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Accessories [OFFICIAL] HTC Incredible Accessories Archive Thread

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What a swell guy.


Great review!! Very responsive and well mannered... Thanks so much! I'm definitely gonna order one now. I agree with the "you get what you pay for" comment. I'm terrible at leaving my phones on my lap while driving and then hopping out of the car only to watch my phone flying just out of reach in slow motion. $30 isn't to bad ...if it's worth it.
Stangs55, I've ordered the Burgundy Case/Holster. How is the thickness around the edges of the screen? I was wondering if you have any difficulty using the optical trackpad our typing letters on the edge of the virtual keyboard. I had been using the body glove case which is a little thick and difficult to type and use track pad.

BTW, I take it you are a Texans fan. Huge Colts fan here (season ticket holder since 95). I think you guys are closing the gap on us.
Not bad looking at all, but frankly to me it still seems inferior to the Verizon high gloss silicon case. If anyone here has owned both cases, I'd love to hear your views on their relative pros and cons.
They cancelled the entire order. I was one of the first people to place it on preorder and evidentially they had the wrong price in the system. They had the combo as $29.95 instead of 49.95. I thought maybe it was a preorder special, but obviously it was a mistake. Instead of processing the order they just cancelled it without giving me any notification.

So now they are offering me to reorder it with a 10% discount, which is a discount they normally have going every day of the week. They also told me they haven't shipped any yet. But then i copied and pasted this thread to them and said thats bs, heres a guy who has one already. They tried to tell me maybe he was a reviewer, i once again informed them that was not the case and so the lady decided to transfer me to a supervisor. He argued with me and tried to lie to me several times as well.

Unfortunately for them i know better. I use the exact same shopping cart they do and have done so for the last 5 years. In fact i've had 4 stores running on volusion so i informed him once again he was lying to me. So after being disgusted with them and their customer service i am now reordering with a 20% discount. Which imo is next to nothing and certainly doesn't make this alright.

Being an online merchant myself for the last 10 years i know the proper channels to take to get this matter looked into. I might not have minded had they informed me of the mistake, but after flat out lying to me time after time, i'm abit upset to say the least.

This isn't the last they've heard of me, i will file a complaint and will see where it goes from there. I have never been involved in a case such as this as myself i would have honored the price even if it was a mistake, and have done so in the past on my websites whenever a problem such as this has arisen, which isn't very often due to me being a perfectionist.

Oh well, this is just another bad company with terrible customer service. They are a dime a dozen anymore. Their reseller ratings reflect it and i'm sure the bbb has recieved complaints as well. I'd recommend steering clear of them and only deal with amazon once they start carrying their products.

jvm2, krokum44, and karuk, you're probably the guys I see in public complaining and arguing with the poor kid behind the counter. What's wrong with you? Jvm2 was probably obsessively checking Seido's site and made his order the second they were available. That incorrect low price was probably only on their screen for a couple hours and now he thinks he deserves it for that price? Why? Jeeeze, lighten up guys. And Jvm2, I bet when you called you were acting like an a**hole. Of course they're gonna get defensive and make excuses.
Oh Seidio, what did you do?!? I recieved my shipping notification on Wed for the case/holster combo. 2nd day delivery. I was stoked to have it for the weekend. then last night, I got a second shipping notification. I have a feeling I will be recieving a Holster with no innocase today. Boo hoo.
Oh Seidio, what did you do?!? I recieved my shipping notification on Wed for the case/holster combo. 2nd day delivery. I was stoked to have it for the weekend. then last night, I got a second shipping notification. I have a feeling I will be recieving a Holster with no innocase today. Boo hoo.

what is your order # ? I will look into it ASAP

Stang you probably already know this, but if you want those air bubbles out that are by your trackball, just lift up on that edge with tape, and reapply that part with the steinheil squeegee. I had bubbles in the exact same spot with my AF and just lifted that edge with tape once, and now it sits perfectly with no bubbles.
I already had the seido 1750 for my eris that transferred to dinc but my usage is so sporadic that somedays it would be at 60% around bedtime other days I have to charge through the day, so I ordered the 1500 mah tp2 battery x2 plus wall charger from some chinese seller on ebay (plaza channel?) for 15 bucks or so, nice since it has usb output too so you can charge the phone and a battery at the same time. Only had the batteries a couple days but so far they seem to be at least as good as the oem one, even have the htc innovation logo on them, and even if they're worse I still have the charger and have a spare around for those days I can't make it through (well 4 spares actually since eris batts work). My wife is using my 3500mah battery in her eris, that thing rocks! but for now I'll live with swapping them when necessary.
Has anyone conclusively discovered what this option does or doesn't do?

I live in the NJ/NY area, so roaming shouldn't be an issue, what potential negative effect would turning this off have? I am barely able to get 6-8 hours with moderate usage.

Maybe turn Settings->Networks->Mobile Network Settings->Always on->off

Doing this will turn off data connection and also incapacitate the phone's syncing ability. If you run your phon ein this mode, there's no point in paying for data capabilities or even having a smartphone at all.
First of all thank you Stangs55 for all the great info, it is much appreciated! I just have one question, since I also have the Steinheil Crystal Clear on mine. Does the case cover the edge of the film? I mean does it go over it? I want to make sure that it wont rub the edges over time. I have a perfect application and it is centered, but as you know it does not go to the very edge of the phone, so it would be nice if this case would go over that area. Thanks again!

Good question that I should have already addressed! Again, pictures are worth 1000 words so I've uploaded some macro shots of the corners. But basically, there is only the very slightest of gap between the top and bottom lips and the screen protector. The sides seem to be just covered by the case. Again, this is a Steinheil Clear protector that (in my humble opinion) is applied as near to perfect as I can get it.





Yes he is! Not only did I just thank him, but I am giving him 5 kudos right now, * * * * *.

And I am going to order mine right now!

Stangs55, just curious, are you in sales? I am. If your not, you should be.

lol, no, I'm not in sales. And no, I didn't receive this case for free in order to review it (as several have pm'ed me to ask).

Good stuff stangs. We appreciate it. If you Don't mind how easy is it to take on and off. Thanks again!

Alot easier to put on than it is to take off...which is a good thing. Putting it on it slid right together. I've only taken it off once, but it took significantly more pressure to separate the two halves--presumably due to the felt on the back.

Stangs55, I've ordered the Burgundy Case/Holster. How is the thickness around the edges of the screen? I was wondering if you have any difficulty using the optical trackpad our typing letters on the edge of the virtual keyboard. I had been using the body glove case which is a little thick and difficult to type and use track pad.

BTW, I take it you are a Texans fan. Huge Colts fan here (season ticket holder since 95). I think you guys are closing the gap on us.

Absolutely no difficulty typing or using the trackpad. If you look closely back at some of the previous pics, you'll see that the case just barely lips over the face of the phone--just enough to grab and stay secure, but not enough to be obtrusive. I've had zero issues with this.
And your Texas/Colts comment has made my day...we've always seemed to play you guys well but fall on the sword for the rest of the season. KRIS BROWN! ARGHHS!!!

Stang you probably already know this, but if you want those air bubbles out that are by your trackball, just lift up on that edge with tape, and reapply that part with the steinheil squeegee. I had bubbles in the exact same spot with my AF and just lifted that edge with tape once, and now it sits perfectly with no bubbles.

Yea, it's not to the point where it bugs me enough to risk introducing dust again. The four corners fit so well for me that I figure I can get by with the imperfection of the trackpad.
Doing this will turn off data connection and also incapacitate the phone's syncing ability. If you run your phon ein this mode, there's no point in paying for data capabilities or even having a smartphone at all.

I don't think so Cman. I have mine off and everything works perfect. There was a thread about his a while back. when you turn it off from "always on" it just doesn't use it when your not using it. when you need the data on it does it automatically. I can't see the reason why you would want it "always on".

again, i'm going off memory and i could be wrong BUT mine is off and everything works all the time.
I don't think so Cman. I have mine off and everything works perfect. There was a thread about his a while back. when you turn it off from "always on" it just doesn't use it when your not using it. when you need the data on it does it automatically. I can't see the reason why you would want it "always on".

again, i'm going off memory and i could be wrong BUT mine is off and everything works all the time.

So if it's not always on then how does it sync (e.g. for mail, facebook, etc...)
Thanks for the extra pics of the back/camera stangs! I'm not so concerned with it laying flat as I am with laying it down and not having weight on the lens, so good enough! I'm ordering one right now. Anyways, when I lay it down its usually horizontal, so the strip on the camera side effectively tilts it towards me. Win.
So if it's not always on then how does it sync (e.g. for mail, facebook, etc...)

Sync comes from the phone. When your 10 mins, 1 hour, whatever you have it set for has gone by, the sync tells the phone to turn on the data, and pulls the information down. The data then turns back off.

Always on mobile data is so your phone can receive data from outside, such as push email.
Sync comes from the phone. When your 10 mins, 1 hour, whatever you have it set for has gone by, the sync tells the phone to turn on the data, and pulls the information down. The data then turns back off.

Always on mobile data is so your phone can receive data from outside, such as push email.
whats this do to Google talk if you turn it off? will you not be notified until something else syncs or does it check every few minutes anyway? I don't get emails that I need instant notification nor do I get chats that need to be answered immediately so this is a good option, just don't want ppl waiting for an hour for me to answer.
garment69 said:
334908. Not much you can do at this point if it was shipped in two parts. Unless you can fly up to NY. I'll meet you at Newark. :rolleyes:


Thanks for your information and we see that your order was packaged in full and it was delivered today! Please check and let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

Thank you for those macro shots Stangs55! I really appreciate you taking the time to answer all our questions. :) I think it is a great fit and we wont have any issues with the Steinheil coming off or pealing at the corners over time. You should get a commision from Seidio in my opinion for promoting their product! /hint hint seidiosedio lol
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