So you really believe that someone who grows up in an imigrated household, where the whole family just started speaking english, and the parents dont have time for their kids since they have to work hard because they have poor education, stands a chance against an only child who grew up in a sophisticated wealthy household where the parents had enough time to read books to their child and teach him social values? Bit of a long sentence, sorry and of course an extreme example, but I guess you get my point.
Also you didn't mention anything about the exploitation of the so called developing countries by us. We are taking away their hard earned money to finance our wealth!
I get your point, and understand what your saying. The parents may not have a chance to make it big, the children, yes. They will learn English, and through HARD WORK, will have a lot greater chance of making it. It may take a generation or two, but it WILL happen IF they try hard enough. But you're saying that people who have worked very hard, or their parents, should not let their children benefit from their hard work? (Granted, they should teach their children hard work, morals, and responsibility.) It's almost the same thing as kids, or adults, talking bad about another because Johnny's parents bought him a new BMW as a graduation present, if you get what I'm saying.