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Official EVO Rumors and Speculation thread

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ehh, sort of Gekko. I mean the verizon people know all of the exact specs their phone has and we don'y even have that yet as it's not finished. I think the key is that its not finished and therefor is not ready to be distributed anywhere. Just think how long its going to take to make the phones and ship them...
I hope potential customer looking at an iPhone or an EVO realize that for two iPhones with AT&T with unlimited text, data, and 750 minutes shared you are paying $180 with no tethering and with Sprint and 3 EVO's with 1500 minutes shared you are paying $149 and add in an extra $15 per line if they charge that for the hotspot app your total is $185... Why would you pass that up..
Last year I was able to. I was due for an upgrade September 10th or 11ish. Well About two weeks before I was able to upgrade. I upgraded from the instinct to the pre. I was super excited about the pre and what it can do. Now I am even more super excited over evo cause the evo and do more than pre and it has adobe on it. So, the evo will be like a second laptop computer to me. LOL I have a laptop. But hey what I can I say. It will be awesome if evo is released May 22nd..gives me time to save money. And I do have a gift card so that helps me.:D

Think, with your EVO setup as a Hotspot you can run all your laptops along with Evo on the Now network..goodtimes. One further upside, for the lucky peeps that can tap into the 4G network "Unlimited Downloads" Goodtimes indeed!:D
I think he was commenting on the conversation that Jackson and the other person were having. Not sure

Yup with ajac and Jackson. It was posted a few threads back.

Bingo. I haven't mentioned release dates yet in here, and I will continue to not do so. I've heard numerous dates and seen numerous dates already, but that doesn't mean it's guaranteed. Sprint as of right now, doesn't know the release date, nor the device price. No way in the month of April, they could tell you that this device drops exactly on the 13th of June. Nothing is set in stone yet. People are so desperate for this device, that they are not thinking clearly. Reading a few pages in here, all of it is a huge piece of wishful thinking. If you believe a Web Chat agent could give you information that the people whose in charge of the EVO marketing doesn't know, you're a true genius. May could happen, but I highly doubt it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to drink with a lady friend. Deuces.
imagine a crazy night out with the guys at a bachelor party or whatever and snapping all of this video and then waking up in the morning and plugging your EVO into your 52" LCD TV and relive the night and laugh your asses off hung over.

Yeah Gekko! but I need the EVO to be smart enough to know I'm not supposed to be filming those vegas videos with the camera upside down the whole time LOL :p
Think, with your EVO setup as a Hotspot you can run all your laptops along with Evo on the Now network..goodtimes. One further upside, for the lucky peeps that can tap into the 4G network "Unlimited Downloads" Goodtimes indeed!:D
:(I am not in a 4g area. I would be stuck with the 5gb limit for 3g. I do have cable broadband. Content with sticking with that. Only time I would use the tether is when I am with family who have sickly dial up. LOL
I stick by my guns you know that bill hahaha

Srsly though i would be shocked if the phone gets released in May, seeing as they haven't even started to advertise yet and the only people to know about the device are the techies, or us haha.

If April 16th was the day the mdeia blitz was to start it would be a different story right now. In that case a would consider a June date t o be absurd. But seeing as nothing is happening as far as advertising (hint hint) goes until May 12th, then June it is.

Don;t be getting you hopes up for May, i don't want anyone to get upset about this one
I don't know if you read my posts from this afternoon, but I was taking a devil's advocate approach saying the "official" date is summer, which starts June 21st. Because of all the Apple ruckus, I thought it might be best to wait until July or August. Then come out with all the guns after the iPhone news starts to die down.

This whole idea of May 22nd puts a different light on the subject. Lets say Sprint releases the phone that day, without a huge campaign. That would give Sprint a chance to get the phone into the hands of people like us, that could offer excellent feedback before they start a big campaign. It would give Sprint a chance to see where some of the problems lie, before everyone is aware of it.

Then, after all the iPhone hoopla dies down, Sprint could come out with both barrels.

So, I've made a 180 since this afternoon based on what SP and eieic have said. It's probably a little early to start whooping it up, but what the heck.
Exactly SP. This whole June 13th date is just an approximation. Its a solid date that i said back before CTIA and taht engadget and other sites have also commented on. It will be in that vicinity though give or take a week as long as everything keeps going on schedule.

A date in May, i don;t think soo...
ehh, sort of Gekko. I mean the verizon people know all of the exact specs their phone has and we don'y even have that yet as it's not finished. I think the key is that its not finished and therefor is not ready to be distributed anywhere. Just think how long its going to take to make the phones and ship them...

personally i think the phones have already been assembled and boxed. i think they are sitting in a warehouse somewhere and are ready to go. i find it hard to believe that this close to launch (whether it's May or June) that 200,000+ phones are still just a bin of parts somewhere. IMO the reference designs and manufacturing processes are pretty exact with these complex devices - i don't think they make a lot of last minute decisions given the complexity and all the partners involved. i think they are just waiting to get the go ahead from Hesse.
Bingo. I haven't mentioned release dates yet in here, and I will continue to not do so. I've heard numerous dates and seen numerous dates already, but that doesn't mean it's guaranteed. Sprint as of right now, doesn't know the release date, nor the device price. No way in the month of April, they could tell you that this device drops exactly on the 13th of June. Nothing is set in stone yet. People are so desperate for this device, that they are not thinking clearly. Reading a few pages in here, all of it is a huge piece of wishful thinking. If you believe a Web Chat agent could give you information that the people whose in charge of the EVO marketing doesn't know, you're a true genius. May could happen, but I highly doubt it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to drink with a lady friend. Deuces.

Bill did you miss this?
yeah i know they use the same erver but i don't know if BB has the same authority.

you'd need to chat/talk to a rep and get them to agree to an early upgrade and make sure they note it on your account. i did it for the pre (a month early) and, although i did my upgrade at an actual sprint store, i was told it would've worked at best buy had i gone there for my phone.

at the store (which was an affiliate; not an "official" store (or whatever)), they gave me the phone b/c they saw my upgrade date had been changed "in the notes."
I stick by my guns you know that bill hahaha

Srsly though i would be shocked if the phone gets released in May, seeing as they haven't even started to advertise yet and the only people to know about the device are the techies, or us haha.

If April 16th was the day the mdeia blitz was to start it would be a different story right now. In that case a would consider a June date t o be absurd. But seeing as nothing is happening as far as advertising (hint hint) goes until May 12th, then June it is.

Don;t be getting you hopes up for May, i don't want anyone to get upset about this one
I don't know if you read my posts from this afternoon, but I was taking a devil's advocate approach saying the "official" date is summer, which starts June 21st. Because of all the Apple ruckus, I thought it might be best to wait until July or August. Then come out with all the guns after the iPhone news starts to die down.

This whole idea of May 22nd puts a different light on the subject. Lets say Sprint releases the phone that day, without a huge campaign. That would give Sprint a chance to get the phone into the hands of people like us, that could offer excellent feedback before they start a big campaign. It would give Sprint a chance to see where some of the problems lie, before everyone is aware of it.

Then, after all the iPhone hoopla dies down, Sprint could come out with both barrels.

So, I've made a 180 since this afternoon based on what SP and eieic have said. It's probably a little early to start whooping it up, but what the heck.

Edit: Boy, SP sure dashed my hope in a hurry. Guess I wasn't reading his post 5924 correctly.
you'd need to chat/talk to a rep and get them to agree to an early upgrade and make sure they note it on your account. i did it for the pre (a month early) and, although i did my upgrade at an actual sprint store, i was told it would've worked at best buy had i gone there for my phone.

at the store (which was an affiliate; not an "official" store (or whatever)), they gave me the phone b/c they saw my upgrade date had been changed "in the notes."

so when should i call and what would i say?

"hi i have no idea when this phone comes out but can you please mark the system to give me an early upgrade even though i may not even need it."

think about the minimum lead time needed -

manufacturing in taiwan-->boxing-->shipping from taiwan to USA-->distribution to X retail outlets nationally.
My sights are squarely set on a June6/13th release as per the info were getting seems logical. I have one big problem though! I live in Portland, Oregon and we are drenched in 4G goodness here (Not Bragging) (just pays living next to Intel) I want go on the record as saying May is sounding good to meh and digging the rumor mill about now :)
Thank you peeps for sniff'n out good info and posting. EVO FTW!
I just can't believe in a matter of weeks, I will be holding a technological first a cell phone operating on 4G..To cool for school.

I stick by my guns you know that bill hahaha

Srsly though i would be shocked if the phone gets released in May, seeing as they haven't even started to advertise yet and the only people to know about the device are the techies, or us haha.

If April 16th was the day the mdeia blitz was to start it would be a different story right now. In that case a would consider a June date t o be absurd. But seeing as nothing is happening as far as advertising (hint hint) goes until May 12th, then June it is.

Don;t be getting you hopes up for May, i don't want anyone to get upset about this one

I'm still thinking June release as well.
There is no solid release date because..

The 4g roll out is the determining factor. You can't have a phone with 4g services being the ooh an aahh factor and not have 4g service where it counts..

I would assume you would need 4g service to sell the phones best features right? but this is of course rumors ok..

Features like Qik video Video conferencing, HD Movie streaming etc all work on 4g right? These are all rumors of course
There is no solid release date because..

The 4g roll out is the determining factor. You can't have a phone with 4g services being the ooh an aahh factor and not have 4g service where it counts..

I would assume you would need 4g service to sell the phones best features right? but this is of course rumors ok..

Features like Qik video Video conferencing, HD Movie streaming etc all work on 4g right? These are all rumors of course

I love it, very cryptic.

BTW, I work at Best Buy, you guys on here know more about this phone than anyone in my store. We haven't been told anything yet.
There is no solid release date because..

The 4g roll out is the determining factor. You can't have a phone with 4g services being the ooh an aahh factor and not have 4g service where it counts..

I would assume you would need 4g service to sell the phones best features right? but this is of course rumors ok..

Features like Qik video Video conferencing, HD Movie streaming etc all work on 4g right? These are all rumors of course

That's a good 6000th post :D.
so when should i call and what would i say?

"hi i have no idea when this phone comes out but can you please mark the system to give me an early upgrade even though i may not even need it."


yes. please do that and let us know how it goes.

(or, you could wait 'til we know when the release date is, and, if necessary, call and try and get an early upgrade. your choice).
Based on the evo contetest dates (winner will be picked on 5.18) i doubt they will release the phone 4 days later. If the contest is going to serve some sort of advertising purposes they winners will barely have a chance to create a single blog entry by the time the phone is out if it is released on the 22nd.
Wow, I guess Sprint is really trying to Roll this 4G tech to everyone. I guess on EVO front facing camera and w/ Vo4G. Sprint will be able to Streaming Video Calls and we'll be able to say "Can you see me now?" "Can you see now?" how about
"Can up see me now?"


Didn't Dan Hesse say the 4g will be nation wide during the cita event? I thought I caught that in a you tube video...should look it up..

My kaspersky anti-virus just picked up a trojan horse trying to download on this site but it was blocked. Did anyone else have that happen?
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