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NextElect Obama Countdown

1. Hope is not a plan.
2. Yasir Arafat got a Nobel Peace prize.
3. Canadians frequently come to the US for their surgeries to avoid languishing for months.
4. Will BO wreck the US? No. Will he (Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid et al) write checks that will take decades to pay off and increase the already inflated sense of entitlement among the lazy? Yes.
But I am going to get up when the alarm goes off in the morning, go to work and pay my taxes just like during any other administration.
Out of control, and perhaps a bit cathartic. Venting may prevent the future illnesses that would otherwise be treated with substandard socialized care. LOL.:)
1. Hope is not a plan.
2. Yasir Arafat got a Nobel Peace prize.
3. Canadians frequently come to the US for their surgeries to avoid languishing for months.
4. Will BO wreck the US? No. Will he (Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid et al) write checks that will take decades to pay off and increase the already inflated sense of entitlement among the lazy? Yes.
But I am going to get up when the alarm goes off in the morning, go to work and pay my taxes just like during any other administration.

1. Substance-free statements are not an argument.
2. See number 1.
3. There is scant evidence that Canadians come to the U.S. for medical care in any significant numbers. See here.
4. The current health care proposals will reduce the deficit, and Obama cut taxes on the middles class in the stimulus bill. Conversely, the Bush tax cuts are by far the biggest drivers of the current deficit picture, and the need for the stimulus package was created by Bush. See here. In addition, Bush created both the bank bailout and the auto company bailout (in December 2008); I assume you condemn their growing sense of entitlement as well. Most entitlement programs are only provided for a limited time. You may think that the poor are lazy and living off the government, but doing so for long periods of time is just not possible after the welfare reforms in the 1990s.
1. Substance-free statements are not an argument.
2. See number 1.
3. There is scant evidence that Canadians come to the U.S. for medical care in any significant numbers. See here.
4. The current health care proposals will reduce the deficit, and Obama cut taxes on the middles class in the stimulus bill. Conversely, the Bush tax cuts are by far the biggest drivers of the current deficit picture, and the need for the stimulus package was created by Bush. See here. In addition, Bush created both the bank bailout and the auto company bailout (in December 2008); I assume you condemn their growing sense of entitlement as well. Most entitlement programs are only provided for a limited time. You may think that the poor are lazy and living off the government, but doing so for long periods of time is just not possible after the welfare reforms in the 1990s.
LOL at number 4.
In 1965, as Congress considered legislation to establish a national Medicare program, the House Ways and Means Committee estimated that the hospital insurance portion of the program, Part A, would cost about $9 billion annually by 1990.v Actual Part A spending in 1990 was $67 billion. The actuary who provided the original cost estimates acknowledged in 1994 that, even after conservatively discounting for the unexpectedly high inflation rates of the early
LOL at number 4.
In 1965, as Congress considered legislation to establish a national Medicare program, the House Ways and Means Committee estimated that the hospital insurance portion of the program, Part A, would cost about $9 billion annually by 1990.v Actual Part A spending in 1990 was $67 billion. The actuary who provided the original cost estimates acknowledged in 1994 that, even after conservatively discounting for the unexpectedly high inflation rates of the early
I live in Norway. I can fall off a [random number]stories building, break every bone in my body, get transported to the hospital (best one available in Norway), get myself fixed up, stay there to rebuild musclemass, eat food all day long, for free. All I have to do is pay a bit of taxes, which is neglible because of our great (and free) educational system, which grants us well paid jobs. You Ameri***s beat that :P
I live in Norway. I can fall off a [random number]stories building, break every bone in my body, get transported to the hospital (best one available in Norway), get myself fixed up, stay there to rebuild musclemass, eat food all day long, for free. All I have to do is pay a bit of taxes, which is neglible because of our great (and free) educational system, which grants us well paid jobs. You Ameri***s beat that :P

It's sad to say, but no.. we can not. The one man pushing hard to bring America into the 21st century is being fought tooth and nail because of party politics and racism... thereby making America suffer as a whole.
This is a fairly innocuous question, I think. I'm not intending to insult anybody.

A lot of people state that health care is a privilege and not a right. I'm inclined to agree, to a certain extent. Why do the same people, though, not have any problem with the government providing protection from disaster (firemen) and crime (law enforcement)? We pay for those things. What's different about health care? Health complications are another form of emergency that people inevitably will need assistance with or protection from. I think having a healthy, less stressed citizenry is something both the government and the people should want and would benefit from.

I'm not a huge fan of the bill they're proposing, nor the democrats botched original version of a government run plan, but wouldn't it be worth it to the majority of Americans (specifically middle class) to pay a little more in taxes if this equated to a lot less in health care, the inability to be denied coverage and protection from related bankruptcy? It works in other countries just fine.

I'd like to clarify. I'm kind of middle of the road. I lean conservative on plenty of issues (note important difference between "conservative" and "republican") and liberal on others. I don't associate with a specific party and generally don't like many of our elected officials, so please don't jump down my throat calling me a lefty or a socialist or whatever other names come to mind. This was intended to a be a legitimate question.

Crappy current bill iteration aside, what is inherently wrong with a government ensuring good, worry free health care for its people? What makes this a bad thing?

Yes, yes and YES!
1. Hope is not a plan.
2. Yasir Arafat got a Nobel Peace prize.
3. Canadians frequently come to the US for their surgeries to avoid languishing for months.
4. Will BO wreck the US? No. Will he (Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid et al) write checks that will take decades to pay off and increase the already inflated sense of entitlement among the lazy? Yes.
But I am going to get up when the alarm goes off in the morning, go to work and pay my taxes just like during any other administration.

*Backing your president and country, as any great American should*
I would find this definition next to the world "socialism" in a dictionary.
I, nor any family member, has ever had an insurance claim denied. However, most denials occur when people don't bother to read their policy and do things like see an out of network provider instead of their PCM as they're supposed to or ignore the fact that they need authorization for a procedure. I laugh when I see people complain of denials because the majority of the time it's situations just like these.
There is no mention of tort reform, the REAL driver of healthcare costs, or the availability of insurance plans across state lines. Without these things, there is NO reform.

While we're at it, ask yourself why providers are dropping current government health plans like Medicare and TRICARE left and right. I'll give you a hint: It's not because they're MAKING money on them...
You or your family has never been denied...well lucky you. I sir have been denied. Why? I was born with a heart defect. pre-existing condition. So because of this i cant get insurance that covers my bi-annual check ups. so whats the point of me paying hundres of dollars each month for insurance if what i usually would need it for is not covered? I'm still paying for medical bills my bullshit insurance company didnt want to cover. And guess what. I called them before i signed up, discussed this whole situation with them and they agreed they would cover me and my cardiologist appts. after paying them for about 8 months, i finally had an appt. month later I get a bill in the mail...after 2 months of arguing with them...i'm having to pay it. So what happens to the people like me that can afford to pay insurance, but they wont cover pre-existing conditions? O well...we are just screwed huh?
I can't wait till Android 2.1 comes out for the Hero...

I used 2.1 on my HTC Magic... it's not so great, but as with all software when it comes out everyone wants it because it's new.

As for this so called Obama app... without quality apps people are going to buy (I dread saying it) an iPhone. To those of you that support your President through the good and the bad, you're keeping America strong. To those who wake up with division on your mind and hate in your hearts... make your stand in 2016 because Obama's gonna be around awhile. Feels good saying that thanks to Obama we had the largest voter turnout in US history.. 132 million people.. nearly half of the population of the US. When will this country ever stand up to it's name.. The UNITED States of America?
I live in Norway. I can fall off a [random number]stories building, break every bone in my body, get transported to the hospital (best one available in Norway), get myself fixed up, stay there to rebuild musclemass, eat food all day long, for free. All I have to do is pay a bit of taxes, which is neglible because of our great (and free) educational system, which grants us well paid jobs. You Ameri***s beat that :P
We have.
Here, everyone has the opportunity to make what they will of themselves. IN Norway, The government owns all the OIL you have, and subsidizes the costs of government and etc with that money - and you guys STILL pay outrageous taxes.

That model would not work here. Too many people.
That model would not work here. Too many people.
That's true - but you have to do better for the likes of LTZguy with the heart condition.

Just because you (rightly) love your country - it does not mean that everything about your country is perfect...this is one area that your country needs to improve on. Obama is trying to bring these improvements about and far too many people are fighting him tooth and nail.

I love my country too but I know it's far from perfect.
It's sad to say, but no.. we can not. The one man pushing hard to bring America into the 21st century is being fought tooth and nail because of party politics and rascism... thereby making America suffer as a whole.

OPPOSITION TO OBAMA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE!!!!! It has everything to do with socialism, creating a larger portion of the population that can't take care of itself and is dependant on the government, and opposition to the government taking even MORE of my freaking money! I could care less if he was purple. It's the socialist in him I can't stand. I would vote for a conservative black candidate that fought for my values in a nanosecond.
OPPOSITION TO OBAMA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE!!!!! It has everything to do with socialism, creating a larger portion of the population that can't take care of itself and is dependant on the government, and opposition to the government taking even MORE of my freaking money! I could care less if he was purple. It's the socialist in him I can't stand. I would vote for a conservative black candidate that fought for my values in a nanosecond.

I agree. I respect the office of the presidency first, and if the man in that seat holds the office how it should be, defending the constitution and the people, I respect him as well.

There's a reason our simple 17 or so paged document can be the supreme rule of our country, it protects the people from the government and not the other way around. So many other constitutions build the government around the people, ours builds the people around the government. It has outlasted so many other nations' constitutions. How many has France had since we founded ours? 5 or so?

The states created the federal government, now the fed wants all the power of all the people. Just remember that we're a republic, not a democracy. Socialism has no place in the United States, keep it across the pond where it belongs.
This was just released on Rueters. Pelosi and Obama have come up with a way to enforce the new manditory health care when it is passed. They will use the strength of the IRS for enfocement.
OH great..... not that we feared them enough. Now they are going to be a police force for health care. This is getting out of hand!
OPPOSITION TO OBAMA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE!!!!! It has everything to do with socialism, creating a larger portion of the population that can't take care of itself and is dependant on the government, and opposition to the government taking even MORE of my freaking money! I could care less if he was purple. It's the socialist in him I can't stand. I would vote for a conservative black candidate that fought for my values in a nanosecond.

You don't have to be socialist to a have a fair healthcare system.

Why is it that when people try to introduce some fairness - they get accused of being socialist - or worse - communist?

In fact - it's not even about fairness - but providing a helping hand to the less fortunate (not the lazy - don't confuse them).

Those who have tried taking thier version of fairness to extreme levels have ended up with something like communism which is what I think scares you. It does not have to be like that.
They throw the word 'socialism' around in a tantrum because finally someone is doing something about the failing health care system in America... the only problem is that it's someone they didn't vote for. As with all good things.. no matter what your party lines or level of hate... you too will benefit from what Obama is trying to do for you. It seems like things would be better if the opposition would stop dragging their feet because of who it is trying to make regular Americans lives better. If these people want America to fail so bad as a nation then I hope they are spending their free time learning Mandarin because you'll need it where the jobs are after you help cripple our country.
I live in Norway. I can fall off a [random number]stories building, break every bone in my body, get transported to the hospital (best one available in Norway), get myself fixed up, stay there to rebuild musclemass, eat food all day long, for free. All I have to do is pay a bit of taxes, which is neglible because of our great (and free) educational system, which grants us well paid jobs. You Ameri***s beat that :P

I can beat that easily, I live in America. ;)
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