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Optimus V super battery life with newest green power

Um, is there a point to this? I found that the real secret to my battery lasting it turning off 3G when I don't need it. This may be expecially true when I'm at home, as I have very poor cell service where I live (from all carriers). When I learned about turning fof 3G the difference was fantastic, even when I leave WiFi on all day. Also, I think it would probably help to turn off WiFi when it is unavailable.
Um, is there a point to this? I found that the real secret to my battery lasting it turning off 3G when I don't need it. This may be expecially true when I'm at home, as I have very poor cell service where I live (from all carriers). When I learned about turning fof 3G the difference was fantastic, even when I leave WiFi on all day. Also, I think it would probably help to turn off WiFi when it is unavailable.

Green Power automatically regulates Wifi, 3G and Bluetooth when the screen is turned off, there is also settings you can adjust to leave wifi on for a certain period of time if you are running a streaming application (pandora for example.) The newest version of it REALLY improved my battery performance.
I got 32 hours off charge before my battery went below 20%(lite to moderate usage). Harmonia 1.3 and Juice Defender Beta(set on aggressive)EDIT: I turned off sync,GPS,Data network,Leave WiFi on except in car(data network on,WiFi off). Turned off every app that was not needed with App Manager. Before sleeping I turn Airplane mode on.
I just tried Green Power. Doesn't work for me since I use Groove IP. Without a data connection Groove IP turns off, and I receive no phone calls. I manually switch to airplane mode and turn on Wifi when I get home (no signal), it seems to be enough to give me good battery (3 days). I was just hoping to automate it, but everything I've tried just drains battery faster or messes up connections.
I just tried Green Power. Doesn't work for me since I use Groove IP. Without a data connection Groove IP turns off, and I receive no phone calls. I manually switch to airplane mode and turn on Wifi when I get home (no signal), it seems to be enough to give me good battery (3 days). I was just hoping to automate it, but everything I've tried just drains battery faster or messes up connections.

How is Groove IP working out for you with your Optimus V? I haven't activated my Optimus V yet, so I'm glad I found out about Groove IP. Since I hardly make or receive calls (I don't think I use 200 minutes in 3 months), Groove IP sounds like a good thing for me. Is it complicated to make outgoing calls? This is my first smart phone, and I never felt dumber! So much to learn for this "Baby Boomer". Another post online said you need to be signed up with Google Voice before getting Groove IP. Is that right? Sorry to ask so many questions!

It's very simple. You need Google Voice and a GV#. That's it, just install GrooveIP and follow the instructions. Forward GV to Google Chat (not phone). Works perfect in Wifi, not bad at all on good 3G.

How is Groove IP working out for you with your Optimus V? I haven't activated my Optimus V yet, so I'm glad I found out about Groove IP. Since I hardly make or receive calls (I don't think I use 200 minutes in 3 months), Groove IP sounds like a good thing for me. Is it complicated to make outgoing calls? This is my first smart phone, and I never felt dumber! So much to learn for this "Baby Boomer". Another post online said you need to be signed up with Google Voice before getting Groove IP. Is that right? Sorry to ask so many questions!

Um, is there a point to this? I found that the real secret to my battery lasting it turning off 3G when I don't need it. This may be expecially true when I'm at home, as I have very poor cell service where I live (from all carriers). When I learned about turning fof 3G the difference was fantastic, even when I leave WiFi on all day. Also, I think it would probably help to turn off WiFi when it is unavailable.

Um is there a point to you being a douche? No offense but you don't need to sound like a smartass. I am glad he posted this, because I just installed green power and it seems awesome. People like you make the forums seem hostile and will make other new users not want to post a question because they will get flamed from assholes.

To OP:
Thanks for the info, I am glad you showed us the chart.
Um is there a point to you being a douche? No offense but you don't need to sound like a smartass. I am glad he posted this, because I just installed green power and it seems awesome. People like you make the forums seem hostile and will make other new users not want to post a question because they will get flamed from assholes.

To OP:
Thanks for the info, I am glad you showed us the chart.

No problem, people can be jerks.
Whats the best settings for keeping pandora in mind? Just turn the whole thing off?

There are two settings that address background streaming issues.

1. There is a KB/s threshold that you can set for background data applications that will turn wifi off once it's dipped below the setting.

And... as a continuation of 1

2. You can set how long after the dip you want wifi to turn off (and use 3G instead) if you set a high value (5 minutes) you can avoid interruptions to playback.

(FYI 3G uses less battery power than wifi in standby mode, contrary to popular belief. It's been shown that standby + 3G draws almost the same amp/hours when compared with putting the phone in airplane mode.)
OK, after reading this thread(really reading it this time), I am inclined to try this app. Thanks for all the useful information. If your getting that kind of battery off charge time on the stock ROM, I can't help but give it a try.
There are two settings that address background streaming issues.

1. There is a KB/s threshold that you can set for background data applications that will turn wifi off once it's dipped below the setting.

And... as a continuation of 1

2. You can set how long after the dip you want wifi to turn off (and use 3G instead) if you set a high value (5 minutes) you can avoid interruptions to playback.

(FYI 3G uses less battery power than wifi in standby mode, contrary to popular belief. It's been shown that standby + 3G draws almost the same amp/hours when compared with putting the phone in airplane mode.)
See the thing is, I saw in the settings where it said I could set a high value and I did, but it didn't help due to the fact that Pandora doesn't fetch data constantly.

What this means is, if Green power catches Pandora when it isn't using data, off goes 3g when I'm in standby.

Another annoyance is that the power percentage in the notification bar is inaccurate (It says 97% but my battery in quick settings is saying 70%.)
So far, with Green Power Free, I'm at 79% battery and have been off charge 12 hours and 18 minutes. Fiddled around and installed some apps, read a PDF file,and, listened to some music for about an hour.
I was curious what settings everyone is using. I was fiddling around with it this weekend and found the results can vary wildly. Not to mention if I set it too strong I won't get certain feeds like Twidroyd. Using Free version currently.

My settings are
Wifi timeout = 30 sec
Traffic Threshold = 100B/s
Traffic Check Duration= 2 min
Day Mode Settings
Wireless on = 1 min
Wireless off= 15 min

Currently I have been off charger 9 hrs and I still have 60% remaining with heavy use, 3 downloads, and 3 phone calls for about 5 min.

What about you?
My settings are :
Wifi timeout = 30 sec
Traffic Threshold = 1kB/s
Traffic Check Duration= 5 min
Day Mode Settings
Wireless on = 1 min
Wireless off= 15 min
(free version)
I'm having trouble with two things: Pandora is supposed to continue streaming music while screen is off but can't using the settings I DID have which were these except I only did a 1 or 2 minute traffic check and a higher threshold.

Also wifi switched on while I was driving past some house that had a good signal and messed with the constant stream of music on pandora and I THINK this app did it because I've never seen that happen.

Overall its a neat app but you will need precise settings to get it to do what you want it to. I 'm not sure if I found the right ones or not...
Um, is there a point to this? I found that the real secret to my battery lasting it turning off 3G when I don't need it. This may be expecially true when I'm at home, as I have very poor cell service where I live (from all carriers). When I learned about turning fof 3G the difference was fantastic, even when I leave WiFi on all day. Also, I think it would probably help to turn off WiFi when it is unavailable.

Exactly! Leaving 3G off and WiFi gives you a huge bump on battery life!
Exactly! Leaving 3G off and WiFi gives you a huge bump on battery life!

No, you're misinformed...The difference between airplane mode standby and standby with 3G turned on is negligible. How ever, there is a huge increase in battery drain during standby with WiFi on, the whole point of Green Power is to automatically manage WiFi when it's not in use (i.e. low data threshold, low signal level, no known wireless networks around etc.)
No, you're misinformed...The difference between airplane mode standby and standby with 3G turned on is negligible. How ever, there is a huge increase in battery drain during standby with WiFi on, the whole point of Green Power is to automatically manage WiFi when it's not in use (i.e. low data threshold, low signal level, no known wireless networks around etc.)
The ROM I have has 4 widgets in the top of the pull pulldown, one of which is WiFi(makes it easier to get to). Since using Green Power Free I have now been 23 hours 21 minutes off charger. 6 hours in airplane mode(I got to sleep sometime),and just left it set to the default to start. 71% battery still left. when ever I have needed to use the WiFi(green power turns it off) I just flicked the pull down and toggled it on real quick like. My point is if I have 23 hours 21 minutes off charger,and still have 71% battery, and green power is turning the WiFi off when not in use by me,then maybe Poizan has a very strong case in there favor.
Um, is there a point to this? I found that the real secret to my battery lasting it turning off 3G when I don't need it. This may be expecially true when I'm at home, as I have very poor cell service where I live (from all carriers). When I learned about turning fof 3G the difference was fantastic, even when I leave WiFi on all day. Also, I think it would probably help to turn off WiFi when it is unavailable.

Sorry, I must've been extra dense when I wrote this. Trying Green Power now. What do you use to tell you the percent battery left in the toolbar?
Um is there a point to you being a douche? No offense but you don't need to sound like a smartass. I am glad he posted this, because I just installed green power and it seems awesome. People like you make the forums seem hostile and will make other new users not want to post a question because they will get flamed from assholes.

Guilty as charged. I really was brain dead when I read the post, skimmed it, and didn't realize that he was talking about a power management app. Definitely should not have posted in such a clueless state. I'm not trying out Green Power, but would like to re-iterate that simply turning off 3G manually when I'm in a WiFi network zone made a HUGE difference in my batter life. I can usually go all day, where before I was swapping batteries in the middle of the day!
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