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New software patch on the way

I really hope it does more than that. There are other issues I find a bit more pressing than this. But we'll see.
I really hope it does more than that. There are other issues I find a bit more pressing than this. But we'll see.

For me, the audio mess is a main issue, especially being a caregiver of an elderly parent, whose condition can change at any moment. Not having ample battery life is right up there as well, but I'm lucky to be near electrical outlets.

What are your main sticking points?

I was surprised myself to hear, that the email only mentioned user audio issues

+1, but I guess that the audio issues are a top priority. Another update may deal with the other problems.
I was told something similar this past Friday when I went to Verizon. My issue I went in for was my rear, external speaker sounds blown- and this is what they told me. A software update coming out in a week or so should fix it. WTF?! Not really understanding how a software update will fix a possible blown speaker but hey I don't know shit haha.
This is great news. My battery woes were fixed with the 1750 battery, but the audio issues are unbearable. Callers constantly break up and if they have me on speaker phone you can forget about being able to have a conversation.
I only have audio issues, (breaking up) etc, when I'm talking to someone on a land line, mobile to mobile calls are fine. Weird I know!

I hope this does clear that up!
Actually the audio issues are a big problem. The audio issues mentioned in the patch happen when you make or receive a call and all you and the party on the other end hear is dead air. My wife and I have both experienced it on our phones although hers seems to do it more often. When we are calling each other we have no ideas who's phone is at fault! When we call other people or landline phones and it happens we have to hang up and call back. Imagine having to call 911 and they can't hear you... Not good!

Supposedly it is just a software issue and whatever patch they have in the works is supposed to fix it. I hope so!
Actually the audio issues are a big problem. The audio issues mentioned in the patch happen when you make or receive a call and all you and the party on the other end hear is dead air. My wife and I have both experienced it on our phones although hers seems to do it more often. When we are calling each other we have no ideas who's phone is at fault! When we call other people or landline phones and it happens we have to hang up and call back. Imagine having to call 911 and they can't hear you... Not good!

Supposedly it is just a software issue and whatever patch they have in the works is supposed to fix it. I hope so!
Would be cool if they were fixing more than that, but hey, its a start. Plus its a phone, people should be able to hear you.
Sometimes my phone does a chirp-like ring instead of a normal ring; the phone starts ringing and then abruptly stops halfway into the first ring. Happens randomly. I hope that's part of the fix.
Sometimes my phone does a chirp-like ring instead of a normal ring; the phone starts ringing and then abruptly stops halfway into the first ring. Happens randomly. I hope that's part of the fix.

Same thing for me on text messages every so often. Or it just vibrates and there is no audible ring tone.
Actually the audio issues are a big problem. The audio issues mentioned in the patch happen when you make or receive a call and all you and the party on the other end hear is dead air. My wife and I have both experienced it on our phones although hers seems to do it more often. When we are calling each other we have no ideas who's phone is at fault! When we call other people or landline phones and it happens we have to hang up and call back. Imagine having to call 911 and they can't hear you... Not good!

Supposedly it is just a software issue and whatever patch they have in the works is supposed to fix it. I hope so!

Your married, of course it's your fault! :cool:
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