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Accessories [OFFICIAL] HTC Incredible Accessories Archive Thread

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Thank you for your comments! We apologize for the confusion, there were a small amount of orders that went out yesterday. But we will receive more in the next few days and all orders will go out in the orders that they were received.

I believe our Customer Service was able to take care of you. They offered you the discount in addition to upgrade your shipping to FedEx 2nd Day. We showed that your order currently in processing and will go out as the inventory comes in. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you.

Hello, like mentioned above, only a very small number of orders went out. If you would like, PM us your order number and we will be able to let you know more status on it!


Seidio needs to look to a company like Zappos/6pm.com for customer service tips.

I will never order from a company that does not stand behind the prices reflected on their website. If they screw up they need to eat the loss.
does the holster require the phone casing? I like my phone naked but still would like a clip holster like that. Right now I just use my old Blackberry curve holster from years ago, fits good but would rather one like above
They cancelled the entire order. I was one of the first people to place it on preorder and evidentially they had the wrong price in the system. They had the combo as $29.95 instead of 49.95. I thought maybe it was a preorder special, but obviously it was a mistake. Instead of processing the order they just cancelled it without giving me any notification.

So now they are offering me to reorder it with a 10% discount, which is a discount they normally have going every day of the week. They also told me they haven't shipped any yet. But then i copied and pasted this thread to them and said thats bs, heres a guy who has one already. They tried to tell me maybe he was a reviewer, i once again informed them that was not the case and so the lady decided to transfer me to a supervisor. He argued with me and tried to lie to me several times as well.

Unfortunately for them i know better. I use the exact same shopping cart they do and have done so for the last 5 years. In fact i've had 4 stores running on volusion so i informed him once again he was lying to me. So after being disgusted with them and their customer service i am now reordering with a 20% discount. Which imo is next to nothing and certainly doesn't make this alright.

Being an online merchant myself for the last 10 years i know the proper channels to take to get this matter looked into. I might not have minded had they informed me of the mistake, but after flat out lying to me time after time, i'm abit upset to say the least.

This isn't the last they've heard of me, i will file a complaint and will see where it goes from there. I have never been involved in a case such as this as myself i would have honored the price even if it was a mistake, and have done so in the past on my websites whenever a problem such as this has arisen, which isn't very often due to me being a perfectionist.

Oh well, this is just another bad company with terrible customer service. They are a dime a dozen anymore. Their reseller ratings reflect it and i'm sure the bbb has recieved complaints as well. I'd recommend steering clear of them and only deal with amazon once they start carrying their products.

I noticed that they offered 10% and free 2 Day FedEx Shipping in the comment above. Does that offer equate to the $20 difference in price? If not and what you say is true, then Seidio should be massively ashamed of themselves. That tactic is nothing more than criminal.

I had an issue with them before and I was able to resolve it (after some time) and have had no issues since. I order at least one (at minimum) of their custom fit products for every phone I have gone through (3 blackberry's and now 2 Droid's). Cases and docks. They make great stuff imho and other than Otterbox's cases getting thinner (really like OB's Droid Commuter case because of the "button" coverings to avoid trying to "reach" the buttons in most regular plastic cases).

Hope the situation is resolved in an amicable manner.

As for the case, I pre-ordered as well on 5/21 so
I have the Luxmo case that the dude ^up there with the funny name and HUGE pics got. I got it from another place, but about the same price as the amazon one in the link. I would not recommend it though - it's a bit too bulky around the screen and interferes with the edges, especially when typing. Comparing it to the HTC pics above, the lip that wraps around the front ends right at the edge of the usable area of the screen. If you look at the HTC one, you'll notice that the black edges are still uncovered, which would leave enough room to get all the way to the edge of the screen when typing. I like everything else about it, so don't feel bad if you already ordered.
Seidio needs to look to a company like Zappos/6pm.com for customer service tips.

I will never order from a company that does not stand behind the prices reflected on their website. If they screw up they need to eat the loss.

that's not true at all. every retailer in the world has a disclaimer saying that they are not responsible for typographical or pricing errors. go to best buy or walmart or sears with a pricing error for something that's 40% off of its normal price and see if they sell it to you...

you guys are not being fair here. i'm the first to defend the little guy, but i've been around long enough to know that when something like this happens the order gets canceled and the price is never matched. happens to me on amazon.com all the time...
I ordered the purple when it was listed as shipping on 5/27 but now it shows 6/4. I hope I get it in time for my trip on the 10th.

Innocases are the best. I had one for my Blackberry. They have the best fit and feel of any case I have owned.
Thanks for the pics. What screen protector are you using?

Steinheil Crystal Clear....love it!!

Will you do a drop test video for us? Say 7 feet?

Preferably concrete.


I'm sure that'll happen soon enough on accident...

Can the holster be used with the Verizon silicone case?

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk


Does the phone lie down weird when you lie it flat on its back because of the extra material under the camera lens? Thanks for the pics.

This was asked several times. The short answer is that it's 100x better than with the case off, but there is still a VERY slight unevenness. But you're really going to have to nitpick to be bothered by it. The TINY imbalance is no longer due to the phone resting on the camera lens, but rather due to a small raised strip along the left side of the back. I'm assuming that this was put in place to allow the camera lens a track to slide through when attaching the two halves of the case. However, because the case now rises JUST above the camera, your lens is no longer what's in contact with the ground.
In addition, the raised groove travels the length of the case making the TINY bit of unevenness much more even since, without a case, you essentially have one corner of the phone in contact with the ground while the two adjacent sides wobble. Now, you just have one side of the phone that's maybe a millimeter or two higher than the other.
I've attached some pics to try and show you what I'm talking about.






Could you take a picture of the top of the phone (the power button) with the case on, without the holster please?

I want to see what the configuration is up there.



Does it feel hard and plastic-like or soft and rubbery?

i.e. rub your finger nail on back - is it loud or quiet?

Hmm...kinda subjective, but I'd say it's a very hard plastic that somehow still has a hint of softness to its touch. Good softness...not the kind that'll scratch, but the kind that makes it feel like it's worth something. The holster seems to be made of the same kind of plastic, but without this soft-ish touch. Now this is NOT to say that the material is soft in ANY way...it's hard plastic...it just has a good feel to it.

I am also wondering this. Does it wobble when laid down? I put my phone on a flat surface and type quite often so that would bug me if it wobbled from the groove channel from the camera. Was waiting to find this out before purchasing one. Also, have you tried to see if the phone with a silicone case from Verizon will fit inside the holster? Thanks!

Sorry man :( .
I must have ordered mine within 30 minutes of the preorders going live. I had the page bookmarked and regularly checked it multiple times throughout the day before being able to place my order.

Is that Black or Grey? I like this case but $30 is alittle steep. I'll wait till they're on sale at amazon.

Definitely black. And yea, it's not cheap, but you get what you pay for.

Can you put the phone in the holster with the screen out to use with a homemade car dock thingy?

Errr...you cannnnn, and it seems to hold...but it's not the perfectly snug fit with the top clip that it is when inserted properly. But I'd imagine for a homemade rig, it'd work.
What a swell guy.

Yes he is! Not only did I just thank him, but I am giving him 5 kudos right now, * * * * *.

And I am going to order mine right now!

Stangs55, just curious, are you in sales? I am. If your not, you should be.
First of all thank you Stangs55 for all the great info, it is much appreciated! I just have one question, since I also have the Steinheil Crystal Clear on mine. Does the case cover the edge of the film? I mean does it go over it? I want to make sure that it wont rub the edges over time. I have a perfect application and it is centered, but as you know it does not go to the very edge of the phone, so it would be nice if this case would go over that area. Thanks again!
I don't question the quality ir thinness of the Seidio (this will be my 4th)

BUT, it seems that the case extends deep enough to protrude past the camera lens. This seems to indicate a bit of added thickness to the phone/case
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