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Official EVO Rumors and Speculation thread

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I don't get why people are being so argumentative on what they believe should be the release date for the EVO.

The software is not done on the device, simple as that. Self Praise has already stated it several times. It'll be out when it's ready.

No amount of debating or no opinion, no matter how logical or reasonable it may be, will change the fact that the phone simply isn't ready for release yet, and the fact that Sprint will release it when it deems it ready to be released.

Would we all like it out as soon as possible? Yes. But barring Sprint making a huge mistake and releasing a device with buggy software and potentially alienating a huge portion of their customers, it will not happen.

It's nice to form your own ideas and provide reasonable rationale, but all the back and forth on what is strictly speculation and personal opinion is becoming a bit redundant.
This has already been discussed and confirmed by a few, but just wanted to add my 2 cents as well.

I went to 3 different retails chains (Best Buy, and 2 Radio Shacks) and all of the conversations went exactly like this (give or take a yeah for yes, etc)..

Me: Hey, do you guys know the release for the Evo yet?
Store person: I'm not sure, let me ask
(Manager or senior sales comes out): Its going to be released in May.
Me: May?! Really, I heard early June-ish?
Store: No, it's slated for May right now, as long as Sprint doesn't push it back
Me: And this is for sure, confirmed?
Store: Yep.
Me: Any pro-order options available?
Store: *Yes
Me: Cool! Do you have an exact date for me?
Store: I can't disclose that, but it'll be mid to late-May.
Me: Thanks!

* Radio Shack 1 said yes, Best Buy said yes, and would take my cell number now and put me on a list (which surprised me), Radio Shack 2 said they might, but have no info on pre-order now.

Sorry if this has been said a lot, just wanted to share my Saturday Evo recon trips! (gotta entertain myself while shoe shopping with the girlfriend....)
As always, I appreciate everything you say and I hang on every word. What I don't understand was your reference to May 22nd. Is that the day the media blitz begins and when we might learn more about the release date, etc?

You know the kind of people I hate? A know-it-all. The EVO doesn't come out in May 21st. My Sprint connect told me the 22nd. So I'm going to spread rumors that you Google everything, yet state that I got a so-called connect that told me such and such. Is this what they call irony?

I think he was commenting on the conversation that Jackson and the other person were having. Not sure
I don't get why people are being so argumentative on what they believe should be the release date for the EVO.

The software is not done on the device, simple as that. Self Praise has already stated it several times. It'll be out when it's ready.

No amount of debating or no opinion, no matter how logical or reasonable it may be, will change the fact that the phone simply isn't ready for release yet, and the fact that Sprint will release it when it deems it ready to be released.

Would we all like it out as soon as possible? Yes. But barring Sprint making a huge mistake and releasing a device with buggy software and potentially alienating a huge portion of their customers, it will not happen.

It's nice to form your own ideas and provide reasonable rationale, but all the back and forth on what is strictly speculation and personal opinion is becoming a bit redundant.
I'm the one that's been saying the official release date is "summer". Everything else is just rumor, but SP dropped the May 22nd date himself and so did eieio who obviously knows more than he's letting on to.
I don't get why people are being so argumentative on what they believe should be the release date for the EVO.
Android 17 in three words. It is fun!!!!! There is less and less info on the Evo, so we have to resort to making funny youtube videos and photoshop images. All this helps pass the time. :p
May 22nd right now is what seems to be what a lot of people are saying the release date will be. I don't know where it came from but it seems like there is actually some evidence behind this one. I would love this to happen =]

I just sent an e-mail over to Dan about it

Keep ya posted


steve im still thinking june as well. I think some of these stores are just trying to get customers, don't know about the device, or have been mis informed.
yeah maybe Sprint wants to make sure that all of the maximum possible markets are all set up for 4G on the EVO launch to get the maximum marketing exposure. maybe Hesse said -

"We can't do the big official EVO Launch until NYC, X City, Y City, and Z City are absolutely 4G ready. This launch is not just about the EVO - it's about marketing our SUPERIOR 4G network and we must use the EVO as the showpiece to demonstrate the speed and superiority of our network in the maximum number of cities possible given our planned launch timeline. Our 4G is our key differentiator and we can't F this thing up. We need to get the maximum bang for the buck from this launch."
Maybe they were looking at my posts this afternoon. Haha :D

Either May 22nd is going to be the day or SP is trying to start a rumor for Jackson to nibble on. I haven't figured out which, yet.

This just leads me to believe that the people working the chat and in the telesales are probably referring to the contest release date..
May 22 would be sweet. my upgrade is set for June 1 so this is perfect. i will be schmoozing for a slightly early upgrade. does anyone know if the Best Buy people can give you a slight early upgrade like the Sprint people can?
This just leads me to believe that the people working the chat and in the telesales are probably referring to the contest release date..

i'm usually skeptical about telesales people but look what happened with the VZW Incredible. people here placed orders and they were told they would ship in a few days and they were incredulous. but guess what - a few days later and the damn things shipped early. you never know.
I totally agree. The Incredible thread here at android forums has been going crazy, and pre-orders on the Incredible have repeatedly been creating havoc on the Verizon website. People are going with the Incredible because it is here now. If the release dates of the Incredible and the EVO had been switched, a very large portion of those who are going with the Incredible would have ordered the EVO... though perhaps I fail to account for the overzealous Verizon fanboys (there seem to be way too many of them).

To be honest, I've been seriously considering going with the Incredible because of lost patience (The EVO and the Incredible are very closely spec'ed since I'm not really into 720p video recording and since I'm ambivalent about the screen [extra size for the EVO / AMOLED for the Incredible]). Plus, I've been out of contract at Sprint for 5 months now. I've had to restrain myself multiple times, but ultimately what's kept me from going with the Incredible is the value of my Sprint plan, which is much better than anything I could get at Verizon (not even close), and ultimately, the EVO is the better spec'ed phone. I'm just impatient from waiting... In the tech world a day spent waiting for something is a day closer that product nudges towards obsolescence. But, I'm still here, no? :)

Im sorry the clincher for me over the Incredible to and all phones for that matter is the HDMI out. I just see so much potential in taking advantage of this option. I just have to quote this saying "If you build it, they will come" If it is a good product, they will come.

May 22 would be sweet. my upgrade is set for June 1 so this is perfect. i will be schmoozing for a slightly early upgrade. does anyone know if the Best Buy people can give you a slight early upgrade like the Sprint people can?
That's my date too. I doubt bestbuy people can, but who knows.
i'm usually skeptical about telesales people but look what happened with the VZW Incredible. people here placed orders and they were told they would ship in a few days and they were incredulous. but guess what - a few days later and the damn things shipped early. you never know.

that would be great if they did that with the EVO and I was one of the first to get it.. Sorry guys... I am looking out for number 1!! Me... lol but i would tell you all about it.. :D
Im sorry the clincher for me over the Incredible to and all phones for that matter is the HDMI out. I just see so much potential in taking advantage of this option. I just have to quote this saying "If you build it, they will come" If it is a good product, they will come.


that could be pretty cool. imagine a crazy night out with the guys at a bachelor party or whatever and snapping all of this video and then waking up in the morning and plugging your EVO into your 52" LCD TV and relive the night and laugh your asses off hung over. of course a million other applications too. home movies etc. not a critical app for me but cool nonetheless.
I think he was commenting on the conversation that Jackson and the other person were having. Not sure

May 22 would be sweet. my upgrade is set for June 1 so this is perfect. i will be schmoozing for a slightly early upgrade. does anyone know if the Best Buy people can give you a slight early upgrade like the Sprint people can?
Last year I was able to. I was due for an upgrade September 10th or 11ish. Well About two weeks before I was able to upgrade. I upgraded from the instinct to the pre. I was super excited about the pre and what it can do. Now I am even more super excited over evo cause the evo and do more than pre and it has adobe on it. So, the evo will be like a second laptop computer to me. LOL I have a laptop. But hey what I can I say. It will be awesome if evo is released May 22nd..gives me time to save money. And I do have a gift card so that helps me.:D
I stick by my guns you know that bill hahaha

Srsly though i would be shocked if the phone gets released in May, seeing as they haven't even started to advertise yet and the only people to know about the device are the techies, or us haha.

If April 16th was the day the mdeia blitz was to start it would be a different story right now. In that case a would consider a June date t o be absurd. But seeing as nothing is happening as far as advertising (hint hint) goes until May 12th, then June it is.

Don;t be getting you hopes up for May, i don't want anyone to get upset about this one
Last year I was able to. I was due for an upgrade September 10th or 11ish. Well About two weeks before I was able to upgrade. I upgraded from the instinct to the pre. I was super excited about the pre and what it can do. Now I am even more super excited over evo cause the evo and do more than pre and it has adobe on it. So, the evo will be like a second laptop computer to me. LOL I have a laptop. But hey what I can I say. It will be awesome if evo is released May 22nd..gives me time to save money. And I do have a gift card so that helps me.:D

so you're saying that the Best Buy people could do the same early upgrade?

i'll buy mine from whoever has it first.

I stick by my guns you know that bill hahaha

Srsly though i would be shocked if the phone gets released in May, seeing as they haven't even started to advertise yet and the only people to know about the device are the techies, or us haha.

If April 16th was the day the mdeia blitz was to start it would be a different story right now. In that case a would consider a June date t o be absurd. But seeing as nothing is happening as far as advertising (hint hint) goes until May 12th, then June it is.

Don;t be getting you hopes up for May, i don't want anyone to get upset about this one

i've seen more advertising for the EVO than i have for the Incredible and the Incredible is in the hands of the unwashed masses already. apples and oranges but......
so you're saying that the Best Buy people could do the same early upgrade?

i'll buy mine from whoever has it first.
Best Buy goes through the same server as the sprint store dose. Oh, sorry I bought my phone at the sprint store. Yes I was able to get my upgrade a week or two earlier.
Best Buy goes through the same server as the sprint store dose. Oh, sorry I bought my phone at the sprint store. Yes I was able to get my upgrade a week or two earlier.

yeah i know they use the same erver but i don't know if BB has the same authority.
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