i've read through many of the ICS threads and posts and i STILL cannot understand what ICS does that's spozed to be so great. can someone please tell me what it's supposed to do that's so supercalifragilistic expialidocious??
and now that it's here, the general consensus is, that to get the phone to operate smoothly after updating, that a factory reset is recommended. seriously? i spent months tweaking the phone to get it exactly how i want it, and now in order for the performance to operate correctly after the update, i have to reset it? re-loading apps is only a PITA, but i'm not interested in losing & all my saved personal data - photos, texts, notes, calendars, appointment reminders, etc. Nor am i interested in going through some whole process to save them elsewhere and transfer them all back to the phone. this is bullshit.
For me the entire point of these fancy high-tech smartphones is ease-of-use, and technical superiority - "set it and forget it" - so the user doesn't have to mess with them. Phone AND all updates should work seamlessly and smoothly, without the user having to go through this with every update.