Proof? How about the centuries worth of generations that existed just fine without these abilities.
How to find out what teens were doing? How about ask them. If you raise your child properly, and teach them virtues such as honesty, and the importance of it, you'd be surprised how inlcined your child will be to be honest with you. If your child is not honest with you, or hides what they are doing, it is a failure on the parents end, a good parent has no need for this kind of technology, and furthermore, this technology would only serve to further alienate the child from their parent, which is a bad thing.
dude, i've read a lot of your posts, never really had a complaint. but the idea that if there is EVER a trust issue between a parent and child, then the parent has fouled it up is nonsense.
i had a great mother, who worked hard, taught values of family and honesty. taught hard work by doing it. left said difficult job time and time again, just to return me to school. paid for damage i did while in fights, hospital bills dentistry, cooked, cleaned.
But NEVER until i was grown and out of the house did i ever give her a reason to trust me. i was a hothead, to the point of being irrational. irresponsible selfish. NEVER to blame for anything, and walked all over her.
when i look back, i just facepalm at the stupid shit i said and did. She wasn't a perfect person, but that doesn't exist. she was a freakin amazing mom though.
and if any of you would like to quip about the fact that i survived (without gps) to see the error of my ways, don't bother. there's enough about me that members of a forum will never know which would convince you, if you did, that was only by pure chance. i got lucky.
if she had gps to track me, it would have taken much less of her valuable time to seek me out and remove me from harms way and lost less money from her hourly job, all with the piece of mind that she KNEW i was in school.
even if there were such a thing as a perfect parent, not everyone would be. and some of them can use a little tech-help. if we're not using it to be better parents, than what's the freakin point? so you can find something without looking at a paper freaking map? you didn't need one of those gps's a short time ago to get to an amusement park either but you use one now don't you?