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NextElect Obama Countdown

So you really believe that someone who grows up in an imigrated household, where the whole family just started speaking english, and the parents dont have time for their kids since they have to work hard because they have poor education, stands a chance against an only child who grew up in a sophisticated wealthy household where the parents had enough time to read books to their child and teach him social values? Bit of a long sentence, sorry and of course an extreme example, but I guess you get my point.

Also you didn't mention anything about the exploitation of the so called developing countries by us. We are taking away their hard earned money to finance our wealth!

I get your point, and understand what your saying. The parents may not have a chance to make it big, the children, yes. They will learn English, and through HARD WORK, will have a lot greater chance of making it. It may take a generation or two, but it WILL happen IF they try hard enough. But you're saying that people who have worked very hard, or their parents, should not let their children benefit from their hard work? (Granted, they should teach their children hard work, morals, and responsibility.) It's almost the same thing as kids, or adults, talking bad about another because Johnny's parents bought him a new BMW as a graduation present, if you get what I'm saying.
I get your point, and understand what your saying. The parents may not have a chance to make it big, the children, yes. They will learn English, and through HARD WORK, will have a lot greater chance of making it. It may take a generation or two, but it WILL happen IF they try hard enough. But you're saying that people who have worked very hard, or their parents, should not let their children benefit from their hard work? (Granted, they should teach their children hard work, morals, and responsibility.) It's almost the same thing as kids, or adults, talking bad about another because Johnny's parents bought him a new BMW as a graduation present, if you get what I'm saying.
I think I get what you are saying, but I doubt it. In germany there are currently a lot of turkish immigrants. Of course all of their children go to school, but most of them have to leave after high school since it would cost too much to go to an university. Also the time they would go to school, they could work and earn money for the family. So most of those poor families(not always imigrants of course) can't afford to have a child going to the university. Also the curriculum framework is a lot higher in a family where the parents went to an university. So there is not an equal opportunity. What you are talking about is an equal possibility.

I can only talk about germany since I'm obviously german and I was only about a year in america. But the american school system is imo as pricey as the german.
Those folks care is only covered - i.e. forced on us all - by GOVERNMENT MANDATES.

If hospitals were allowed to check for citizenship and / or ability to pay *(i.e. run like any other business)*, health costs in this country would drop like a stone. People (thanks government schools...) go to the emergency room for a cold!

I say "emergency care only". If you're hurt, and you can't pay, fine - we fix you up... but if you're here illegally, we also put you back where you belong....

Every "Poor person" is already covered by medicaid... so get rid of the illegals, enact tort reform, and (oh my!) teach people to be responsible for their decisions (i.e. if you do CRACK, it's not my responsibilty to pay for your health care...), and we'd be in great shape.


Amen brother. Socialist pigs are just that. It's just Marxism 'lite' and we all know how that turned out don't we.
wow, some crazy ignorance in this thread...i won't even get started. Just remember "Social Security" a system that has been in play for quite a while is a form of socialism...funny that socialism has become a dirty word to the ignorant masses...when did helping your fellow man become evil?
wow, some crazy ignorance in this thread...i won't even get started. Just remember "Social Security" a system that has been in play for quite a while is a form of socialism...funny that socialism has become a dirty word to the ignorant masses...when did helping your fellow man become evil?

Nobody said helping your fellow man is evil. Wealthy private citizens in the US are the biggest, most generous donors in the world. The problem comes when government forcibly takes 40% of one persons earnings, only 10% from his neighbor, and then decides how it will spend the money it took. I could help my local economy and local charities much more if the government wasn't taking over $100,000 of MY earnings every year. Instead, the government takes such a big chunk of my pay check, that I'm pinching pennies to pay back my loans (and not doing things like going to movies, going out to eat, paying someone else to change my oil and brake pads in my car instead of doing it myself because I have to, etc, etc.
It's both funny and sad. A few months ago someone called into a conservative talk radio show in support of Obamas tax increase to people making over $250K (or where ever the "cut-off" was at the time). The host asked the caller what his salary was. The caller said it was close to $80K/year. The host pointed out that his salary is like twice the national family average, and many people would say that HE is rich and should be taxed more, to which the caller replied (and I'm not making this up) "but I went to school and work really hard for this job." I promise you that I have studied far more than that guy, and continue to work much harder as a surgeon to earn my money, but to democrates like him, taxing the fruit of MY labor more is somehow more fair than taxing HIS.
How did you all like the back room deal for the unions? They get a pass and we get the shaft on the tax. I guess its who you know. There are so many back room deals going on its crazy. cspan tried to put this on TV Bama and Pelosi shot that down. Pelosi just laughed and said a lot of things were said....
As far as the "bank tax" my wife works for a large bank. You know what she said they are going to do? Raise fees on all of us. WE are going to pay that bank tax... She also said its funny IEG and many many of the companies that were bailed out will be exempt. Anyway shows you when ever BO gets involved it costs US money. My wifes bank wont take a loss. We will. BTW her bank did NOT take any tarp money. They did things right and yet still are getting Obama'd.
My mother is the Ops manager for Tennessee in a larger bank. They are one of the only banks that are very stable, yet they were forced to take some money. Payed it back as soon as it was aloud. This is just getting ridiculous, and the sad thing is I can't think of anywhere else where its better. But at the same time..."Patriotism is loyalty to the nation all the time, and the government when it deserves it" - the Czar's Soliloquy
Yours moms bank is going to get wacked by the new tax to than =( That ALWAYS helps, tax em! Ever gotten a job from a broke or homeless person? Dont worry your moms bank like all the rest of them will just pass the fees down to us. All the new taxs and such BO is trying to do is going to in the end cost US money. I dont think Barry gets that.
We really need to step up and put on a bumper sticker or a sign anything. Be vocal about our issues with the spending spree's, deals, lies, tax's, regualtions, Bamacare Etc etc. If we start REALLY speaking up in a public way CNN and congress will have to notice. The problem is working Americans dont have time to do a Million man march, protest and such. We keep our heads down and stay on the grind and vent on the web. Tea party put on a good show a while back but CNN and the government paid no notice. We need to step it up. Be vocal, do what you can, throw on a bumper sticker and stop fearing what will happen. We live in fear of those who elected Bama and its a shame. IF there is enough of us no longer will we have to bow down and take it. They will have to listen to the people. Right now they are ramming the health care leg down our throats. ALL polls show we do NOT want this as it stands. We do not even know how it stands quite frankly. It has all been doctored behind closed doors and sits at over 2,500 pages. We may not know the full extent of this mistake for years. By than it may be too late. Stand up for your rights and speak! Let them all know we elected them. They need to listen to us! a few states are taling about leaving the union. At this point I would vote in favor. This government cannot run it self now they want to run my life. WE are being taxed to death for what? Did you know millions went to zip codes that didnt even exsist??? Look it up! 9 zip codes in one state alone got 9 million of the stimulus.
Nobody said helping your fellow man is evil. Wealthy private citizens in the US are the biggest, most generous donors in the world. The problem comes when government forcibly takes 40% of one persons earnings, only 10% from his neighbor, and then decides how it will spend the money it took. I could help my local economy and local charities much more if the government wasn't taking over $100,000 of MY earnings every year. Instead, the government takes such a big chunk of my pay check, that I'm pinching pennies to pay back my loans (and not doing things like going to movies, going out to eat, paying someone else to change my oil and brake pads in my car instead of doing it myself because I have to, etc, etc.

Well if that is true then you are giving more in taxes than 90% of americans make per year.....so you should be ok.
Well if that is true then you are giving more in taxes than 90% of americans make per year.....so you should be ok.

Democrat = person who is very generous with other people money.

Who are you to decide if "he's making enough"? That's WRONG.
Nobody but the agreement I make with my employer should determine what is enough for me.

And, as to the guy who brought up social security... That's just funny, my good man. Social Security is BROKE. WE the people cannot support it.
it's a PONZI scheme.... IT needs to be dismantled. People need to be given responsibility for their own actions and lives. (PS - Both my parents are collecting SS now. My dad grumbles all the time that he could have much more $ now if he'd been allowed to invest it himself)
Well if that is true then you are giving more in taxes than 90% of americans make per year.....so you should be ok.

You just proved our point. I make more than most Americans, but I worked much harder for it. Very few people are willing to make the sacrifices I have made and continue to make to EARN that money. If it was easy, everyone would become a surgeon. I should have every right to keep what I earned just like you. I should not be raped by the government because I have worked extra hard my entire life!
You just proved our point. I make more than most Americans, but I worked much harder for it. Very few people are willing to make the sacrifices I have made and continue to make to EARN that money. If it was easy, everyone would become a surgeon. I should have every right to keep what I earned just like you. I should not be raped by the government because I have worked extra hard my entire life!

If you handled money in the truly republican way you would have a bunch of dummy corporations to filter your money thru.
If you handled money in the truly republican way you would have a bunch of dummy corporations to filter your money thru.

??? Have you not been paying attention? It's the Democrates in Washington that seem to cheat on their taxes more than anyone else. Of course, when they get caught, they don't seem to get into trouble....
A Re-Elect Obama App???

Isn't that the Doomsday Countdown???

You might want to go to the first page and actually "read" this thread. It's an app that counts down until we can finally be rid of him.

+1 for the re-elect vs doomsday too btw lol
Just think, though: If we'd elected the other ticket there wouldn't be anyone watching Russia to keep us safe.....
Sad when a man can run a country into the ground for 8 years (Bush) and people love him for it. Then along comes someone willing to give Americans healthcare, prosperity and security and he is bashed for it. What kind of bizarro world is this? You can tell you have no outlook on life or America in general when you can't even give the man 1 single solitary year to prove himself, but it really doesn't matter. I have never voted for a loser and in 2012 I will vote for Obama again.. makes you cringe doesn't it? Shame that 43 President's before him didn't give Americans simple healthcare like other western nations. All I want to know is... where is the Nobel Peace Prize your candidate won?

PS. Get apps that work for you.. like Obama!

Um... 'Obama' and 'prosperity' are not generally appropriate within a single document. In fact, he openly intends to tear it down where it currently exists! :mad:
Um... 'Obama' and 'prosperity' are not generally appropriate within a single document. In fact, he openly intends to tear it down where it currently exists! :mad:

I don't know about him "openly intending to tear down prosperity", but he's not a cure-all for what ails us, either.

I voted for Obama, and I'll continue to vote for the least stupid candidate who can trick me into believing they're not puppets of lobbyists, be they republican or democrat.
I don't know about him "openly intending to tear down prosperity", but he's not a cure-all for what ails us, either.

It's referred to as "redistributing the wealth." He hasn't done a very good job of hiding his intentions. In fact, he's been quite open about them. The idea is to reward laziness and punish those who have generated wealth and prosperity.
The idea is to reward laziness and punish those who have generated wealth and prosperity.

Excuse me but but aren't those the same people whose get rich schemes turned many peoples 401K plans into 201Ks, o wait they got rich from that too.

Just think how much better off we would be with John and Sarah in charge.
There wont be a country in 2012 for 2 reasons. the world is ending in 2012 and obama is going to ruin this country financially .

I'm not democrat or republican, but I can see why democrats might find it difficult to reason with their detractors. LOL. One "might" be able to get into a discussion about whether or not Obama will ruin the country financially, but if you mix in "the end is near!" you've lost a lot of credibility.
??? Have you not been paying attention? It's the Democrates in Washington that seem to cheat on their taxes more than anyone else. Of course, when they get caught, they don't seem to get into trouble....

I'm waiting for the day when we can just say "stupid people" instead of "democrat" or "republican." It would be much more reasonable in discussions like this. Example taken from the above quote: "It's the stupid people in washington that seem to cheat on their taxes more than anyone else." See, now it makes much more sense, and just about everyone will agree with the statement.
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