But didn't android become like the most popular system, even beating iOS? They did that without dumbing it down to metro. Heck, iOS often gets pegged because it comes off as meant for idiots. Why would any Android fan want that? The very thing they hated from iOS?
Android fans are
already Android fans, and keeping the UI the same isn't going to attract more in droves. Changing the UI isn't going to make existing Android fans leave in droves (you and I and others in this thread will hack away at it to make it tolerable because we still prefer what's underneath). It may bring in a load of people who want that, though.
As well, it's safe to make it just like everybody else's UI; with them all the same, there's no reason to change away from Android and nothing stopping people from adopting it. (Of course that works the same for the competition too.)
Either worshipping Google or worshipping Apple. Before long no one will even be able to tell them apart.
Could replace Google and Apple with political parties or car companies there and it would be the same. We're used to that concept, eh?
What is interesting is how the same user hates Windows 8 because it has a toddler approach to the UI, but uses and even praises the pastel oversized ui that Android is turning into, no problem.
...and unlike what is described here as happening to Android, in Windows 8 it's trivially easy to not only avoid the toddler UI but to
disable it and re-create the old UI. The Esc key dismisses Metro, a little free program called "Winaero Skip Metro Suite" toggles a registry setting that mostly prevents Metro, and good ol' free Classic Shell gives you the Start menu of your choice. Then you're left with a vastly improved underlying OS and your preferred UI.
Price isn't a point anymore. The S4 costs $100 more than an iPhone if you look at both devices unsubsidized.
Price IS a point. You're pointing out that there are now high-end Android devices that cost as much as iDevices, but you're forgetting that there are still low-end Android devices that cost a fraction of that kind of money. Android has the entire low-budget market. I could buy a dozen Virgin Mobile Ventures for the price of one iDevice or S4.
Either way I see far more iPhones than Android phones. Average users don't need all the levels of customization in Android, they just want their instagram, Facebook, and texting. This is the demographic Google is changing for?
Yes, Google is trying to grab those people now that they've got us already.
I don't know why you and I see more iPhones than Androids, considering the statistics.