Yes with the hard break-in method the theory is that the first 20 miles or so are the most important miles put on your bike period. It's a really interesting read. I got a hold of it when it was really controversial, people were waging huge wars on motorcycle sights over the legitimacy of this process. Since then I think the mood has cooled, and it's a lot more acceptable than it was back when it first appeared. But there are certainly still those who would never dream of doing a hard break-in for fear that it harms the engine.
But read all of it, I think once you understand everything he's saying in that article you will more than likely be intrigued by his theories. I certainly was, and it really just made sense after I read it. Because ask yourself this, have you ever wondered how racers break their bikes in? Do you think they ride it around town for a few weeks nice and easy until they have 1000 miles on them, then take them to the track and race them?
You've probably never put much thought into it. But the answer is, racers break their engines in hard, not soft. They know for maximum power you have to make a good seal. But it's that good seal that also prolongs your motors life. So it's the best of both worlds... better seal means more power + longer life. It's a win/win situation. Charlie Sheen would definately approve.
I'm not saying if you do the factory recommended break-in your bike will run like crap. I'm just sharing my success, because my bike has loads more power than all of my buddies on ZX-10's and I haven't done any motor work to it at all. The only engine mods are an Akropovic EVO 1 full titanium exhaust, BMC air filter, velocity stacks, and a Power Commander III. All of which are fairly run-of-the-mill mods around here anyway.
So I pretty much credit the hard break-in for the longevity of my bikes engine both in terms of how much power it has, and the fact that in 45,000+ miles I've not had a single failure... nothing has gone wrong with this bike besides wearing out break pads, tires and sprockets. Yes sprockets! I know that sounds strange, and trust me I've never run across anyone who's been through more rear sprockets than I have. I've tried everything, from changing chains (3 times now), to running harder and harder sprockets (first tried the hardened aluminum, then steel, then titanium), but no matter what I try, my bike eats through the rear sprocket in approximately 6000 miles. I've had 7 rear sprockets on my bike and my bike has toasted all of them.
My mechanic assures me that everything is lined up perfectly. Yes I lube my chain regularly. Yes I use the correct size chain/sprocket combo (the bike came with a 525 chain/sprocket combo, I replaced it with a 520 combo... 3 sprockets later I decided to go back up to 525. When it ate through that sprocket I went up to 530. Two sprockets later I went back down to 525 and just accepted that my bike likes to eat rear sprockets). He said the only explanation he could give me is that the engine torque must be a lot stronger than they are designed to handle. Meaning my hard break-in gave my bike so much power, it's over torquing my rear sprocket.
That and he said I put way more miles on my bike than most people he knows. Which is why he hasn't seen more people who go through rear sprockets like I do.