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Parenting win! Parent shoots kids laptop with a .45 as punishment.

I was a perfect angel as a kid :) I answered, 'Yes Sir and Ma'am' when an adult talked to. I never interrupt when an adult is talking unless I am spoken to and given permission to speak. I was taught to never talked back to an adult. My room is always cleaned. I do well in school. I pray that when I have kids...he/she will be just like me. Think that's possible? lol

They say good behavior skips a generation. ;)

<5 years old is the BEST age

That's what i tell my wife every time she accuses me of acting like a 5 year old. ;)

He's finishing his last semester of college, president of his fraternity, working nights while completing an internship. And he's got a girlfriend. If he's got any spare time I don't think it will be to humor the old man. :D
They say good behavior skips a generation. ;)
Don't curse me Luna!!! That's just MEAN!!! :P

That's what i tell my wife every time she accuses me of acting like a 5 year old. ;)
hahahaha :P

He's finishing his last semester of college, president of his fraternity, working nights while completing an internship. And he's got a girlfriend. If he's got any spare time I don't think it will be to humor the old man. :D

Your son should ALWAYS have time for his daddy :)
He's finishing his last semester of college, president of his fraternity, working nights while completing an internship. And he's got a girlfriend. If he's got any spare time I don't think it will be to humor the old man. :D

More than likely he has already seen the video :)
The father was also upset that he felt his daughter had a flippant attitude towards the hired help. I wonder if he had his daughter apologize to her or maybe even do her job for a day as a way to humble her and to realize what the woman does for a living day in and day out.

I still don't see how the father providing "shock-value-esque" material and being applauded for it is going to teach his daughter not to post "shock-value-esque" material on her facebook page. The disrespect the daughter has for her father and mother is part of what's wrong with her action, but I also think she was trying to act defiant in an attempt to gain acceptance from her peers. A child tends to develop their habits from the adult role model in their life. They don't just decide to show disrespect and act foolish in an attempt to gain acceptance. It's learned from somewhere.
It's learned from somewhere.

Absolutely! From family... and friends... from television... and movies.

In this day and age there are few individual role models any more. Kids tend to learn from sources all around them. And what are some of the more popular TV shows/movies from the last decade or so?

1. Beavis and Butthead (MTV)
2. South Park (Comedy Central)
3. Jacka** (Movie)
4. Girls gone wild (oops! never mind! :D)
5. Jersey Shore (MTV)

:eek: Whatever happened to shows like

1. Leave it to Beaver?
2. Father knows best
3. Courtship of Eddy's Father
4. The Partridge Family
5. Happy Days

Absolutely! From family... and friends... from television... and movies.

In this day and age there are few individual role models any more. Kids tend to learn from sources all around them. And what are some of the more popular TV shows/movies from the last decade or so?

1. Beavis and Butthead (MTV)
2. South Park (Comedy Central)
3. Jacka** (Movie)
4. Girls gone wild (oops! never mind! :D)
5. Jersey Shore (MTV)

I think that Howard Stern was one of the first major media personality to help usher in the whole "Shock-value" shtick. The sad part is that the generation that grew up watching and listening to this type of material are now raising children of their own. I'll admit to having laughed at some of the antics back in the day, but now it's practically everywhere and I feel like I've developed somewhat of an immunity to the whole premise.
There are many families with great parents and great kids and also a kid that's evil. Not merely bad - evil.

It happens. You can theorize all you want, take sides of how families somehow are, how children somehow are, but it's a reality of families than parents merely influence their children - but not all of the time and to the same degree.

After listening to the guy deconstruct the little entitled one's description of her life, the fact that she'd done this before and he tried for a calmer measure in parenting when it happened the last time, I stand by his right to get thru to his kid however he saw fit. He's not some dumb cracker, he's a guy when younger had two jobs, while putting himself through school and being a firefighter - you know - a regular hero. And he seems to have his own business and that housekeeper - sounded like someone with self-respect wanting to work off a debt.

If his violent act of murder of a defenseless laptop with a handgun turns his daughter around, then he was right.

It was his call, he made it, and he knew how it was taking the family conflict to a higher level - he was very clear about it - and he's forcing all of those issues into the open.

I hope he succeeds, his daughter sounds like a piece of work. And if he fails, and I end up having to listen to her entitled butt some day, I won't be blaming the dad, looks to me like he's sparing no expense and pulling no stops so we get another functional member of society instead of another cow.
There are many families with great parents and great kids and also a kid that's evil. Not merely bad - evil.

It happens. You can theorize all you want, take sides of how families somehow are, how children somehow are, but it's a reality of families than parents merely influence their children - but not all of the time and to the same degree.

After listening to the guy deconstruct the little entitled one's description of her life, the fact that she'd done this before and he tried for a calmer measure in parenting when it happened the last time, I stand by his right to get thru to his kid however he saw fit. He's not some dumb cracker, he's a guy when younger had two jobs, while putting himself through school and being a firefighter - you know - a regular hero. And he seems to have his own business and that housekeeper - sounded like someone with self-respect wanting to work off a debt.

If his violent act of murder of a defenseless laptop with a handgun turns his daughter around, then he was right.

It was his call, he made it, and he knew how it was taking the family conflict to a higher level - he was very clear about it - and he's forcing all of those issues into the open.

I hope he succeeds, his daughter sounds like a piece of work. And if he fails, and I end up having to listen to her entitled butt some day, I won't be blaming the dad, looks to me like he's sparing no expense and pulling no stops so we get another functional member of society instead of another cow.

Agreed. There is a reason I agree with what he did as well. Why?

Well, I WAS that kid. It took quite a bit for me to learn my lessons, and I'm still learning them. Shooting a laptop is nothing like being forced to rock bottom. If anything, he was being humane.
If kids came with instruction manuals (and we all read instruction manuals), maybe we'd all be better parents.

I agree with the thoughtful views about not sending wrong messages, but I also hold to the views I've expressed.

I think the best that anyone can do is to parent to their values and craft lessons and responses for each child, each situation - and pray that you're getting it right.

Despite that guy's bluster, I'll bet from the way his voice cracked a few times that if she turned over a leaf, he'd be the first putting a new laptop in her stocking so that she can compete in the modern world. The hints for me came when he was flustered remembering to pump a round for his wife (so the two of them obviously discussed it) and then he was so flustered, he lost track of how many rounds his pistol holds. If you're a shooter, you know that's pretty flustered.

And plus he put it on her facebook page - has anyone checked that? Maybe he was targeting some of her bad influences.

Who knows?
Regardless of right/wrong some of the guys neighbors aren't happy about the video thanks to the media :eek: Neighbors of YouTube dad say he &#39;Opened a can of worms&#39; | www.wsoctv.com

I found this interesting
If there is a bright spot for Jordan's daughter, it appears she has at least one job offer from an ice cream shop in the town of Stanley. The offer was posted on YouTube Friday after Jordan's video went viral.
So she may be able to actually pay him back for everything he wants and it may teach her some accountability as well.
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