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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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In general, even with careful cleaning, screen protectors look like they're difficult to apply without getting particles and bubbles trapped underneath. For my last device I had the Verizon CSR do it in the store. Any tips, ideas, secrets that have worked for you?
a couple of things real quick.

Thank God the phone has been announced and i cant wait to get it. i experienced android os for 3 weeks with the droid and was blown away. Coming from a storm it was like a supercomputer. i waited and waited for an announcement and finally couldnt wait any more so i did the droid. thank goodness i was still in my 30 day return period.

To those who got the phone early by VZWs mistake, F U!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

What dots is everybody talking about? the touch sensitive membrane coordinates or the dots for light and proximity sensors like shown in photo above? if it is the sensors WTF, get over it. if it is for the touch membrane WTF get over it. you can see the dots on almost any touch enabled device under the right conditions.
Hovercraftdriver is right I think...

If you look at the 360 view of the INC. and zoom in on the lens at an angle it appears that the glass is EVER so slightly recessed into the metal frame by about a millimeter...

HTC Droid Incredible Review (Phone Arena Reviews)

Ah, good link.

Take a look aaaat their picture of the camera.

The piece of glass that stretches all the way from side to side of the white metallic ring is not the lens, but is instead a protective glass cover/shield. The lens itself is the hemispherical glass in the very center, appearing sunken into the camera assembly.

But the comments about the glass shield either being recessed or protruding slightly are looking to be correct.
In general, even with careful cleaning, screen protectors look like they're difficult to apply without getting particles and bubbles trapped underneath. For my last device I had the Verizon CSR do it in the store. Any tips, ideas, secrets that have worked for you?

I use the shower trick. Run hot water and get the room steamy. It helps weigh down the dirt and dust particles...i have done this in the past. I dont know..small amount of steamy air and electronics usually dont mix...but it is just for a moment to get the film on the screen.
In general, even with careful cleaning, screen protectors look like they're difficult to apply without getting particles and bubbles trapped underneath. For my last device I had the Verizon CSR do it in the store. Any tips, ideas, secrets that have worked for you?

do it very carefully
Ah, good link.

Take a look aaaat their picture of the camera.

The piece of glass that stretches all the way from side to side of the white metallic ring is not the lens, but is instead a protective glass cover/shield. The lens itself is the hemispherical glass in the very center, appearing sunken into the camera assembly.

But the comments about the glass shield either being recessed or protruding slightly are looking to be correct.

Which begs the question, if you scratch/crack that protective glass cover, is it easily replaceable? iirc the nexus protective cover was attached to the backplate.
Can i just say that this phone really is incredible!!! the back of the phone did feel kind of cheap/plastic but after all it is well... plastic....

Here are some pics that i just took of it.....

as you can see the camera lens Does stick out from the back of the phone, the ear piece grill is actually flush with the display - i thought it was recessed,


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Ok, I have been reading some thing about batteries here, and I want to merely state a few facts.

-Trickle charging is not what you people are referring to. If I have a batter made to accept a charge at 10 volts, trickle charging is putting a 2 (or any number less than 10) on it, and getting a smaller current flow. Lithium batteries CAN NOT do this. It ruins the batteries. The ones in your phone will accept a charging voltage at about 5V (USB spec). When you say trickle charge, you mean charge at less than 1 ampere (USB spec is 500mA). There is never any reason for you to charge your battery at anything other than 5V +/- 5% or so. All chargers and USB ports do this. Although in an emergency you can use something else (I have seen a 9V used in emergency b/c current flow is a more important thing no to exceed), it is not advisable nor logical to do that for everyday charging.

-Batteries live longer with a slower charge and moderate discharge rate. Although 1A may be within the appropriate tolerances of your battery (it is what your chargers are set as their max), a 500mA charge if you have the time may be healthier in the long run. Note these are all maximum currents. Depending on the resistance of your charing circuitry and battery, you may be getting less current. The circuit just trips at the max. The voltage is the invariable specification on chargers (except exotic ones that you will probably never use to charge a phone).

-When charging, your battery goes up to out 4.20V per cell. It almost guearenteed has a built in circuit to stop charging at 4.30 V/cell, as that is the border of unsafe. The time you spend at 4.20V/cell should be minimized.

-Lithium ion batteries require no break in or anything of that sort. The first charge is as effective as the 30th, and that is it. That being said, a complete charge and discharge will calibrate the digital charge estimator, and your battery does auto shutoff when the charge is too low (it prevents itself from dropping to "OMG my batter no longer holds a charge after that last discharge" level), so make your own call. Perhaps no more than once a month? I usually do it if I notice the battery indicator is too off, as it getting 3 hours off a charge after it says 10% remaining. I also do it when I first get the battery...I play with it, full charge, full discharge, full charge, possibly another full discharge if it happens (if not, it is probably still calibrated), and that is it.

-Lastly, a point on how a battery charges. It goes up to about 70% charge, and then tops off as the current drops down to about 10% of the initial current. Fast chargers only go up to 70%. The last part, the topping current, takes about 2x the time the first part does.

Hope that clears something up,
So what forum are you posting all the issues you've found with the iPhone that your also considering?

My other line is currently an iPhone 3gs but the contract is done on 5/3/10 so the incredible is the perfect upgrade for me.

I love the iPhone but i think its way over-hyped and really its kind of Old now....
That's not half bad. Divide by 8 for KiloBytes per second, so you get...

Down: 104.1875 KB/s
Up: 13.2875 KB/s

In other words, plenty fast for the average web-page, and about a quarter of the average speeds you'd seen on the Standard tier of, say, Time Warner Cable's Road Runner.

Well i can also say that i tried a couple pages loading next to my iphone and i cant say the iphone was any faster from my experience.....
If you're using a task killer to kill off the occasionally misbehaving app - fine. That's how I use ATM and then I kill off ATM.

If you're trying to micromanage your phone's memory by auto-killing apps or obsessively running a task killer and killing off apps in order to free up memory, you're wasting your time. Let the OS do it's job and manage this for you.

We're not dealing with MSDOS here. You don't need to deal with HIMEM.SYS, EMM386.EXE and finding that last bit of extra memory for that TSR.
Indeed. I completely agree. No need to be obsessive about it - just for the ones that hang or are actual system resource hogs. :cool:
Well i can also say that i tried a couple pages loading next to my iphone and i cant say the iphone was any faster from my experience.....
The difference in network speeds - AT&T faster than Verizon - is probably balanced out by the processor speeds in the phones - Incredible faster than the iPhone.
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