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Accessories [OFFICIAL] HTC Incredible Accessories Archive Thread

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There is incorrect information in this thread. Disabling "Always on mobile data" will not disable Gmail push. I've had mine disabled since day 1 and get Gmail pushed no problem. Have tested this on mulitple occasions by sending from other accounts and they come in immediately.

Gmail syncs from...Settings > Accounts and Sync and having Google enabled as well as having both "Auto Sync" and "Background Data" (applications can sync, send and receive data at any time) checked.

+1 I just turned off "Always on moblie data" as well and sent a test email to Gmail, it immediately showed up in my Gmail account on my PC and within 30 seconds it was pushed to my phone. I can't testify as to whether turning off this function actually saves any battery. I will come back in 2-3 days and let you know what I find. Others should do the same.

OK, I have a question then. What exactly does shutting off the 'Enable Always-On Mobile Data' do? What is the benefit of having it on/off besides the alleged battery savings noted in the description of it on the phone?.

I think the confusion comes from the lack of knowledge what it actually does. I am all for shutting it off to conserve the meager battery life, but I don't want to sacrifice or cripple any of the features that I have running.

For reference, if I have it shut off, how will it affect my SMS/MMS, Twitter and Facebook notifications? GMail, Facebook, and Twitter are all set up under Auto Sync, with FB and Twitter set up to sync every hour. I can see from above that the GMail appears to be unaffected by this setting, but some others are still uncertain.
I'm guessing (not attacking) that you have not used the Seidio holster. It is a very smooth, secure action. AND, don't forget the face-in protection

Hasn't almost everyone who has used the convention slide-in clip at least once have had it not it slide-in/snap securely and fall off? Or had difficulty getting it to "click" in?

On more than one ocassion I've bumped against something with the phone in my pocket and alway feared hitting the screen so I went with the holster combo also. I can't wait to get mine so I can retire my BodyGlove which is nice but just way too bulky.
OK, I have a question then. What exactly does shutting off the 'Enable Always-On Mobile Data' do? What is the benefit of having it on/off besides the alleged battery savings noted in the description of it on the phone?.

I think the confusion comes from the lack of knowledge what it actually does. I am all for shutting it off to conserve the meager battery life, but I don't want to sacrifice or cripple any of the features that I have running.

For reference, if I have it shut off, how will it affect my SMS/MMS, Twitter and Facebook notifications? GMail, Facebook, and Twitter are all set up under Auto Sync, with FB and Twitter set up to sync every hour. I can see from above that the GMail appears to be unaffected by this setting, but some others are still uncertain.
This to me is the most irritating thing about Android. There are so many settings that are so poorly explained. I like being able to have control, but I don't like not knowing exactly what it is I'm doing.
OK, I have a question then. What exactly does shutting off the 'Enable Always-On Mobile Data' do? What is the benefit of having it on/off besides the alleged battery savings noted in the description of it on the phone?.

I think the confusion comes from the lack of knowledge what it actually does. I am all for shutting it off to conserve the meager battery life, but I don't want to sacrifice or cripple any of the features that I have running.

For reference, if I have it shut off, how will it affect my SMS/MMS, Twitter and Facebook notifications? GMail, Facebook, and Twitter are all set up under Auto Sync, with FB and Twitter set up to sync every hour. I can see from above that the GMail appears to be unaffected by this setting, but some others are still uncertain.

Gotten OT here, but this is how I understand it....essentially what it does is this: if it is "enabled" or "checked" then your server querying apps will query without ever sleeping...like not allowing your data connection to "sleep."

I will NOT affect SMS/MMS notification, but it WILL affect twiiter, facebook, gmail (as far as pushing at least it does with me). If you use your phone a lot and rarely allow it to sleep then everything will sync. If you set your phone down for an hour with your "Always on Mobile Data" disabled then these things won't query or update properly (they don't for me). Of course you can launch the app and it will refresh.

This is how I have understood it someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Gotten OT here, but this is how I understand it....essentially what it does is this: if it is "enabled" or "checked" then your server querying apps will query without ever sleeping...like not allowing your data connection to "sleep."

I will NOT affect SMS/MMS notification, but it WILL affect twiiter, facebook, gmail (as far as pushing at least it does with me). If you use your phone a lot and rarely allow it to sleep then everything will sync. If you set your phone down for anOoo hour with your "Always on Mobile Data" disabled then these things won't query or update properly (they don't for me). Of Pp course you can launch the app and it will refresh.

This is how I have understood it someone please correct me if I am wrong.

When you say data connection not sleeping is it the same as your phone not sleeping when not in use? If yes, then I would like to add that that's not completely true. mine is always on and my phone sleeps. Whether those apps are constantly using your connection can be controlled in their individual settings. If you have them set to refresh in short intervals then yes the phone will not sleep very often. From my experience, having my mobile data always on does not drain my battery much. I rather keep it on and have my emails come to me and manually refresh things like fb and twitter by adjusting their settings to either manual or every 12 hours.
Gotten OT here, but this is how I understand it....essentially what it does is this: if it is "enabled" or "checked" then your server querying apps will query without ever sleeping...like not allowing your data connection to "sleep."

I will NOT affect SMS/MMS notification, but it WILL affect twiiter, facebook, gmail (as far as pushing at least it does with me). If you use your phone a lot and rarely allow it to sleep then everything will sync. If you set your phone down for an hour with your "Always on Mobile Data" disabled then these things won't query or update properly (they don't for me). Of course you can launch the app and it will refresh.

This is how I have understood it someone please correct me if I am wrong.

That is the most cogent and succinct response I have seen on this, and it is plausible and makes sense to me.

BTW, sorry about being OT. I didn't want to make another thread that someone could have put in 'SEARCH before you post', so thanks for answering here and saving the drama!!! :rolleyes:
Perhaps the OP should edit the thread to "whoever told me this was lying"? There is not a sign of a VZW provided 2150mah battery and reps no nothing either. People that fed complying "info" were knowing accomplices to- bull5hit.
Ok, the battery is "not made by HTC" yet they have the photos of the official HTC extended battery?

I want to see what the non-HTC extended back looks like. Why not have pictures of it if the product is supposedly in stock?


Aftermarket tends to work this way sometimes. They want to ID the product as a product for the device. Any brave folks try to order it yet?

It is not in stock. Available 6/20.
That is the most cogent and succinct response I have seen on this, and it is plausible and makes sense to me.

BTW, sorry about being OT. I didn't want to make another thread that someone could have put in 'SEARCH before you post', so thanks for answering here and saving the drama!!! :rolleyes:

No prob as I was typing my response to your reply I realized this was a 2150mah battery thread lol.

I've read sooo many responses to this "Always on Data" I figured I've learned something here :p

However I could be mistaken on some points....I've not seen a definitive answer yet, but I bet we are getting closer to exactly what it does and how it works! :D
I'm waiting for Verizon to release theres, since I get 20%off and it's more legit I didn't even investigate the site I just thought I'd pass iton to people incase they didn't see the other post
I'm waiting for Verizon to release theres, since I get 20%off and it's more legit I didn't even investigate the site I just thought I'd pass iton to people incase they didn't see the other post

It's all good. I just don't want to see anyone else get burned...
sorry if this has been discussed, but is a screen protector a wise purchase?

Only if you want to protect your investment. I purchased screen protectors and a case for mine and had Verizon put it on right then and there and have only taken it off 2-3 times since i bought it. I already dropped my phone at work and there is a scratch on the screen, i have not taken the protector off to see if it actually made it to the screen or not. But i would be so angry if my screen is all scratched up.

Do what you want but i paid alot of money for this phone and I want to make sure its as close to mint condition as possible.
Returned the body glove today and ordered Burgundy. I'm not a holster kinda guy. Although, I was this close ordering the combo lol.

I went to a VZW store twice this week to ask about the extended battery and cover. The reps I spoke with said to check online in mid June. One rep said to check on Wednesdays since that is the day factories receive shipments (?, Hmmm I thought) I didn't completely believe them but I will check anyway I'm not too trusting of 3rd party manufacturers. But Seidio seems to be legit.
I've got a couple of questions that will either sell me on this case or not.

1: Does this case keep dirt from getting in? I work outside a lot and keep as best of care of my phones as I can but from time to time some dust gets into my pocket and with my LG dare, gets behind the case (its a silicone case so I understand it is a lot easier for the dirt to get back there). I use a full body invisible shield to protect the back of the phone from getting scratched from this grime. So, will this case protect the back of the phone from all this nastiness? I know the case probably wont fit with a full body shield on so i'm hoping it keeps dirt out.

2: Will this case protect the phone very well from a drop? I usually use silicone cases on my phones because in the past, like most of us have, i've had accidents and dropped my phone. One time I suffered a fatal blow and my Samsung Alias's (without a cover) screen went all white. This causes me to be very paranoid about drops. Will this case take the blow or will the shock travel into the phone?

I like the look of the case (its grown on me) so if these two factors prove to be beneficial to my phone I will get one.
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