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Official Droid Eris 2.1 OS coming very soon.

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With the new leak my phone will not sleep. Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know a fix?
I'm running apps like sports tap, swype, native sms, facebook.
After looking around these forums for three months now, I whole-heartedly agree with that.

My Eris, still on 1.5, has never given me a problem (that is, a problem that did not turn out to be my lack of education on the device). I see no lag anywhere, as long as I do routine maintenance once per week.

I see others posting similar happiness with their devices, but mostly I see people with phone lag on-screen, browser freezing and crashes, sound issues, syncing issues and a host of other things.

So, some of that is user error (along with lack of proper maintenance), some has to be the software and some could even be the hardware itself (the Eris they have in their hand was not inspected properly before shipment, etc).

My wife and I have not had any of the issues that so many others have had, and hopefully we don't.
No sorry, from Atlanta, GA. I just had the problem with the first leak where the weather in the Desk Clock app would always show for Akron, OH and there was no way to change it. Appears to be fixed now.
Atlanta? thats my neck of the woods. :cool:
I know this is kind of off-topic but ever since I loaded this - I've lost a couple of my paid apps. They aren't on my download list - anyone else seeing this? Anyway I could get them back?

(no I didn't backup - I did it before I found this site)
With the new leak my phone will not sleep. Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know a fix?
I'm running apps like sports tap, swype, native sms, facebook.

As others have recommended in the Bugs & Fixes sticky, you should try installing Spare Parts just for the ability to see which app is hogging the battery. Chances are, that's the one that's also keeping the phone awake. Whenever I had 100% awake time, it was always something that was trying to sync but failing, like Google contacts, calendar, or Facebook.
With the new leak my phone will not sleep. Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know a fix?
I'm running apps like sports tap, swype, native sms, facebook.

It could be the native sms causing it to stay awake. Try an app from the market like Handcent (this is what I use) or chomp sms (both are free). Just remember to go into manage applications and clear defaults for native sms after installing, then go into the new app and start a message, it should then ask what you want to use as the default message, select the new app.
The very first link to megaupload is not a problem. There are NO viruses in this ROM. Those are false positives thrown by crappy antiviruses. Yeah the site might have ads. And they might pop up and annoy you, but that's why it's free to download from them.


Best bet for downloading from megaupload, rapidshare, and other types of those sites (if you do it very often, of course), I suggest getting jdownloader:
Download [JDownloader]

You can avoid the drama of waiting and the ads.
With the new leak my phone will not sleep. Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know a fix?
I'm running apps like sports tap, swype, native sms, facebook.
I have had the same issue and had another post with the same exact information..... In my case, I believe it was becasue I had it plugged in and when plugged in, the awake and up time are the same...

So i took it off the charger and sure enough the awake time stopped until I used the phone..

Not sure if that
Atlanta? thats my neck of the woods. :cool:


Just found out that there's still the bug where out of the blue the ringer won't ring when receiving a call. Missed an important one because of that. Literally had to watch my phone to be alerted when a call was coming through. Not even a reboot nor battery pull has fixed it. Anyone else experiencing this?
took the plunge from 1.5 to the latest leak, thanks all for the community tech support! This is insanely more fun than 1.5! Favorite new thing: the enhanced calendar functionality and full-sized agenda widget.
oh, and I'm one of the lucky ones, no major bugs, smooth install. Only thing is my "get more HTC widgets" isn't working yet, but I see that some people got that working, so maybe it's just warming up...
Just found out that there's still the bug where out of the blue the ringer won't ring when receiving a call. Missed an important one because of that. Literally had to watch my phone to be alerted when a call was coming through. Not even a reboot nor battery pull has fixed it. Anyone else experiencing this?

Well I just tied my problem to either the Lock screen or whenever the phone "sleeps". No ringer volume in either of these scenarios, but I do get ringer sound when the phone is awake and the screen is on. Going to disable "sleep" mode with ScreenMode Widget to see if that works.

Trying to avoid a reset.
My 3G is down, nothing to do with the update, it is down for my girlfriends phone too. I have never been able to connect to my home network either.

I guess this will have to wait until tomorrow. :(
OfTheDamned, you mentioned not being able to connect to your home network. I couldn't either until I turned off the N wireless on my b/g/n network. Once I switched the router to only b/g it worked fine to my Eris.
Went from stock 1.5 to this leak (knocks on wood) smoothly. I had HTC synched my contacts to my Exchange account before and restored after upgrade with no problems. Reinstalling apps was no problem, didn't have many anyway. Noticed that when I would place a call and cover the proximity sensor and uncover it wouldn't show me the screen again but a reboot fixed that and it hasn't happened again. Set all my preferences and customizations again with no issues so far. By the way someone asked if there was any issues connecting to an Exchange account, I can confirm ActiveSync is working.

Apart from that I love how much more responsive the phone is and so far so good! :)
no it wasn't, soon as i started downloading the file a program called Antimalware spawned up and took control. So no brah, it wasn't on my computer

nobody else seems to have a problem with it brah so maybe your antivirii software is malfunctioning brah
nobody else seems to have a problem with it brah so maybe your antivirii software is malfunctioning brah

Actually, quite a few people have picked up viruses from the megaupload link. It has to do with one of the ads on the site running a malicious script.
I don't get where some people are getting this malware from? I downloaded the update from the very first link to megaupload posted here by zxphenomenalxz and had nothing pop up or any warnings from my a/v software.
I don't get where some people are getting this malware from? I downloaded the update from the very first link to megaupload posted here by zxphenomenalxz and had nothing pop up or any warnings from my a/v software.

Again, it is coming from one of the ads on Megaupload. The ads rotate so not everyone will see the same ones. It could have shown up for the next person who visited the site. This happens a lot with sites that run a heavy amount of ads like that one does. Most people never realize it is the site and just figure the file contained something.
Again, it is coming from one of the ads on Megaupload. The ads rotate so not everyone will see the same ones. It could have shown up for the next person who visited the site. This happens a lot with sites that run a heavy amount of ads like that one does. Most people never realize it is the site and just figure the file contained something.

lol..you're right. you had posted about the ads being the issue. and true, they think it's the file but the file is clean.
Again, it is coming from one of the ads on Megaupload. The ads rotate so not everyone will see the same ones. It could have shown up for the next person who visited the site. This happens a lot with sites that run a heavy amount of ads like that one does. Most people never realize it is the site and just figure the file contained something.

Well said.

perhaps its time for the OP, and everyone else to delete links to that site. certainly there are now plenty of other options to download the file.
Yep! I got this puppy in my PC when I downloaded the update from MEGAUPLOAD!

Annoying as crap, until I got rid of it via msconfig Startup programs & then a search of files .... Uninstall did not work at first, which peed me off but I got it to finally go now.

And, my Eris is running better than ever with the new update!

With the launch of Skype Mobile on Blackberries & Droid Eris/Mot Droid/Mot Devour today, has anyone found a way to get Skype on the Eris with the 2.1 beta update? I could not see it in the Marketplace & the link from www.skype.com/mobile did not work. Ended up continuing to use Fring for my Skype on Eris. Got full Skype Mobile on my BB Curve 2 though ;-)

Sweeeeeet ;-)
Yep! I got this puppy in my PC when I downloaded the update from MEGAUPLOAD!

Annoying as crap, until I got rid of it via msconfig Startup programs & then a search of files .... Uninstall did not work at first, which peed me off but I got it to finally go now.

And, my Eris is running better than ever with the new update!

With the launch of Skype Mobile on Blackberries & Droid Eris/Mot Droid/Mot Devour today, has anyone found a way to get Skype on the Eris with the 2.1 beta update? I could not see it in the Marketplace & the link from www.skype.com/mobile did not work. Ended up continuing to use Fring for my Skype on Eris. Got full Skype Mobile on my BB Curve 2 though ;-)

Sweeeeeet ;-)

The Skype app isn't available in the market for leakers. If you have to download the .apk and install it manually.
Download com.skype.android.verizon.apk from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way
Compliments of thenestor
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