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Odd mp3 corruption/playback issue


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
Southern Ontario
I've encountered an odd issue with regards to playing mp3's on my phone (happened on both of my phones, Huawei G312 running ICS and ZTE n762 with Gingerbread).

The odd song I transfer over will, just as it's about to end, jump back about 30 seconds and replay the remainder of the song.

This just isn't a playback issue, the actual files are changing. For example, on my PC, the song is 4:28 seconds long, but on my phone, where it repeats a section, it's 5:37.

I don't think it's the phone (as it's happened on two different phones, from different manufacturers, and with different SD cards), so I would assume it's a software issue.

I'm using PowerAmp, and this is the only issue I've really had with it. I just don't see what PowerAmp could've done to mess the file up like this, but it's the only common denominator.

It's not a big deal, as I just needed to transfer over the original song from my computer, I'm just wondering what would've caused this problem.


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