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Accessories [OFFICIAL] HTC Incredible Accessories Archive Thread

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I can't imagine what the 2100 mah battery will be like but I'm EXTREMELY happy with the battery life.

Any questions?

I was on the seidio site to order 1700mAH, and they have a 3500mAH battery coming soon but it will require a new back cover they say it adds about 3mm to the phone.
has anyone used skinomi techskin full body skin? I have a clear case bc I like the look of the phone but I need protection from dirt and grim since I work in a shop. How well does the full body skin protect? also can you use them in a holster, not a leather holster but a plastic clip holster.
I get more than a day on the 1750 I don't see how a 3500 would be needed but some people like that added charge. The 3mm/new back is a deal breaker for me.
My apologies...I haven't read through this entire thread but, whats the story on this 2100 mah battery? It will also be the same size as the stock battery? When will this one be out? How much would it be? Should I wait for this one?
My apologies...I haven't read through this entire thread but, whats the story on this 2100 mah battery? It will also be the same size as the stock battery? When will this one be out? How much would it be? Should I wait for this one?

Not same size.
Need new backplate.

I say no. Lame compromising a few hours for the slimness of the new technology we are able to behold today.
For me 9 hours since unplugged, 70% battery left. Doing *my* daily routine which doesn't include sitting in my pocket for 9 hours. It will take me through the day like my old BB Curve did. I'm satisfied. I charge everything at night no matter what charge is left on it. If I could plug my dog in at night, I'd charge him too. Everything gets charged. Everything.

using a full body skin in a plastic clip holster may cause some parts of the skin to get little cuts in them, depending on the shape of the plastic holster..most full body skins are really tough, but, the sharp edges on some plastic clips might cause a small snag or tear in your skin..you cant really tell until you try one, unfortunately...
I actually came to this same conclusion and brought it up in one of the battery threads last week, and was quickly dismissed for some reason. I still think it's true and agree with you.

I also use Timeriffic to put my phone into Airplane mode while I sleep, so the battery drain overnight is not so extreme.

Also, these batteries are also designed for a compromise between capacity and longevity. For example, the batteries in a Prius only charge from 40-80%. The engineers have determined this to be the optimal range for longevity. Different battery technologies from cell phones, I know, but the design theory remains true.

I did not buy it myself until I saw my OEM battery sit at 100% the other day. I had convinced myself that the phone or battery were defective. Wish I had kept up with the other thread and I would have backed you up.. Not sure why it took so long for the evidence to click into place for me..
I'm going to do a new kind of test. I will turn everything off except for robo defense.

I will play robo defense until both batteries hit 5% (1300 oem, 1750 seidio).

Coming soon..

What level are you on? Your mind may melt!

I wish it had an auto mode we could use for benchmarking like this..
When you are only getting 5 hours, or just a bit more, that extra 90 minutes isn't too bad. The fact that the phone can't be used in all it's smartphone glory for much more than 5 hours on a charge is a bit sad, though.

While I do think that 3500mAh would be awesome, I just can't see adding that much heft and size to my phone. The 2150 looks like it is going to be my best bet. I don't mind just a little bit of extra girth, but that 3500 just looks hideous.
is there pics on the 3500 or the 2150? dimensions? cant find info on either except for "coming soon"
Not same size.
Need new backplate.

I say no. Lame compromising a few hours for the slimness of the new technology we are able to behold today.
how can we see what the new backplate will look like? for the 2150 and 3500?? or when can we see it??
Well, here are my two cents after two days with the Seidio: No thanks. It just is not enough juice for me. I still can not get through the day without a recharge.

When you combine that with a few other quirks (the touch screen is finicky at times) I don't think the Inc will work for me. I thought the Moto Droid was, all around, a bit better made, so I am going to go back to a Droid. They were well made and the battery had enoigh juice. Granted, the snapdragon is phenominal, but if I can't get through the day, I can't make it work.

No harm, no foul. Just my impression as an early adopter. Take care.
I thought the Moto Droid was, all around, a bit better made, so I am going to go back to a Droid. They were well made and the battery had enoigh juice. Granted, the snapdragon is phenominal, but if I can't get through the day, I can't make it work.

No harm, no foul. Just my impression as an early adopter. Take care.

Stay on topic or infractions will be issued.
What level are you on? Your mind may melt!

I wish it had an auto mode we could use for benchmarking like this..


It took me a long time to get good so I just got to Level 2 !

Also partially I was multi-tasking so not trying my hardest - just trying to burn battery lol.
It would be in menu-settings-wireless network settings and also sync settings and location settings if its not to much to ask :)

Wireless: Mobile network and everything associated with it is always on. Wifi is on ALOT. Bluetooth as well.

Sync: Background data: checked
auto sync: checked
google and weather both checked

Location: Use wireless networks: checked
location setting: 911 only
use gps satellites: unchecked.

hope this helps.
Since this is on the topic of battery life, I just thought I'd through something out there... Has anyone heard of this company and their batteries?

Amzer - They have an 1800mah battery available for our DI.

I wish there was a cheaper extended battery.

I don't feel like paying $50 bucks just for an extra hour.

me too, i paid 99$ after NE2 and "online discounts". I'm being forced to pay another 50% just to have the battery last through a full day reliably. its bullshit i think, why wouldnt HTC have just put in the 1500mah battery in the first place and maybe designed the phone a little wider to make it fit. obviously it wouldn't be that much wider, and most people say it doesn't even need to be wider.
Just wanted to share my experience/observation with the stock battery. I'm putting it here because I don't want to start another thread and this seems like the battery thread that's most checked out.

I've noticed that when I charge it to the 100% and unplug it shortly after the light goes green, I don't get that immediate battery drain (losing 5%-10%). And this is with the phone on while it was charging. This has happened 3 times, last time was last night before I went to bed. I charged it full, without the additional unplug-replug trick, and left it on overnight. When I woke up this morning, the meter read 98%. I've let it charge overnight before and it always suffers that immediate battery drain once unplugged. I haven't tried charging the phone overnight while off because I use my phone as my alarm, so I can't tell you if I would get the same result.

I still plan on getting one of the extended batteries because I want the extra juice, but I know I can at least wait to see how much bigger the 2150 is and decide then whether to get that or the Seidio 1750. I'm getting a full days worth with just my normal workday usage, so I'm satisfied for the time being.
the 1500 and 1750 both are the same size as oem, i am not sure why you talk about being wider.

also the 1750 is only 41 and i think you can get the 1500s for 25-30
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