order. Serious stuff.
If it's what I think, they've already put a no-discussion policy in place for it at XDA on account of being a piracy deal.

If it's that, we'll have to impose the same policy for the same reason.

Nothing personal, not accusing, but we gotta do what we gotta do to not get a DCMA takedown order. Serious stuff.

Didnt know about that on xda. Somebody mentioned it to me and i told him it seems too good to be true, plus didnt see it in "The Market" and other sites seemed phishy. No prob. Sounds like its a hot potato!
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