Android Enthusiast
Listing the many ways a child can circumvent your attempts to monitor them is not the question. Of course as we all know there are many ways to circumvent the laws of the land for adults. Does that mean there should be no laws? does it mean there should be anarchy leaving only the assumption that if these grownups were raised right the laws and prisons would not be necessary?
Just the discussion with one's child about the use of gps, and the phone in general will tell you a great bit about your child's activities in a peripheral way. the loudest voice of opposition has something to hide.
the grandstanding on "good parenting" skills ignores the original question: Is it useful? is it ethical? My answer is Yes, and Yes. And I'll choose not to defend my quality or lack of it as a parent, and refer to my own good judgement on that matter. No one else is required or welcome to criticize my quality as a parent.
And for all you "Perfect Parents" you should adopt, because the rest of us have our hands full trying to be as "Perfect" as you are. There are a great many orphans who could benefit from your "Perfection" and all your "Perfectness" and deserve as "Perfect" a life as you have had and shown your "Perfect" children...lmao
Just the discussion with one's child about the use of gps, and the phone in general will tell you a great bit about your child's activities in a peripheral way. the loudest voice of opposition has something to hide.
the grandstanding on "good parenting" skills ignores the original question: Is it useful? is it ethical? My answer is Yes, and Yes. And I'll choose not to defend my quality or lack of it as a parent, and refer to my own good judgement on that matter. No one else is required or welcome to criticize my quality as a parent.
And for all you "Perfect Parents" you should adopt, because the rest of us have our hands full trying to be as "Perfect" as you are. There are a great many orphans who could benefit from your "Perfection" and all your "Perfectness" and deserve as "Perfect" a life as you have had and shown your "Perfect" children...lmao